Mel's Cars
"The Conversation"
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Alright, which drag racing story do we put on the web sight.


1) Hood blowing off
2) Breaking rear end
3) Pit babe
4) Rain out at Edgewater
5) Mark and Keith in a gay bar
6) Barracuda towing the 55 
(and some hillbilly remembering it).

Mark it's your call.


With such an array of choices, there truly is no 'wrong' answer, but the hood blowing off at 100+mph was probably the most spectacular.

One that wasn't mentioned that will always leave a warm place in my heart is when we thought Dwayne's new transmission was not hooking up due to it not having enough transmission fluid.
We kept on pouring in more - quart after quart - until it started coming out of the cigarette lighter, carburetors, headers, radiator. 
We damned near drowned ol' Dwayne not knowing that the transmission was just fine, but the axle was broken - something that all the transmission fluid in the world wouldn't have fixed!


Yep, I have to agree, this is at the top. Not only the fluid issue, we pulled the transmission out of the car twice and 3 trips to Maysville, Kentucky
before the broken axle was found.

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