Encyclopedia of Stamps and Philatelic Links
The Environment and Nature
Biology Unit (of the ATA)
Publication: Biophilately (Quarterly)
c.2001-2011: c/ Christopher Dahle,
1401 Linmar Dr NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402-3724, USA
or (c.2005): Carl H. Spitzer Jr.,
610 N. Bedford Dr., Tucson, AZ 85710-2620, USA
Covering "Animal and plant life, present and prehistoric."
Biology on stamps, biostamps@mail.ru (Mostly in Russian & English)
Multilanguage site about biology and paleontology (cf.) related stamps.
(some areas are incomplete but a good work none-the-less c.2012)
ArGe Landwirtschaft-Weinbau- Forstwirtschaft e.V.
(Motivgruppe en DBPh = 'Forestry & Land Management')
Treffen (meetings): Werden {would/will} in den Rundbriefen {circular} veröffentlicht {publish data}
Kontakt: Herrn Horst Kaczmarczyk,
Mallack 29 d
D-42281 Wuppertal, Germany
Tel./Fax: +49 (0)202-5288789
(flowers and plants - and mushrooms)
Orchid Stamp Club International (Alt URL w/application)
P.O Box A495, Sydney South, NSW 2000, Australia
Tel.: (02) 9525 7215,
over 200 members world wide. (c.2005)
Hon. Secretary: Mrs. Myra @ (& Mr. Ian @) Chalmers
25 Turriell Point Rd, Lilli Pilli, N.S.W. 2229, Australia
U.S. Contact: Ron Hanko
317 North Park St., Linden, Washington 98264, USA
Old: www.ozemail.com.au/~cattleya/tosci.html ('404' c.2009)
older: members.ozemail.com.au/~cattleya/tosci.html
An Introduction to Orchid Stamps
by Nina Rach, @-Mail
Houston, Texas (Edited 11 November 2009, Edited 6 January 2010)
Grape and Wine Stamps, by Sarah Perell-Minetti
"Welcome to your resource for viticulture on stamps, plus beautifully crafted wine racks made in the state of Vermont."
(See Also: Topicals-on-Stamps; her resource site)
(& the YaHOo! Group : topicalsonstamps)
Australian Flora Stamps
Now called (c.2011): Australian Plants on Postage Stamps
Carnivorous Plants on Stamps - Richard Ellis
http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Vines/8564/stamps/ '404' c.200910
Mushroom Stamps : 1958 - 1990
Publication: The Puffball c.1993:
("Newsletter of the Willamette Valley Mushroom Society")
"... The first mushroom stamps were issued by Romania in July of 1958.
These were followed by another set in October of the same year by
Czechoslovakia. According to the statistics that I have now (which
will change somewhat, but not much) there was another set issued in
1959, no sets in 1960, one in 1961, none again until 1964 when
there were two issued. This relatively sparse pattern continued on
until the mid-1980's when there were no fewer than 10 sets of
stamps issued each year between the years of 1984 and 1989
inclusively. The peak was 1985, with 18 different sets issued. .."
(this is an extensive list but seems not updated past 1991
Would you like to add to it? - Write aj)
Pages maintaind by John Dhabolt - gabbo@dhabolt.mv.com, dhabolt@natural.com
American Topical Association (ATA) - August '98 Feature :
Mushrooms on Stamps
old: home.prcn.org/~pauld/ata/features/aug98.htm '409'
Note: they do provide a checklist : Mushrooms (53 pp., Jan 07)
See Also:
An Ancient Bristlecone Pine
- The Earth's oldest living inhabitant, "Methuselah", still alive at 4,767+ years old!
Fauna (Animals)
Zoology: Animals on Postage Stamps from Philately.com
The family of animals are classified by phyla. There are 30 phyla which vary enormously by size. The phyla that are represented on postage stamps have links that can be clicked to find more detail.
philately.com/philately/animal_phylum.htm '404' c.2011
Endangered Species Stamps - Linda Alfin,
Cryptozoology and Philately - Philip R. "Pib" Burns
Birds and Fowl
- National (U.S.A.) Duck Stamp Collectors Society
- Ms. June Berwald, @
- 1821 Zanzibar Lane N.
- Plymouth, MN 55447-2850, USA
- phone: (763) 473-0455
- Michael Jaffe, Duck Stamp Specialist
- Sam Houston Philatelics, Inc.
- Bob Dumaine (& Eric Jay Dolin) wrote the book...
- old: http://www.SamHoustonDuck.com ('404' c.2009)
- T. H. Richardson Duck Stamps
- 26 Vermillion Cir.
- Chico, CA 95928-4163, USA
- phone: 916-489-7515, @
- U.S. Federal and State, International, and Junior duck stamps
- from National Wildlife Philatelics
- - Feature story:
The Junior Duck Stamp Story
- Federal Duck Stamp Office (USA)
- (of the US Fish and Wildlife Service)
- See Also : Index : Ducks
- Kingfishers on Stamps
by Keith Grantham
- There are 86 species of kingfisher distributed throughout the
world and many sub species. Kingfishers occur on every continent except
the Arctic and the Antarctic.
- Theme Birds on Stamps
by Kjell Scharning
- Another popular site.
- Birds of the World on Postage Stamps
- by Chris Gibbins
- Includes, for example:
Presentation of small bird images on Moldova Europa issues
- Birds - Ornithological Listing
- Victor Ng Thow Hing, Ontario, Canada
- Yahoo Groups:
Birds On Stamps
- Talk the night away..
Bisons & Bulls
Bisons on Stamps, bison-stamps@yandex.ru (in Russian or crude (but understandable) English c.2012)
- "This site represents the Catalogue of stamps and other philatelic materials on the "Bisons" theme."
- Cats on Stamps
Nancy Ladd
does cat FDC cachets too)
- P.O. Box 137, Jacksonville, IL 62651, USA
- formerly: http://www.csj.net/~ciwec/laddstamps/
- Carlson Stamps & Coins
- Offers: "Free Cat Stamp Story + Price List of 500+ Cat Stamps.
- SASE Please! - Cat Coins Available Also" :
- John Carlson
- 15 W. College Dr. (Box 3)
- Arlington Heights, IL 60004, USA
- Phone: (847) 255-0015, Fax: (847) 255-1605
- stampcentral.com/carlson/ ('404' c.200911)
- Rhea's Domestic Cats Collection - Rhea Melanson
- and her stamps identifier.
- Cite: Glossaries: Rhea
- old: geocities.com/rheamelanson/catstamps.html '404' c.200910
Stamped Out - Prehistoric Life on Stamps, by Ton van Eijden, @, Netherlands (c.2009)
- Coelacanth Stamps
- 'Old Four Legs'
- coelacanth@webmail.co.za (c.2000)
- old form: http://members.tripod.com/~Coelastamp/ (still good c.2012)
- Dinosaurs on Stamps - Robert Margulski,
- An index using Scott #'s and listing of Country By Country Issues
- Great! - aj.
- old: http://users.tellurian.com/rmarguls/d-stamps.html & RMargulski@tellurian.net ; url forwards c.2012
- older: http://www.cybercomm.net/~rmarguls/d-stamps.html c.2003
- Fossil Stamp Club (w/chat) -
Mario Alfredo Galan (cf.#1, cf.#2, cf.#3)
- This is a club for people that collect Dinosaurs, Fossils,
Primitive Man and Rock Painting on Stamps.
This club was founded on September 3, 1996.
We trade, share information about new issues and post want lists.
Fossils on Stamps - in Dutch.
- systematically arranged, by Peter van Keulen, van-keulen@home.nl
- See Also: Rocks & Fossils
Paleophilatelie EU, by Michael Kogan (Paleophilatelist)
- "..a focal point between Paleontology and Philately. (Philatelie). c.2011 (cf.)
- admin@paleophilatelie.eu, Delcampe.net store front (sales)
Paleontology - Philatelic Catalogue (online; in English)
- Copyright © 2001-2012 - Nikolay Kozhevnikov
- trex2003@mail.ru
Bone and Stone (good c.201201)
- "This digital philatelic reference uses postal materials to take us back in time to the stone age."
The Illustrated Catalogue of Dinosaur Stamps
- (this one broke my browser! - but the site was there c.2012)
- Mario Alfredo Galan's homepage: Paleontology (cf.)
- trades, (Yahoo Profile),
E-mail, Fax (503) 295 21 30
- "the study of prehistoric life, including organisms' evolution and interactions with each other and their environments" - Wikipedia
- geocities.com/rainforest/andes/2817/paleo05.htm '404' c.2009
In the Past . . .
Dino's and Early Man - from Fran Adams's Homepage
(a fine resource on Philatelic Exhibiting and Judging - aj.)
c.2011 all her URL's except homepage ('Thanks for visiting') are '404'
The Complete(ly Philatelic) T. rex
- The Greatest Tyrant of All Time
- formerly: T-Rex -
- A Single Frame Exhibit of Tyrannosaurus rex
- old: http://members.aol.com/tyrantrex/tyrant.html
- Early Man, "When fossilized bones were found in a cave
in 1856, a violent rejection of the
notion that humans had evolved from primitive forms ensued and disputes
abounded. ..."
Paleontology in Philately
- many good links here including a checklist! (.pdf now)
- formerly: Postal Materials with Paleontological Themes
- old: http://members.aol.com/FranA1/palstamp.html
Teckel Curiosa Club (in Dutch: about Dauschunds c.2011)
Dog Breed Stamps From Around the World
Sales from Chuck and Francie Stull (@)
(many listings, offers gold leaf and framing service; aj)
They note, We "do have other breeds available.
Let me know and maybe I'll do a page for your breed." (looks like 100's; aj 2011)
Offers: Dog stamps, plates, gifts, art... - aj.
old: www.kristull.com/stamps.htm '404' c.2011
American Topical Association (ATA)
September '99 Feature Article (not there c.2007):
Dogs on Stamps
home.prcn.org/~pauld/ata/features/sep99.htm '404'
note: in 2011 they note a check list on dogs: 62 pp., Jan 07.
Ed's Philatelic Page - Ed Dietz -
(webpage no longer there c.2007 - aj)
From : 'Animals In Space On Stamps'; including:
Dogs & animals in space on stamps
Soviet Dogs in Space - including stamps issued to honor them.
More Animals in Space -
Other animals including rats, mice, crickets, snails,
oyster toadfish, and swordtail fish carried aboard the STS-90 Neurolab flight aboard the space shuttle
Columbia launched in April 1998. ...
To: Pchelka (Little Bee) and Mushka (Little Fly)
Also: a U.S. new issues list 1995-
Dogs On Stamps Study Unit,
202A Newport Road
Monroe Twp, NJ, 08831-3920, USA
old: www.dossu.org/ '404' c.2011
All Breed Dog Stamps, @
- by AKC Breed - It's a Frame!
(they sell/sold 'em framed)
Was a good research resource and if you like your stamps framed...
www.allbreed.net/stamps/ '404' c.2011
Doberman Stamps
old: www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/7872/st_dobe.html ('404' c.200910)
Marcel Granger's Dogs of Canada
www.ireseau.com/usagers/marcelg/chien_an.htm ('404' c.2007)
Stamps and motives (subject) of dogs..
home4.inet.tele.dk/falohide/stamps.htm ('404' c.2007)
Marine and Fresh Water Animals
Sea Turtle Postage Stamps of the World
by Nancy B. Linsley (@)
and George H. Balazs (@)
very nice! aj. c.2001, 2011
George is also author of Marine turtle postage stamps of the world.
A World-Wide List of Turtles and Tortoises on Stamps
by Donald (@,
(& Cathy {@}) N. Riemer
and Walter S. Allen
was: http://www.cse.psu.edu/~riemer/turtstmp/
Die Zähne der Schildkröten
von Frank Wißkirchen,
Proesslstrasse 26, 81545 Munchen, Germany
A New German-Language Catalog of Turtle-Related Stamps
by Donald N. Riemer (above)
"A new catalog is now available that deals with all aspects of stamps that are related in any way to turtles, tortoises and terrapins. It was compiled by Dr. Frank Wisskirchen and is titled Die Zahne der Schildkroeten (ISBN 3-00-009036-3). The text is in German but the catalog is so complete and so well illustrated that it will be of use to anyone interested in turtle stamps whether they read German or not. ... "
old: www.turtlestamps.de.vu/ (forwards c.2011)
Turtle Meter Stamps - by Miriam Congedo
http://utenti.tripod.it/turtlemeterstamps/ ('404' c.2007)
A 'Dolphin List' - Marcello Porro
www.geocities.com/SoHo/Museum/5968/delst.htm ('404' c.2007)
Coelacanth On Stamps - 'Old Four Legs' (still there c.2011)
website featured (c.2001) a mailing list,
The Philatelic Frog, Eric Bruth (ATA - #53946-0)
(Alt. URL)
formerly?: Frogs & Toads on stamps (he trades)
http://www.emlnet.com/philatelic/topicals/frogs/index.htm ('404' c.2007)
Frog Stamps, by M. Dorota
PA 18222, USA
Tel.: +1.570 708 8780
Frog Stamps of the World,
Collected by Susumu Ishii (c.2002; ok c.2011)
HorseStamps - Hoofprints' online album of stamps featuring horses. (OK c.2009, '404' c.2011)
"This site has NO SALES or sponsorship. It is purely a catalogue
of a personal collection of stamps featuring horses .."
Hoofprint@HorseStamps.co.uk, note: www.horsestamps.co.uk/ ('404' c.2009)
Mr. Horse, .it
page '404' c.200911: http://www.mrhorse.it/stamps/index.html (but if you like racing...)
Henry Gitner Philatelists, Inc .us-NY
- Butterflies, Bees, and Insects on stamps
A wonderful price list featuring very early cancels,
labels and ads with insect themes as well as stamps.
And a Special Book feature:
_Atlas of Insects on Stamps of the World_
- by Entomologist/Philatelist Dennis Hamel.
"This informative 738 page book is set up primarily as a
check list of insect stamps from the earliest insect stamp in
1891 through 1991. It is divided into three parts.
Part I is an alphabetical detailed listing by country and part
II is an alphabetical listing by scientific names of insects.
Part III includes the common names of insects on stamps.
These main sections are interspersed with illustrations and
remarks about the countries, stamp artists, insect habitats etc.
as well as anecdotal stories. Every "entomo-philatelist" needs
this encyclopedic work!" (about US$40 ; discounted if you buy
over US$200 of other items - aj c.2002)
old: www.hgitner.com/insects.html (forwards c.2011)
Collect Butterflies and Other Insects on Stamps
R.K. Bhootra, .in (E-mail link only)
Collects and trades for: stationery & cancellations on the
Butterfly motif
(from our guestbook/'post-an-ad'-pages 5/2001)
by F. G. A. M Smit (1978)
Insects On Stamps - Valerie Chansigaud
old: http://www.chez.com/entomophila/ (forwards c.2011)
Insects on stamps of the world (Handbook) by Don Wright (1993)
- World Wildlife Fund
Dimiter Popov (
E-mail only)
- Bulgarian dealer of much; advertises
"all WWF issues"
World Wildlife Fund - Henry Gitner Philatelists, Inc.
Robert J. Herman, E-mail
sells a WWF (World Wildlife Fund) album
14064 NE 110th Ave. Rd. Ft. McCoy, FL 32134, USA
Gallo's Stamp Sales (free lists; incl. WWF) .us-PA
: E-mail
Groth AG - Wholesale,
.ch (Switzerland)
WWF stamps/coins, UNICEF coins
"With over one billion stamps printed by the end of October 2009, the WWF Conservation Stamp Collection is the largest thematic collection in the world. Over 1,800 different postally valid WWF stamps have been issued since 1983 in 212 countries."
CH-6314 Unteraegeri
Gewerbestrasse 19.
P.O. Box 167
Phone: +41 41 750 4572
Fax: +41 41 750 5355
e-mail: info@wwfstamp.com
http://www.groth.ch/ ('forwards' c.200911)
Marc Steurs - Retails WWF issues
World Wildlife Fund Stamps -
Jonathan Tung, "All Mint Never Hinged"
PO Box 20064
Hennessy Road Post Office
Wanchai, Hong Kong
Fax: +852 25506772
another dealer; claims
APS status
http://www.hometown.aol.com/tungjonathan ('404' c.2008)
See Also: Dealers Topical Index :
World Animal Net Directory
Natural History Museum - Los Angeles, CA USA
Wildthings.paramount.com - a popular TV show
The Green Pages, .ca: environmental archives
S.P.C.A. - Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Los Angeles, CA USA
The Physical World
Carto-Philatelic Society
Publication: The New Carto-Philatelist
(issued quarterly; first published April 2003)
David E Wolfersberger,
768 Chain Ridge Rd, Saint Louis, MO 63122-3259, USA
Dr. Alf Jordan,
Tel.: (207) 846-9768
156 W. Elm St., Yarmouth, ME 04096-7904, USA
Maps, globes & charts are the theme.
Geology on postage stamps, Grubessi Odino (in Italian)
"Professor of Mineralogy - University "La Sapienza" Rome - Italy
Past Director of Museum of Mineralogy" (c.2012)
Site covers, geology, rocks, minerals, meterorites, fossils, mines, caves ...
Earth's Physical Features Study Unit
Fred Klein,
515 Magdalena Avenue
Los Altos, CA 94022, USA
www.philately.com/philately/earths_physical.htm '404' c.2008
Gems-Minerals-Jewelry Study Unit
Publication: Philagems Internationale (quarterly)
ATA data c.2011:
Gilberte Proteau,
138 rue Lafontaine, Beloeil, QC J3G 2G7, Canada.
Alan Dean, Pres.,
108 Newton Sq, Pointe-Claire, Dorval, QC H9R 1H8, Canada.
(Bob Keller's info page):
P.O. Box 632, Tewksbury, MA 01876, USA
"If you have an interest in rock stamps, the GMJSU would like to send you a complimentary sample issue of their quarterly newsletter, Philagems International. To request a sample issue of PI, send an email message with your snail address to :
George Young, @,
or editor Mary Chandler, @ "
www.philately.com/philately/gems_minerals_su.htm '404' c.2008
Collecting U.S. Rock & Fossil Stamps
Bob Keller's Rock Shop,
See Also: Fossils et al
Minerals in Mercantour National Park (gone)
&: Minerals, Gemstones, Mining and Fossils (gone)
&: Minerals & Gemstones on Stamps (a Geophilately checklist) (gone)
Allan Winrow
, Swindon, .uk
lists include: 'Rocks and Fossils' and 'Mines and Mining'
(had) nice displays - aj.
ds.dial.pipex.com/allan.winrow '404' c.2011
Diamonds on Stamps
by Luc Van Roy, @
See Also: Archaeology
(the study of human society, primarily through the recovery and analysis of the material culture and environmental data - Wikipedia); e.g. human fossils (cf.)
Related (not philatelic): PaleoPlace
(Alt URL)
fossil dealer web site with fossils from around the world.
'The word fossil means "dug up" in Greek.'
Maritime Themes
(anything to do with water - except
and Transportation.)
Maritime Postmark Society - information (APS Unit #37)
the URL was '404' a/o 9/2001
for info write the Secretary/Treasurer
Fred McGary
P. O. Box 29501
Columbus OH 43229
Note: The index has sites showing several images of
'Paquebot' covers - aj.
Stamps on the 'International Year of the Ocean'
from the 'Stamp Newsletter';
Circa 2000 - Roy Tapu, .in (India)
Maritime Stamps & Mail - Richard Konkolski
See Also:
Greenpeace Österreich (.at)
Maritime Archaeology Museum (not philatelic)
formerly: www.e-malacca.com/ (now about Malacca, Spain (in German)
Museum of Underwater Archaeology (not philatelic)
The Maritime History Virtual Archives
T Wharf Nautical Bookstore
"Visit one of the best nautical bookstores in the world."
See Also: Goggle :
Maritime Archaeology Museum (many around c.2011)
BG's Scanned Waterfall Stamp Images
by B.G. (old Beeg) Ritts
http://hometown.aol.com/oldbeeg/H2Ofalls.html '404' c.2009
Waterfalls On Stamps Blog
Bibi Ali's online collection of waterfall stamps (good graphics; per Old Beeg)