's Encyclopedia of Stamps & Philatelic Links
- Cachets (Art and Printing on covers) -
See : Dealers Topical Index : Cachets
- See Also : Specialized Collecting : FDC & Event covers
- Campaign(s), Stamp
Robert P. Feynman Stamp Campaign -
c/o Ralph Leighton,
Box 182, Belvedere, CA 94920 USA
'.. a critical step' in an organized effort
to persuade the U.S. Postal Service to issue a postage
stamp to commemorate Richard Feynman.
- See Also: J.E. Slone
- Georgia Lighthouses
- U. S. Postage Stamp Project
>See Also:
- The Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee (USA),
Cite: Entities : USA
- Index Entry : Designers, Stamp
- Cancel or Cancelation
- See: Category
- >See Also:
- Clubs Toipical Index: Cancels
- Index Entries : 'Missing Children..',
Paquebot (ship cancels/marks),
- Cancer
- See : Topicals Dir. : The Arts :
- Including:
- Breast Cancer Research FDC Collection - Mike Smith
- Cars - See: 'Automobile'
- Carriers & Locals
- The Identifier of Carriers, Locals, Fakes... by Larry Lyon
- Book featured by: Park Cities Stamps
(sales: US Carriers & locals)
- See Also:
- Clubs : Carriers & Locals
- Postal Authorities : Local Posts
- Cartography - See : 'Maps'
Catapult Mail - Aksel Maack, .dk
- Censored Mail
- Collectors, and articles: (See Also: Groups)
Greenland WW2 Censors & APO's [EN]
Mr. Per Ronberg, @,
[PWO], .dk
Censored Scout mail (via SOSSI)
Censored Mail [DN, EN] - Steen H�gfeldt,
@, .dk
"Join my efforts to gather all people who collect censored covers."
Censored Mail - Steen H�gfeldt
Australian Censor
Western Australia Study Group - Book Offer/Review:
Western Australia - The Forces, Prisoner of War and Censor Mail
--- by Bruce Haynes, Ph.D., and Brian Pope, M. Phil.
Bahamas Censored mail
Bulgarien WWI censorship
Irish Censorship during WW II
Malta boyscouts and censorship - Slettebo [EN], .no
UN Forces
Oh My Gosh!; several Aden articles regarding censor markings.
>Dealers ...
Assorted censor covers for sale (via Dingus)
Philatelic literature - censorship books - Hartman - PB Books, .us-
Military and Civil Censored Mail WW2
- Allan Roeschmann (sales), .dk
WWII Military and Civil Censored Covers
- Soeren Nellemann (sales) .dk?
Alt./diff. URL: Nellemann's Stamp (Military and Civil Mail from WW2) .dk?
Military Postal History
- incl. censored postal history - /rogerbarton/
- >See Also:
- Mail to the Stars Collectors Society
(Movie Star Mail), OH 43209, USA (E, U)
- Dingus WW Postal History
"I am a private collector [50 yrs.] and am not in business.."
(selling out his P/H, censored mail, revenues)
- Index Entries :
Post Offices: APO's
, War...
Ceramic & Ceramic Materials, The Diversity of - Tom Fortunato
>See Also:
- Index Entry : Insulators
Challenger Disaster Covers / STS-51L Memorial Home Page
- by: Dr. Ross J. Smith, .au
- Cite: Topicals : Space
Note: this page is different than the one referenced in 'Space'
- Charities
- Scott Kitchen (resources)
Cite: Gen. Links: Resources (esp. charity page)
- Oxfam, .ca
- Exclusiv PhilFund - Dr D. Mykhaylitchenko
("space-polarpost" thema; aimed at 'charity')
xRef : Topicals Dir.: Space
- Charity Stamps
- >See Also:
- Index Entries : Advertising, Children, Christmas, Cinderella (below)
- Chess - See: Topicals :
Sports & Games Catetory .
- Including:
- Chess Masters on Stamps, Jewish (Ad: Book by Berkovich & Divinsky)
Cite : Topicals : Sports & Games
>See Also:
Chess on Stamps
Herbert Roeder at [email protected]
- Chess Art Topicals Stamps - Andrea Pavani, .it
- old: topicalstamps.at.edeal.com ('404' c.2011)
- Children
Missing Children Pictorial Stamp Cancellation
"Due to a disk problem on this server, all Web pages at this URL have been lost and restoration from
older copies should restore most of what was here!" - 8/2001
- Christmas -
See: Topicals : Religion on Stamps
- >See Also:
Christmas Seals.org - American Lung Association, USA
Christmas Seals.net -
John Denune, USA
Betsy & Chuck's Christmas Seals & Stamps for Collectors
Xmas seals, stamps, EFO's, Japan & Pennsylvania)
Also hosts the 'Christmas Seal and Charity Stamp Society'
Cite: Topicals : Religion on Stamps :
Danish Christmas Seals - Ann Mette Heindorff
Christmas stamps, 100 years of
and :
Christmas Stamps (diff. page)
Cite: Topicals : Events #
- Clubs : Topics : Holidays : Christmas
- Cinderella Stamps - See: Category, Dealers
(Where) ... interests lie in local stamps, (these include)
telegraph stamps, railway stamps,
revenues, fiscals, forgeries, bogus and
phantom issues, Christmas, Red Cross,
TB and other charity seals, registration
labels, advertisement and exhibition labels
and many other items � all of which are
the so-called Cinderellas of Philately.
The Cinderella Stamp Club, London
- >See Also:
Group for Revenues and Cinderellas - Thorbjorn Wikstrom, .se
Cinderella Stamp Club (CSC), of London.
31 Springfield Road, Bury St., Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 3AR, UK
- Fabio Vaccarezza, @, .it
- Responsible for the Locals of the World section
in The Cinderella Philatelist (C.P.), the magazine which,
since 1961, is distributed world wide to all members of the CSC.
- Cinderella Stamp Club of Australia
P.O. Box 889, Chatswood, NSW 2057
- Postal Label Study Group,
- Postal labels as used in the processing of the mails
- including: Airmail labels, Registration labels, Express labels,
- Priority labels, Certified mail labels, Insurance labels,
- Official Seals, Parcel post labels and Mail Routing labels.
- Society of Cinderella Collectors
Sorgardsvagen 19, S-191 44 Sollentuna, Sweden
Deutsche Privatpost [GR], .de
Chemnitz: WVD - Postservi, .de
Holzminden: Weserbote, .de
Leipzig: City - Post, .de
Hawai'i Post - Paul Edney - delivery service issueing stamps
- P O Box 8735, Honolulu, Hawaii 96830, USA
- Fax: (808)-922-2343; must be 'unblocked'; dial *82 first
- Cite: Dealers : .us-HI
- Postal Authorities : Local Posts
- Index Entries :
Rags to Riches; The neglected world of Cinderella Philately, Paul Chesham
- Connecticut Cinderellas (sic),
Cindstamp.com - C. Stetson Thomas (ww Cinderellas) .us-
- Coelacanth Stamps (Old 'Four Legs')
- Cite : Topicals : Fauna :
Cite : Topicals : Fauna :
>See Also:
- Index Entry : Dinosaurs
- Coins / Coinage
- a Coin Dealers Directory,
.uk (Menu)
Metals used in Coins and Medals
- by Tony Clayton, @, .UK
Also has three related series:
Coins of the UK since the Norman Conquest
Decimal Coins of the UK
Values of UK Coins, a series which includes reasonably up-to-date values and the facility
to download the value information in the form of CSV files that can be loaded into any
suitable database or spreadsheet program. Do have a look!
And catalogs:
GB Machins, Postage Dues, QEII, GB Regionals
Coins on Stamps - Marcel Zumstein
>See Also: 'Encased Postage'
- Composer Biographies (classical music) {non philatelic}
- Cite: Topicals : Music : See Also
- Computers / Computing
- Philatelic Computing Study Group (PCSG),
CA 93031, USA
- Concorde, The
- Concorde Briefmarkensammlung
(Concorde covers & stamps) .de
Cite: Topical: Transports: By Air
- Concorde Study Circle
6 Urlwin Walk, Myatts Fields South, London, SW9 6QG, England
- Confederate Stamps & Postal History
- Blue And Gray Stamp Club,
PA 17325, USA
>See Also:
- Entities Index : USA
- Entities : USA
- Copyright [©] (protecting your interests)
US Copyright Office
>Other © resources :
- Topicals : The Arts : Literature :
See Also
- Our ©
- "COSMONAUTICS" Encyclopedia - Aleksandr Zheleznyakov
- See : Sergey Okun's -= S P A C E���S T A M P S =-
Cite: Topicals Dir.: Space
'Designed as a part of "COSMONAUTICS" Encyclopedia
- Covers (
Postal History,
Maxi's ...)
Table of Contents
© AJ Ward
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