A J's Encyclopedia of Stamps and Philatelic Links

Religious Themes


  • COROS - Collectors of Religion on Stamps
    "...founded in 1943 by a group of stamp collectors who realized that Religion on Stamps was becoming so large that it required its own study society to keep up with new issues and report details of older ones."
  • Affilated with the APS, ATA and The World Union of St. Gabriel, which is a federation of religious philatelic societies founded in Europe.
  • corosec@sbcglobal
    old: http://www.powernetonline.com/~corosec/coros1.htm
  • [email protected]
  • old?; c.2005: Verna Shackleton, COROS Secretary
    425 N, Linwood Ave, Suite 110, Appleton, WI 54914, USA
    Tel.: (920) 734-2417, 920-734-6711

  • Vatican Philatelic Society
  • VPS' YaHOo! Forum
    Our Society was organized in 1953 and is the oldest in the United States devoted exclusively to the stamps of Vatican City and The Roman States. We invite you to consider joining.

    Contact dcelani@vaticanphilately

    old: http://dcelani.tripod.com/index-VPS.html (still online c.2011 but out-of-date.)
    older form: http://members.tripod.com/~DCelani/index-VPS.html
    Mr. Sal Quinonez
    Membership Chairman
    1 Aldergate, Apt 1002, Riverhead, NY 11901 USA
    or E-mail: [email protected]  

  • Christmas Philatelic Club
    Founded in Harmony, Minnesota in 1969 by Kenneth W. Mackenzie, the CPC is affilated with APS and ATA.
    Feature Article: Christmas Seals by Betsy and Chuck, .us-PA
    CPC c/ 312 Northwood Drive, Lexington, KY 40505-2104 USA
    [email protected]
    old: www.hwcn.org/link/cpc
    Contact: [email protected]

  • Christmas Seal and Charity Stamp Society (CS&CSS) (Alt. URL)
    Contact: Joseph D. Ward, President
    The CS&CSS in Wikipedia.
    Originally hosted by Betsy & Chuck Berry - who deal in related material.
    Old: http://cscss.home.att.net/
    older*: http://members.aol.com/betsychuck/cscss.htm
    See Also: Topical Index : Christmas

    Some Collectors

  • Ted Tokarski, a member of The Guild of St. Gabriel
    Posts The Guild of St Gabriel by Peter Greening

    Religious Philately : In the pleasant hobby of philately, collecting postage stamps with a religious theme began early ...

    The Gabriel movement was commenced in Germany, during the Thirties, by two Franciscan friars, Clemens Anheuser and Gabriel Schmidt, former missionaries in Brazil. Their extensive knowledge of stamps featuring religious subjects led to them linking up with like-minded stamps collectors and founding the Guild of St. Gabriel. In 1953, under the leadership of the Austrian Guild, an umbrella organisation for the whole movement was founded in Salzburg. Titled 'The World Union of St. Gabriel' its objective is to keep the various National Guilds in touch with each other. This is accomplished by the exchange of their Bulletins, and the World Union Congress held every four years. ..."

    The British Guild

    The foundation of the Gabriel Guild in the British Isles was laid in Dublin in 1950, and in 1954 a group of enthusiastic collectors founded a Gabriel Guild in this country (Britain), originally called "The Guild of St. Gabriel (Great Britain and Ireland)" but later changed to "The Guild of St. Gabriel (Faith and Philately)" and now known as "The Guild of St. Gabriel (Religion on Stamps)". From those enthusiastic days the Guild has expanded and, like other societies, contracted. At present it has about 100 members resident in the UK and Ireland, with some overseas members living in the U.S.A., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and in Europe. Our Guild is part of the World Union of St. Gabriel and is inter-denominational. ...

    Contact the Secretary:
    Mr. P.J. Greening
    230 Powder Mill Lane
    Twickenham TW2 6EJ
    United Kingdom
    E-mail: [email protected]; "no account" c.2008

    (note: Ted is a stamp trader and has a want list here... aj; oops url '404' c.2008
    Factoid of the Eons:
    Gabriel the Archangel
    (From the Catholic Community Forum's Patron Saints Index)
  • Died : Hasn't
  • Name Meaning : God is my strength; God is mighty; man of God; the strength of God
  • Nationality : Heaven
  • Patronage : Argentinian ambassadors, broadcasters, communications workers, diplomats, messengers, philatelists, post offices, postal services, postal workers, radio workers, stamp collectors, telecommunications workers, telegraphs, telephones, television, television workers

  • Edward Victor's Judaica Philatelic Resources
    The purpose of this web site is to present, for educational purposes, certain philatelic materials which I have accumulated over a period of years. Initially, this website will host a collection of picture postcards and other philatelic materials depicting synagogues from around the world. Most of these cards date from the early 20th Century and depict synagogues which were destroyed during World War II. Subsequently, it is intended that this site will also host philatelic materials pertaining to the Holocaust, including concentration camp and ghetto correspondence and documents.
    Your comments, suggestions and contributions would be appreciated greatly.
    Send E-mail: [email protected]  
  • Mike (and Murray) Frost -
  • J-Stamps, E-mail
    "Featuring the writings of Jewish historian and philatelist Dr. Murray Frost.." (deceased) - � 2001, Estate of Murray Frost, author 1991-2000 of the "Judaica Philately" column in The Global Stamp News.

  • Philately and The Holy Right Hand of Saint Stephen I, The First Christian Hungarian King by Francesc Segues i Lacuna
    From "1938-39 the Holy Right Hand, traveled through Hungary and many cities cancelled their correspondence with a commemorative postmark."
    Holyland Philatelic Society
    21 High Meadows, Chigwell, Essex IG7 5JY, England

  • Edward Purkey, CPC #888 Email Link Only!
    A United Methodist pastor in the US Pacific Northwest, he collects Christmas philately from all countries, but primarily mint never-hinged American and Austrian stamps. He also collects "Silent Night" Oberndorf bei Salzburg cancellations. Ed collects primarily for the fun and aesthetic beauty of Christmas stamps. Currently, he is the Christmas Philatelic Club's membership chairman.

  • Donne Puckle, CPC #230 Email Link only!
    An Episcopal priest serving two small congregations on a part time basis in southeastern Arizona. Donne also works as a counselor in the Single Parent Program at Cochise Community College. Donne is married and has two children attending Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff.
    Donne has been collecting Christmas stamps for a very long time. .. He, now, focuses on the 1969 US Christmas stamp and has done a comprehensive study on this issue. The study is now over 120 pages long. Donne is looking to correspond with other collectors who are interested in this issue or have FDCs of this issue to sell. In particular, he is looking for FDCs of this issue that are autographed by those men who produced the stamp: engravers, modelers, designers and the Postmaster General of the time. He would like to correspond with collectors in all those areas. He is also looking for local precancels and additional information about them. Information on how to obtain his study of the Winter Sunday in Norway Maine issue is available on the Christmas Philatelic Club Resources page. While collecting the Christmas issues, Donne has made a point of collecting information about the stamps. Eventually, he hopes to computerize his "catalogue" of information.

  • Frank Pieper, CPC #1051 Email Link only!
    Frank has been a Lutheran pastor for 39 years and retired in July of 1997.
    His collecting interests include Religion on U.S. stamps, used U.S. stamps and Christmas stamps (esp. U.S., Canada and Great Britain). Frank also collects Germany, Martin Luther and U.S. Presidents and U.S. stamps with a state connection. Frank belongs to APS, ATA, COROS and the Christmas Philatelic Club.

  • Marcel Granger - NO�L (Canadian Xmas issues; oldish and in French)

  • Jerusalemite - An Islamic fourm. Asks the question: Is it permited to use stamps with the image of an idol?

  • Catholic Encyclopedia - over "2,749 articles"
    Including: Church Fathers and Summa Theologica.

    Guide to Early Church Documents

    See Also : Topicals : History

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