inscrit au Hit-Parade de www.philatelistes.net (2008.11.12.0745=4294)
's Encyclopedia of Stamps and Philatelic Links

Specialized Collecting:
Space, Science & Technology



  • Space Topic Study Unit info
    The Space Unit is an organisation of hobbists devoted to the collection and study of covers and stamps issued on space themes. It has a world wide membership and is the largest independent astrophilatelic society in the world.
    (afilated with the APS & ATA)

    Information on membership can be obtained by contacting:
    Carmine Torrisi, Secretary STSU
    P.O.Box 780241
    Maspeth, NY 11378, USA
    old: stargate.1usa.com/stamps  

  • American Air Mail Society
    Additional data.  

  • Astro Space Stamp Society
    Honorable Secretary: Brian Lockyer, @, The ASSS
    21 Exford Close, Weston-super-Mare, Avon, BS23 4RE, UK
    old: http://www.asss.utvinternet.com/

  • Internationaler Aero-Philatelisten Club  

  • Society of Space Philatelists in Switzerland (GWP)  

  • F�d�ration Internationale des Soci�t�s A�rophilat�liques (FISA) (Alt. URL)  

  • Goddard Space Flight Center Stamp Club (club Info) info
    Meets: 11:30 a.m. 2nd Thurs. in GSFC Bldg. 30 - Room 180, Greenbelt
    Dr. Manfred Owe (c.2008) - @-mail 1, @-mail 2; old
    P.O. Box 261, Greenbelt, MD 20768-0261, USA  

  • J.P.L. Stamp Club (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) info
    Meets: 12 Noon on 2nd Tues. at JPL in Pasadena, CA
    Mr James R. Rose - Email
    P. O. Box 771, La Canada, CA 91012-0771, USA

  • Johnson Space Center Stamp Club (TxPA Info Pg.) info
    P.O. Box 58247, Houston, TX 77258-8247
    Meets: 7 p.m. 2nd & 4th Mon.
    Cilroth Recreation Ctr., Clear Lake City (Houston), TX, USA
    Gate 5 - off Space Center Blvd.
    Mr. Richard Gerstle - Email
    132 Hyacinth, Lake Jackson, TX 77566, USA
    Club 'provides cancellations for the various space flights '  

  • Ford Stamp Club
    Meets: 1st Mon.
    in: FMC - P&A Building: Res. and Eng. Center
    R. L. Hyzy
    P. O. Box 2388, Dearborn, MI 48123, USA  

  • Boeing Employees Stamp Club
    Meets: 6 p.m. 2nd Wed. in Boeing Recreation Activities Center
    22649 83rd Ave. S., Kent, WA, USA
    Mr. Bruce E. Landry - Email
    12212 Marine View Dr S.W., Seattle, WA 98146, USA
    William Messecar, Phone: 253-638-9692, Email  

  • McDonnell Douglas Philatelic Club
    Meets: 7 p.m. 1st & 3rd Tues.
    Michael E. Rodgers Seniors Center
    1706 Orange Ave., Huntington Beach, CA 92648, USA
    Mr. Roger K. Alderson - Email
    2984 Rounsevel Terr., Laguna Beach, CA 92651, USA

    --= S P A C E���S T A M P S =--

    � Sergey Okun - designed as a part of " COSMONAUTICS" Encyclopedia (in Russian) by Aleksandr Zheleznyakov
    - old URL was http://stamps.transas.com/ - Sergey wrote to have it updated 4/22/2001
    -but even this ( http://spacestamps.spb.ru/ ) is '404' c.200911

  • Russian Space & Astronomy Stamp Exchange - Oleg Tuchin, Russia  

  • Astrophilately - Pierre Bauduin (sales)
    aka: Wilton Stamp Co., Inc.
    Michael Goldberg - Email 1 , Email 2   

  • Joe Frasketi's Space Covers - Basics of Space Cover Collecting
    Space commemorative event covers are commemorative envelopes that are postmarked on the day a space event occurs. ... Additional space commemorative event covers could be from participating tracking stations, tracking ships, recovery ships, land recovery operation headquarters, etc. ... can also include covers with special cancels, such as for space trek conventions, cancels honoring previous astronauts or space anniversaries, etc. So there are all types of event covers in existence. ...

    The Grand Turk Island Connection With The Mercury/Glenn Flight - by Joe Frasketi Jr.

    "I was located on Grand Turk Island, in the West Indies, where the U.S.A. had a Project Mercury tracking station and I was working at the telemetry site operating electronics equipment. There was also a small but well staffed Mercury hospital on the island as astronaut John Glenn would be brought there after orbiting the earth and splashing down in nearby waters. ...

    He's got some background for Space Covers. aj.
  • STS-51L (Challenger) Memorial Home Page - Dr Ross J Smith
    Dedicated to the seven brave men and women who died in the STS-51L tragedy. They slipped the surly bonds of Earth to touch the face of God.
    - List of STS-51L Covers
    - Challenger Disaster Links

  • Meteorite Stamps and Coins
    from Philip R. "Pib" Burns
    "I am always happy to be able to combine two of my hobbies -- in this case, meteorite collecting and stamp collecting. So far I have located only the following stamps commemorating meteorites or meteorite impacts. If you know of any others, please let me know. " (he also features some Roman coins depicting a metorite: the sacred Stone of Emesa. aj. 3/2001

  • ESPACE Lollini - (Alt URL) - E-mail
    - in French & English - They produce a series of catalogs dealing with many aspects of space collecing including stamps, FDC's, Letters etc.. and an 'album' they describe as an 'Encyclopedia'.

    With 'CATAWEB' - an online catalog:
    - featuring searches by date, location or topic
    - covering stamps, FDC's and Event covers

  • Vsevolod V. Pritula, in Russia
    Provides expertization on Space mail (& Europe to 1940).  

  • Walter Michael Hopferwieser, in Austria
    Provides expertization on Space mail.  

  • Buffalo Stamp - E-mail
    Scout & Space Stamp Sales incl. topical lists.

  • 'Exclusiv PhilFund'
    "We are the top specialist around the world in the "space-polarpost" thema.  

  • About.com Stamp Buyer's Guide : Space

  • The Story of my stamps
    I've got at least one decent cover. AJ ;- )




    Alec Bartos is a graphic designer and stamp creator. c.2015




  • A Selective History of Science on Stamps (updated url c.2014)
    (truly scholastic)
    Astronomy and Cosmology
    Instruments and Measurements
    Mathematics and Computation
    Evolution and the Fossil Record
    Heredity and the Genetic Code
    Electromagnetic Theory and Light
    Modern Physics
    Geology and Mapping
    The Nobel Prizes

    Science and Engineering Library
    University at Buffalo
    Buffalo, NY 14260
    Copyright 1997 Maiken Naylor, E-mail- He passed {cf.} a few years ago ;-(
    old: library.buffalo.edu/libraries/units/sel/exhibits/stamps  

  • Scientists on the Stamps of Israel
    Try to guess who's on each stamp, then click on the stamp to see if you're right!  

  • Science on Stamps - S. Sugiyama  


  • Insulators on Postage Stamps - by Jill Meier (& cf.)  

  • Computer Stamps - w/check list - by Heikki Rauhala, .se  

  • Philatelic Computing Study Group (PCSG) (unfortunately it's now defunct - c.2007 ajw)
    Quite frankly, one of the more competent APS sites. aj.

    The PCSG has 500-plus members located in the USA and 21 other countries...

    For more information about the PCSG and an application form, send your postal mailing address.

    E-mail or write to:
    Bob de Violini
    Secretary, PCSG
    P.O. Box 5025
    Oxnard, CA 93031 U.S.A.

    some of this site's contents:
    ·The FIP Philatelic Web Site Evaluation Program
    ·Philatelic resources on CD-ROM discs --
    ·CD-ROM Stamp Catalogs || Stamp Images || Research Studies
    ·Review of the Scott CD-ROM, U.S. Stamp Collector's Database, now on-line!
    ·Stamp Inventory Programs -- Introduction || Windows || DOS || Macintosh
    ·Other Programs -- Page Layout Programs || Stamp Tags || Image Comparison Program
    ·Some Other Sources of Useful Information. UPU countries, Exchange Rates, Country Codes, ...

    old URL: http://www.west.net/~stamps1/pcsg/pcsg.html

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