Houston Woods Marathon/ Half Marathon - Results as told by survivor Mel Baute
Submitted - 02/16/97

Ultimate climate shock:
I got in from San Diego at 11:00 p.m. Saturday night ( 80deg. no
humidity).  I know what I'll do, I'll call Mckee, he'll go to Houston
Woods for a nice 13.1 mile training run.  No problem. 
Sunday morning:
6:00 a.m. the alarm goes off. (crap)
7:00 a.m. McKee sneaks up to the house (new muffler on his truck, make
sure you compliment him on it, he likes that), along with Jill (don't
remember her last name, but she has a biggggggg bow in her hair). 
We stop for coffee and a pee.
On to Houston Woods.  It snowed about 2 inches on the way.  Saw a car
wreck and a squirrel committed suicide under my right front tire.
We got to the lodge and they moved the start to the park offices (God
only knows where the hell that is).  Well, we found it after seeing a
pickup truck hit the yahoo bushes.
We now have 3" of snow and the race is postponed until they can get the
salt trucks out.  If they couldn't get them out the race would be
canceled. (their union).
It's 31 degrees, snowing and sloppy.
The marathoners start, all of about 22 or so.  We had to wait another
1/2 hr.
We finally got started.  The roads were a mess.  Ed Hunter and I decided
to make it a training run but it still sucked.
The water in the water stops was brown or was it melted yellow snow,
(this made Gatorade taste good.
Ed made us take a picture (2) in the snow.  
McKee - 2nd  45-49
Jill (with the bigggggg bow) - 1st overall woman
Ed Hunter - 2nd  50-54
Mel Baute - not worth a darn in the 45-49
On the better side:
The eats were good
So much for making racing decisions after drinking on airplanes.

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