Dog Training

Resources and Help for your Furrever Friend

Dog Clip-Art

Services offered for Uncle Imaginary's Dog Training

We offer many different types of training services based on the needs of your dog. If you have a dog that has socializing issues, then a group class may not be the right choice.

Dog's grow in different stages and the best age to begin their training is at 10 weeks of age. During the age of 10 weeks until 6 months, puppies have the tendency to explore their territory. They are finally at the age where they are beginning to understand leadership and submissive behaviors. They are trying to find their place within their surroundings. During the training stages, this will help guide them in the direction to their place and relieve some of the behaviors you may be dealing with in your home due to the puppy being confuzed on where they stand.

After 6 months of age, the puppy will continue to show their instictive behaviors and if training hasn't begun, you may feel stressed out and helpless with everyhing in your home becoming a chew toy. It is never too late to begin the training. You will feel better and once you do, your dog will too.

  1. Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Courses are all priced the same with each of the group courses.

  2. Puppy Group Course: $100 - (6 weeks)
  3. This course is for puppies in the age range from 10 weeks old until 6 months of age. Once they have reached 6 months of age they will go into an adult course.
  4. Puppy Private Course: $200 - (4 weeks)
  5. This course is for puppies who may have socialization or agressive issues and need to work on this behavior before entering a group course.
  6. Adult Group Course: $120 - (8 weeks)
  7. This course is for dogs over 6 months of age and may need a little extra time in training at a slower pace than the puppy course.
  8. Adult Private Course: $300 - (5 weeks)
  9. Typically if an adult dog needs a private course it is usually because the dog does not get along at all with other dogs. This course is recommended if you have any fears with your dog being around other dogs
  10. Fun Trick Training Course: $50 - (4 weeks)
  11. We go through various tricks to teach your furrever friend just for a fun way to socialize and spend time with your dog.
  12. Bootcamp Training: $45/day
  13. This course, you can leave your dog here with us and leave the training to us without you needing to worry about training at all. This is based on a per day basis as some dogs may take longer than others. Once your dog has completed training, we will teach you the ropes.

    Training Course Recommendations
    Collars Leashes
    Martingale (limited slip) collar, nylon choke, gentle leader, prong (pinch) collars are only allowed if your trainer approves it.

    Please do not bring your dog on a harness unless your dog has respieratory issues.
    6 foot or 4 foot nylon, cotton, leather or rope leashes are recomended.

    Please do not bring a retractable leash as it is not permitted in our training courses.
    Treats Yourself
    Please bring SMALL pieces of soft treats that your dog can eat quickly or get a taste of. Your not feeding your dog, so the treats do not need to be of treat size.

    Some ideas are: store bought training treats, dried liver, hotdogs, cheese, carrots, etc.
    Please do not come dressed like you just left the office.

    Dress comfortable wearing items such as jeans, t-shirt and sneakers.

    You will spend the majority of your time on your feet and you will can expect to be around hyperactive dogs. Be ready.