LUZANIPR.GIF (7429 bytes)LUZANIPR.GIF (7429 bytes)
..Mas e a tira original ???  . A ELUCIDAÇÃO ?!?   .Palavras são apenas palavras !!!.
.LUZ !!!.


A.A.T.G.       Iluminados serão os menos céticos...


....mas não vai colar com discípulos de São Tomé !     2.000


Linha 4.GIF (9613 bytes)
Salve, SZZ!
"Consegui a resposta do enigma! :-)
A questão foi mesmo uma tradução (muito) ruim.
Abaixo, você poderá ver a mensagem original que recebi com o diálogo.
Segue a tradução:

Cena 1: JON - Alô? Sim, é Jon Arbuckle falando. É da polícia?

                      Você está me dizendo que a vegetação está morrendo?
                            A colheita está arruinada? As pessoas estão caindo pelas ruas?

Cena 2: JON - Bem, sim. Eu fiz isso. Sim, senhor.
             Eu farei isso. Agora mesmo.

Cena 3: JON - Eu preciso colocar meus sapatos de volta...
                    GARFIELD - Isso explica o papel de parede descolado...

Note que apesar disso uma dúvida ainda resta!

Por quê Garfield não sente o cheiro nem parece incomodado com isso?
Respondi a mensagem para o pessoal de lá perguntando isso.
Eles disseram que realmente não podiam explicar, mas que pode se
considerar que é uma tira humorística, e que portanto nem sempre tem lógica. :-)
Não me mandaram a tira original, assim acredito que não o possam fazer
(questões de copyright). De qualquer forma, o mistério acabou". :-)
- 10/12/99
Linha 4.GIF (9613 bytes)

------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 1999 08:00:58 EST
From: Brad
To: [email protected]
Subject: Garfield

Dear Andre:
The original September 12, 1990 GARFIELD strip was written as follows.

Panel 1: JON - Hello. Yes. This is Jon Arbuckle. The Police? You say vegetation
is dying? Crops are ruined? People are dropping in the streets?

Panel 2: JON - Well, yes, I did. Yes, sir. I will.... Right away.

Panel 3:  JON - I have to put my shoes back on.
GARFIELD - That explains the peeling wallpaper.

Obviously, this is not the same as the English translation you provided from the Portuguese version. Quite simply, the translation from the original English into Portuguese was not good.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Sincerely,

Paws, Inc.


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Segue o "dialogo" por e-mail que foi mantido por mim com o pessoal
do site do Garfield, com a intencao de desvendar o misterio:

Primeira mensagem enviada:
From [email protected] Fri Dec 10 15:58:08 1999
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 1999 13:04:46 -0200 (EDT)
From: Andre Santos <[email protected]>
Subject: Please explain! :-)

Hello, Garfield people.

I'm sorry for bothering you with not-commercial and not-legal stuff.
:-) But we here in Brazil are needing a little help to solve a mistery.

Several years ago a brazilian newspaper have published a comic strip
of Garfield, wich apparently wasn't part of a serie of strips, and
nobody - I'm telling nobody - understand. There are a huge number of
people in fan-clubs and newsgroups discussing about it.

Can you - please, please! - ask the creation people or anyone that
can explain what the strip means? I'm sending it to you attached (sorry
for the attach but it's a little one). Note that i have translated back
to english (it was published in portuguese).

I really need a response. :-) Please, look at it and tell me what it


Andre Santos

Resposta recebida:
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 1999 17:45:13 EST
From: Brad Bushell
To: [email protected]

Dear Andre:

Thank you for your email concerning the GARFIELD comic strip
you attached.

It is curious that you indicate people are talking about this strip
and yet you say it was published years ago. By looking at the art
in the strip it is clear this is one of the early comic strips, done years

The gag, as you translate it back into English, does not make sense.
I can only guess that the translation from the original English Jim Davis
did to the Portuguese was done poorly.

I could provide you with the original strip done in English if I knew the
release date (usually printed on the strip). And, I would be very interested
to know which newspaper or publication you took this strip from in Brazil.

Thanks for your interest in GARFIELD.


Paws, Inc.

Minha segunda mensagem:

Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1999 13:28:45 -0200 (EDT)
From: Andre Santos <[email protected]>
To: Brad Bushell
Subject: Re: GARFIELD

Dear Brad,

> It is curious that you indicate people are talking about this strip
> and yet you say it was published years ago. By looking at the art
> in the strip it is clear this is one of the early comic strips, done years
> ago.

I believe it was published in the early 90's. There's even a homepage
about the strip and the mistery! :-) The address:

> I could provide you with the original strip done in English if I knew the
> release date (usually printed on the strip). And, I would be very interested
> to know which newspaper or publication you took this strip from in Brazil.

I don't know the date, but I sent a message to the homepage
maintainer asking him about it. Looking in the strip, I could see that
the strip was made in the 12th day of some month. :-) But in the
Garfield's page you have only the last month of the strips, right? If
you have all of them, I can search for myself. :-)

Thank you very much for your help and interest. :-) When I have the
information about the date I'll send it to you.


Andre Santos
Network Administrator
CentroIn Internet Provider

Terceira mensagem enviada por mim:

Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1999 13:33:34 -0200 (EDT)
From: Andre Santos <[email protected]>
To: Brad Bushell
Subject: Re: GARFIELD

Dear Brad,

Sorry, I almost forget to mention the name of the newspaper. :-) It
was published in "A Folha de Sao Paulo", in the Sao Paulo city.


Andre Santos
Network Administrator
CentroIn Internet Provider

Quarta mensagem enviada por mim:

Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1999 16:56:25 -0200 (EDT)
From: Andre Santos <[email protected]>
To: Brad Bushell
Subject: Re: GARFIELD

Dear Dave,

I have the original scanned strip! :-) The page mantainer just sent
me the strip. Apparently, the date is September 12, 1990. But I'm not
sure, because the date notation is different from your country to mine.

The original strip (in portuguese) is attached to this message. I'm
waiting your responde. Please send me the original (in english) strip if
you can, and (if neccessary) the explanation.

Thank you one more time for your help!


Andre Santos
Network Administrator
CentroIn Internet Provider

Segunda resposta recebida:

Date: Fri, 10 Dec 1999 08:00:58 EST
From: Brad Brushell
To: [email protected]
Subject: Garfield

Dear Andre:

The original September 12, 1990 GARFIELD strip was written
as follows.

Panel 1: JON - Hello. Yes. This is Jon Arbuckle. The Police? You say
vegetation is dying? Crops are ruined? People are dropping
in the streets?

Panel 2 JON - Well, yes, I did. Yes, sir. I will.... Right away.

Panel 3 JON - I have to put my shoes back on.
GARFIELD - That explains the peeling wallpaper.

Obviously, this is not the same as the English translation you provided from
the Portuguese version. Quite simply, the translation from the original
English into Portuguese was not good.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.


Paws, Inc.

Quinta mensagem enviada por mim:

Date: Fri, 10 Dec 1999 13:35:15 -0200 (EDT)
From: Andre Santos <[email protected]>
To: Brad Brushell
Subject: Re: Garfield

Hi, Dave!

> Obviously, this is not the same as the English translation you provided from
> the Portuguese version. Quite simply, the translation from the original
> English into Portuguese was not good.

In fact, it is very poor. :-) The translator simply have turned
several phrases in a "hello? yes...". :-) But one thing remais strange
to me... If the problem was the smell from Jon's feets, why Garfield
don't seems to be unconfortable with it, despite the fact that he is
only a feet away from Jon? :-)

One more time, thank you for your help. But... Could you send me the
original strip? I know I'm asking so much, but... :-)))

I don't know exactly when the strip was published in "A Folha de Sao
Paulo". This newspaper is from other city (I live in Rio de Janeiro).
The guy that starts all this movement about the strip (and live in
Sao Paulo) tells me it was published in early 90's, but he don't know
when. I'm sorry I can't help you directly. But here you can have more
information that I hope helps you:

Internet site of Folha de Sao Paulo:

Telephones and adresses

Publishing: Alameda Barao de Limeira, 425-Campos Eliseos
CEP 01202-900
Sao Paulo
Telephone: +55 11 224-3222
+55 11 223-1644
P.O. Box : 80791 (here we call it "Caixa Postal")

telegraphic address: Folhas 1122930


Main address : [email protected]
Comercial Dept.: [email protected]
Publishing : [email protected]


Andre Santos
Network Administrator
CentroIn Internet Provider

Resposta final de Brad:

Date: Fri, 10 Dec 1999 10:48:37 EST
From: Brad Brushell
To: [email protected]
Subject: Fwd: Garfield


With regard to your comment about the gag in this strip...
I'm afraid I can't explain it. Either you "get it" or you don't.
I think it's possible to over-analyze something like this.



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Mesmo em inglês não parece ter sentido... PRONUNCIAMENTO OFICIAL A.A.T.G. Mesmo em inglês não parece ter sentido...
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????????????????! Voltar Enigma ????????????????!

...Mural I..Mural II.,.Mural III  
the Szz 2.099

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