Sociedad Estatal Correos y Telégrafos, S.A. UPU
Vía Dublín nº 7
(Campo de las Naciones)
28070 Madrid (Madrid)
Tel.: 90 219 71 97 (stamps)
Tef. Int'l: +34 91 596 92 98 (stamps)
(for residents abroad)
Fax: +34 91 596 9662
Online stamp sales*, directories of postal philatelic counters {"any Correos office" or via home delivery}, Philatelic Tobacconists (!), stamp shops and clubs in Spain. Museum information.
* under: "Philately Online"
"Sign-up, modify your registration or make an order of philatelic material from your own computer, without queues, without leaving your home and at anytime, Could it be anymore comfortable?"
(and produces (the latest c.2008): the Book of stamps, Spain and Andorra 2006.)
Asociacion Nacional de Empresarios de Filatelia y Numismatica de España {ANFIL}
Calle Mayor 18 - 2°
E-28013 Madrid (Madrid)
Tel.: 91 366 46 60
Fax: 91 366 46 30
(& Caspe, 37 - 1° - 4a, 08010 Barcelona
Tel.: 93 342 48 80
Fax: 93 342 52 36
(Spain's national stamp dealers associaton)
IFSDA Data: Spain
Comission de Expertos de Madrid (CEM)
Calle Mayor, 30
E-28013 Madrid (Madrid)
Comision de Expertos Filatelicos (COMEX)
Pau Claris, 106 Entlo.
E-08009 Barcelona
Tel. +34 93 3027037
Allilate AIEP
Museo Postal Telegráfico de España
Palacio de Comunicaciones
Calle de Montalban, s/n
28070 Madrid (Madrid)
Tel.: 91 521 42 60
&/y: 91 522 20 46
Fax: 91 531 10 51
Metro: Banco de España.
"Curiosidades por descubrir en un museo en el que brilla con luz propia su importante colección filatélica, nada menos que 100.000 sellos no repetidos, aunque su directora prefiere no dar cifras concretas ni del número de sellos ni del valor que pudieran alcanzar en el mercado algunas de sus joyas. ..."
"The post office headquarters was built in an eclectic style…The result is magical..The Postal and Telegraphic Museum is located inside.. describing from.. the 18th-century postal service to today.."
(Mas ...)
Fundación Telefónica maintains, in their showrooms and at the Museum of Telecommunications (Madrid), specialized collections of 20th Century authors and documents & photographs that reflect the history of the Company since its inception in 1924. (ajw)
(Mas ...)
Fabrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre {FNMT}
Calle de Jorge Juan 106
28009 Madrid
Tel. 91 409 63 43
Fax; 91 504 29 43
Telex: 46707 FNMYT E
"FNMT (autonomous) was created on the 29th of August of 1893, when the Royal Mint and the Government-operated enterprise for stamp manufacturing were united into one organization ..." Today she produces stamps, banknotes, coins, etc. And, " ...also operates a world renowned Numismatic Museum which traces its origins to the didactic collections of the Engravers School of the XVIII century. ... with its collection of coins, medals, bank-notes, stamps, dies, machinery, engravings, sketches..."
(Mas ...)