's Encyclopedia of Stamps and Philatelic Links

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Indexes: Philatelic Organizations: S


St. Helena, St. Pierre & Miquelon, Samoa, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland

See Also Indexes:     By Topic   or   By Name
And: Wikipedia's List of postage stamp collectors' clubs and societies

    Regional Organizations
  • Scandinavia
    i.e. Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Iceland,
    Greenland, F�roe Islands, �land and Spitzbergen

    1. Scandinavian Collector's Club - Iceland Chapter

    2. Aves Philatelicae Scandiae
      Motivgruppen har medlemmar ocks� i Danmark, Norge, Finland, Italien och England. Vi samarbetar med "Motivgruppe Ornithologie" i Tyskland, "The Bird Stamp Society" i England och med "Avian Philately" i USA p� olika s�tt. (It's for the birds...)

      Medlemsblad: Steen Clausen, @get2net
      Skolevej 11, DK-2600 GLOSTRUP, Danmark

      ->See Also: Clubs : Topical (about) : Scandinavia

  • Soviet Union - See: 'Russia'
    In 1992 twelve former Soviet Republics (FSU) formed the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and are: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan (original site of Soviet space activity), Kirghizia (aka: Kyrgyzstan?) -?, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan (aka: Tagikistan or Tadjikistan), Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan. In all there were (prior to 1992) 68 territories with in the 15 FSU states (including 7 autonomus regions and 4 states) which have issued official and 'unofficial' stamps. (reference)
    See Also: Tuva (or 'Touva'. One of the 7 autonomus regions referenced above.)
      Local, National & Overseas Organizations
  • St. Helena  

      ->See Also: Clubs : Topical : (about) St Helena et al

  • St. Pierre & Miquelon  
    1. St. Pierre & Miquelon Philatelic Society
      2159 W 47 Ave, Vancouver, BC V6M 2M6, Canada

  • Samoa, ISO  

      ->See Also: Clubs : Topical (about) : Samoa, ISO

  • Saudi Arabia  
    1. Saudi Arabian Philatelic Society FIAP, FIP
      Tel.: 00966 2 543 6125
      P.O. Box 9852, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
      President Mohammed Kamal Safdar
      (via FIAP:) P.O. Box 1332, Makkah, Saudi Arabia  

    2. Arabian Philatelic Association APS-05
      Meets 2nd Sat. in the city of Dhahran, ARAMCO Facilities
      Write: Mr. David E. Jessich, @
      ARAMCO, Box 7070, Udhailiyah 31311, Saudi Arabia
  • Scotland
    A memeber country of the United Kingdom.
    1. Scottish Philatelic Society, Scotland

    2. Scottish Postal History Society (SPHS), Scotland

  • Singapore
    1. Singapore Philatelic Museum (x)
      23 B Coleman Street
      Singapore 179807
      Tel.: +65 6337 3888
      Open: Mon.: 1300-1900 hrs., Tue.-Sat.: 0900-1900 hrs.
      The Museum (also) provides postal service to the public.
      & Sponsors a 'Friends of Stamps' club - contact Lim Li Hui here.
      SPM "opened its door to the public on 19 Aug 95 with a mission to stimulate interest in stamps and promote the awareness and appreciation of Singapore's history and heritage. Our little Museum, built in 1907, is located at the foot of the historical Fort Canning Hill."
      Said by AskPhil to also contan a Library.

    2. Association of Singapore Philatelists (x) FIAP
      3 Kian Teck Way
      Singapore 628732
      Tel.: +65 - 6261-6688, **Machine: +65 - 6265-5998
      email: [email protected]
      As a national body, the ASP was officially inaugurated on 26th October, 1989.

  • Slovakia  
    1. Slowakischer Philatelisten Verband
      (Slovakia Philatelic Association)
      Dr. Teodor Rosinsky
      Saf�rikovo N�mestie 4, Bratislava, SQ-812 11 Slovakia

    2. Slowakische Pfadfinderbriefmarkensammler IFSCO-12
      Contact: Vaclav Rubes
      V. Srobana 6, 03401 Ruzomberok, Slovakia

  • Slovenia  

    1. Filatelisti�na zveza Slovenije (FZS) FIP, FEPA
      (aka: Slovenian Philatelic Association)
      P.O. Box 1584, Ljubljana, SI-1001 Slovenia
      Gen. Sec.: Bojan Bracic :
      Stantetova 6, SI-2000 Maribor Tel +386 (0)2 - 42 06 831 @posta.si
      (Site offers English and advertises: Slovenia Stamp Catalogue)

  • South Africa (<-- dealers & local clubs)

    Top National and Specialtry Organisations in Republic of South Africa
    1. Philatelic Federation of South Africa (PFSA) FIP, FIAP
      [email protected]
      Publication: The South African Philatelist
      Including: The Junior SA Philatelist insert
      Annual Events: Congress Week
      FaceBook wall and discussion forum.

      The PFSA, founded in 1928, is the umbrella body for organised philately in South Africa.

      The Benny Illman Library (Data Pg.)

      Secretary (c.2011): Mrs. Jill Redmond RDPSA
      PO Box 9248, Cinda Park 1463, South Africa
      Tel.: +27 (0)11 917-5304, Cell: +27 (0)79 528-4853
      Fax: 086 628-6353, [email protected]

      Expert Committee Chairman (c.2011):
      Mr. Michael Wigmore RDPSA
      [email protected], [email protected]
      P O Box 304, Montagu 6720, South Africa
      Tel +27 (0)23 614-1831 (h), +27 (0)23 614-1424 (b)

      Promotions Committee (incorporating Youth/Novices):
      Chairman (c.2011): Mr Johan Joubert:
      P O Box 1089, Derdepoortpark 0035; Plot 432 Derdepoort 0035
      [email protected]
      Cell: +27 (0)72 348-3254

      Chair FIP Commission (c.2005, 2011):
      Howard Green RDPSA
      [email protected]
      P O Box 413981, Craighall 2024
      Cell: +27 (0)82 450-9903
      Tel.: +27 (0)11 884-0900 (h), 011 442 7190 (home; old?), +27 11 880 3125 (office)
      Fax: +27 (0)11 880-2656 or 011 706-1920

      Regional Vice-Presidents (c.2011)
      Region 1:
      Gauteng and North West Province

      Mr George Cafetzoglou RDPSA
      P O Box 84636
      Greenside 2034
      Tel.: +27 (0)11 782-6985 (h)
      Tel./Fax: +27 (0)11 782-0545 (b)
      [email protected]

      Region 2:
      Eastern Gauteng

      Mr Mike Jackson
      8 Adam Rd, Berton Park
      Boksburg 1459
      Cell: +27 (0)73 189-6482
      Tel.: +27 (0)11 826-2005 (h)
      Tel.: +27 (0)11 820-5157 (b)
      [email protected]

      Region 3:
      Pretoria, Mpumalanga and Limpopo


      Region 4:
      Free State and Northern Cape

      Prof. Gary Osthoff
      P.O. Box 11479
      Universitas 9321
      Tel.: +27 (0)51 522-3542 (h)
      Tel.: +27 (0)51 401-2216 (b)
      Fax: 051 401-2216
      [email protected]

      Region 5:

      Dr Angus Pringle
      P.O. Box 975
      Kloof 3640
      Tel.: +27 (0)31 765-2541
      Cell: +27 (0)82 485-1956
      Fax: 031 765-4884
      [email protected]

      Region 6:
      Western Cape

      Mr Martin Crawford
      P.O. Box 520
      Howard Place 7450
      Tel.: +27 (0)21 689-5050 (h)
      Cell: +27 (0)78 946-8772 (?)
      [email protected]

      Region 7:
      Eastern Cape

      Mr Vernon Mitchell
      8 Bluebell Place, Sunridge Park
      Port Elizabeth 6045
      Tel.: +27 (0)41 360-1492
      Cell: +27 (0)82 572-9127
      Fax: 086 669-4425
      [email protected]

      Region 8:
      Outside Areas

      Mr Colin Hoffman RDPSA, FRPSL
      9 Oaker Ave, West Didsbury
      Manchester M20 2XH, England
      Tel: +44 (0)161 4458480
      Fax: +44 (0)161 4487349
      [email protected] (h)
      [email protected] (b)


    2. Aerophilatelic Society of Southern Africa FISA-08, PFSA-11
      Honorable Secretary/Treasurer:
      Dave Morton, @ (c.2008, 2010)
      2 Anemone Avenue, Welgedacht 7530, Western Cape, South Africa
      Tel.: +27 082 297-7388, Fax: 086 684-3099
      "Meeting room at National Stamp Exhibition venue, when possible."
      (PFSA Data Pg.)

    3. Anglo Boer War Philatelic Society PFSA-11 , UK
      Sec. (c.2011): P M Prime
      56 Mount Way, Waverton, Chester, Cheshire CH37QF, England
      [email protected]
      Tel.: +44 (0)1278-782235
      Or :
      Mr. John Sandilands (cf.)
      P.O. Box 17212, Groenkloof 0027, South Africa
      "Meetings as advised in Anglo-Boer War Philatelist;
      usually in South Africa during Congress week" (PFSA c.2011)
      (PFSA Data Pg.)

    4. Cape and Natal Study Circle PFSA-11 , UK
      SA Rep.: Roger Porter
      12 Forest Lane, Hilton 3245
      Tel.: +27 (0)33 343-4163, Fax: 845-1499
      [email protected]
      Meets annually in UK on the Saturday of the Spring PHILATEX at about 11 am, AGM in February
      Meets in S.A. during Congress week. (PFSA c.2011)
      (PFSA Data Pg.)

    5. Cape Society for Palestine-Israel Philately (CASPIP) SIP-09, PFSA-11
      PO Box 770, Milnerton 7435
      Meets: 3rd Wed. @ 20h00 (excluding Jewish & public holidays)
      At: Dr. Leon Stein's home: 5 Peddie Rd, Milnerton, Cape
      Contact/Secretary: Dr. Leon Stein, Tel.: +27 (0)21 552 4124 @ (c.2006, 2009, 2011)
      (PFSA Data Pg.)
    6. CASPIP Study Circle SIP-sg-09, PFSA-11
      Contact: Aubrey Katz, @
      P.O. Box 429, Claremont, 7735 South Africa
      an SIP (Soc. of Israel Phil) Study Group
      See Also: Society of Israel Philatelists, Johannesburg (below)

    7. Filatelisten Vereeniging Zuidelijk Afrika, PFSA-11 Nederland
      Verteenwoordiger in Suid-Afrika: GD Bresser
      Hoggestraat 13, Sasolburg 1947
      Tel: +27 (0)16 976-5550
      (PFSA Data Pg.)

    8. Great Britain Philatelic Society of South Africa PFSA-11
      Meets: 1st Sat. in Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct & Dec @ 14h00
      At: member?s home in Pretoria or Johannesburg.
      Sec. (c.2011): Ray Hackworth @, Tel.: +27 (0)11 334-9408, Fax: 011 334-9410
      Box 238, River Club 2149
      President (c.2011): Malcolm Suttill: [email protected]
      Contact (c.2008 PFSA): Ronald Rong, Tel.: +27 (0)12 460-8438 ={Home}, +27 (0)74 136-6346 ={Work ; valid?}

      (PFSA Data Pg.)
      old: www.philatelysa.co.za/SocietiesGBSA.html (c.2008)

      old: PO Box 835, Groenkloof 0027, Republic of South Africa (c.2001)

    9. Museum Africa (Johannesburg)
      PO Box 517, Newtown 2113
      [email protected]
      Said to have several collections including:
      the Curle Collection - Transvaal,
      J H Harvey - Pirie Collection - World War II
      "and the Philatelic Society of Johannesburg." (?)
      (cite; data c.2000. any help?)

    10. National Cultural History Museum (Pretoria)
      PO Box 28088, Sunnyside 0132
      [email protected]
      Said to contain miscellaneous worldwide material and unspecified specialised collections.
      (cite; data c.2000; any help?)

    11. Oorlogsmuseum
      [email protected]
      This was found in conjuction with The Anglo-Boer War Philatelic Society:
      "Contact for the philatelic section of the museum." c.200609 aj

    12. Orange Free State Study Circle PFSA-11 , UK
      Representative in South Africa:
      John Cheminais RDPSA
      Box 37833, Valyland 7978
      Tel.:/Fax: +27 (0)21 785-3656
      [email protected]
      (PFSA Data Pg.)

    13. Philatelic Society for Greater South Africa PFSA-11 (PSGSA), USA
      SA Rep: Dr Uli Bantz (cf.)
      Box 6913, Westgate 1724
      Tel.: +27 (0)11 766-1495
      [email protected]
      (PFSA Data Pg.)

    14. Postmark & Postal History Society of South Africa PFSA-11
      For meeting details contact Sec.:
      Sec. (c.2008, 2011): Mrs Marge Viljoen (cf.), Tel./Fax: +27 (0)12 460-7339, Cell: +27 (0)82 404-7238
      PO Box 835, Groenkloof 0027, Republic of South Africa
      Pres. (c.2011): Lappe Laubscher, [email protected]
      Tel.: +27 (0)12 365-1946 (book shop), Cell: +27 (0)83 771-6034
      (PFSA Data Pg.)
      old: www.channelafrica.org/philately/philately.shtml

    15. Republic of South Africa Antarctic Philatelic Society
      P. O. Box 697, Cape Town 8000
      (data c.2004, cite - now: cite 2; not listed here c.2011)

    16. Republic of South Africa Communications Museum
      P. O. Box 1522, Pretoria 0001
      (cite: AskPhil.org c.2005; any help?)

    17. Society of Israel Philatelists - Johannesburg SIP-a-09, PFSA-11
      an 'Affilated' group of SIP
      Meets: 7:30 p.m., 1st Mon.
      At: Great Park Synagogue, Glenhove Rd. (c.2011)
      Sec. (c.2011): Brian Gruzd, [email protected]
      Tel.: +27 (0)11 440-7789 (h), +27 (0)11 442-3010 (b), Fax: 011 442-3096
      PO Box 2019, Parklands 2121

      (PFSA Data Pg.)
      old (c.2009):
      At: the Board Room of the Waverly Synagogue
      Contact: Brian Leslie Gruzd, [email protected], Tel. +27 (0)11 4407789
      P.O. Box 37153, Birnam Park 2015

    18. South African Stamp Study Circle PFSA-11
      Meets: 2nd Sat. @ 14h00 (except December)
      At: 75 13th Street, Orange Grove, Johannesburg 2192 (c.2011)
      Sec. (c.2011): Keith Perrow, [email protected]
      Box 1795, Bramley 2018
      Tel.: +27 (0)11 236-6365, Cell: +27 (0)83 379-2626, Fax: 011 236-6425
      (PFSA Data Pg.)
      old: PO Box 84550, Greenside 2034, South Africa

    19. South African Cultural History Museum (Cape Town)
      PO Box 645, Cape Town 8000
      Several collections including A A Jurgens - Cape of Good Hope,
      Barbara Jurgens Memorial Collection - Cape of Good Hope,
      Stephen G Rich - Union of SA,
      Nellie White - South Africa,
      T B Davie - Union of SA Coronation Stamps
      and B Nicols - Republic of SA, RSA & TBVC.
      (cite c.201012)

    20. South African National Museum of Military History
      PO Box 52090, Saxonwold 2132
      [email protected]
      Reported to hold collections of the Anglo-Boer War, World War II and modern commemorative envelopes.
      (cite; any help?)

    21. South West Africa Stamp Study Group PFSA-11
      Meetings held at a member's home. For details ring +27 (0)83 409-6969
      Sec. (c.2011): Marge Viljoen (cf),
      Box 6913, Westgate 1734; Tel./Fax: +27 (0)12 460-7339
      Pres. (c.2011): Uli Bantz (cf.), [email protected]
      (PFSA Data Pg.)

    22. Stampwise (SA Post Office Museum)
      PO Box 800, Pretoria 0001
      Said to contain a UPU Collection and other South African Post Office owned material.
      (cite c.201012; any help?)

    23. Thematics Southern Africa ATA-01
      Publication: ThemNews
      PO Box 146, Capetown 8000, Republic of South Africa
      Contact (c.2001) Robert Harm (cf.)(cf.), [email protected]
      P. O. Box 50984, Wierda Park 0149

      Thematics SA is an organisation for stamp collectors who use themes as the basis for their collections. Thematics SA functions independently from the Philatelic Federation of South Africa.

      For 2011 and 2012, the Executive Committee (EC) will consist of the following members (the FIP representative and the Librarian act as ad hoc members):

      (elected 2010)
      J. Cassie Carstens (
      Posbus 52011
      Wierda Park 0149
      +27 (0)12-653-2280
      (fax) 012-653-2279
      [email protected]

      Vice-President (elected 2010)

      Wobbe Vegter (cf.)
      7 Ceres Close
      La Rochelle
      Belville 7530
      +27 (0)21-9198833
      [email protected]

      Secretary/Librarian (verkies 2010)

      Helena Snyman
      PostNet Suite 236
      Private Bag X1
      Die Wilgers 0041
      +27 083-990-8953
      Fax: 012-322-7699
      [email protected]

      Editor: ThemNews (elected 2002)

      Petra Heath
      58 Kort Street Eldoraigne X27
      +27 012-653-8845
      Fax: 012-653-8845
      [email protected]

      Membership, Financess,
      Western Cape (elected 2010)

      Robert H. Harm (cf.)(cf.)
      Posbus 1532
      Brackenfell 7561
      +27 082-925-7103
      086-672-1625 (faxmail)
      [email protected]

      Gauteng (elected 2006)

      Ludwig D�hne
      Posbus 2510
      Kempton Park 1620
      011-972-8859 (fax)
      [email protected]

      West Rand (elected 2010)

      Dr Hans Ulrich Bantz (Uli)
      P O Box 6913
      Westgate 1734
      +27 (0)11 766-1495
      +27 (0)83 409-6969
      [email protected]

      Kwazulu-Natal (elected 2006)

      Graham Burrows
      72 Salisbury Lane
      Westville 3630
      031-266-1621 (fax)
      [email protected]

      Northern Cape (elected 2006)

      Richard Oliver (cf.)
      2 Labram
      Kimberley 8301
      +27 053-832-1689
      [email protected]

      Eastern Cape (elected 2006)

      Herwig Kussing
      King Edwardstraat
      32 Newton Park 6045
      041-365-4897 (fax)
      [email protected]

      Pretoria (appointed 2007)

      Joey Kuppen
      Furystraat 10
      Pierre van Ryneveld 0157
      +27 (0)12-662-3087
      [email protected]

    24. Transnet Library
      PO Box 3753, Johannesburg
      Said to contain the Harvey Pirie collection of railway parcel stamps of South Africa.
      (cite; data c.2000; any data anyone?)

    25. Transvaal Study Circle
      Gawie van der Walt, @, Fax : (018) 294-4202
      Tel.: +27 (0)18 294-8027 ={Home}, +27 (0)18 294-4201 {or 4202 = Work}
      PO Box 20022, Noordbrug 2522, South Africa
      HQ is in the UK

    26. War Museum of the Boer Republics
      PO Box 704, Bloemfontein 9300
      Said to contain "the Groenewald & Bezuidenhout Collections of the philately of the Anglo Boer War."
      (cite c.201012 any help?)

      ->See Also:

      Dealers & local clubs in South Africa
      Clubs : Topical (about) : South Africa & related.
      Wikipedia: Postage Stamps and Postal History of the Cape of Good Hope
      Wikipedia: South_African_Post_Office


      PFSA - Phil. Fed. of SA (c.2008), (c.201109)

      like (c.2000) Graeme Sherman's : http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/town/square/ac752/museum1.htm ; '404'; he quit but it's been saved (below) *

      * stampcollectingnews.tripod.com (c.2010 w/some original data {& cc})
      . . .

  • Spain
    1. F�d�ration Espa�ola de Sociedades Filat�licas (FESOFI) FIP, FEPA FIAF
      (Spainish Federation of Philatelic Societies)
      Calle Felipe III, n° 6-1°-Izda., 28012 Madrid, Espa�a
      Tel.: 91 364 19 27
      Fax: 91 535 17 13
      [email protected] (c.2008)

      Sec. Gen. c.2012, 2014: Teodosio Arredondo Sanchez, [email protected]
      c/ FESOFI, Apartado 1298, E 18080 Granada, Spain
      Phone: +34 95 825 1679
      c.2012: [email protected]

      Presidente c.2006-2008: Sr. Fernando Aranaz del R�o,
      [email protected] (c.2006), [email protected] (c.2008)

      Delegado ante FIAF: Sr. Francisco Gilabert Granero, [email protected]
      Casilla de Correos 499, E-18080 Granada, Espa�a

      old: www.fesofi.es (forwards c.2014 to below, ''under construction'' c.201507)
      old: wordpress.fesofi.es '404' c.2015007

    2. Museo de Fabrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre {FNMT}, Spain
      (they make the stamps ... and coins... and banknotes..)

    3. Museo Postal Telegr�fico de Espa�a

      ->See Also:

      Clubs : Local+ (in) : Spain (includes dealers)
      Clubs : Topical (about) : Spain

  • Sri Lanka (aka: Ceylon)  

    1. Sri Lanka Postal Museum
      Cite : Postal Authorities : Sri Lanka

    2. Holy Family Stamp Club
      unk address. (in Sri Lanka?: .lk) c.2011

    3. Scouts & Guides on Stamps Society SOSSI-12
      c/o Dharshana Ranatunga (President)
      509A 1/1 Bullers Road, Borella,
      Colombo 8 -00800, Sri Lanka
      Email: [email protected]

    4. Ceylon Study Circle of Great Britain, UK
  • Sudan (& South Sudan)  
    1. Sudan Philatelic Association, .sd

  • Sweden
    1. Sweden's Postmuseum
      Box 2002, SE-103 11 Stockholm
      Lilla Nygatan 6 {T-Gamla Stan (Old Town area) in Stockholm}
      Tel.: +46(8)781 1755, Fax: +46(8)20 90 21
      [email protected]
      May-August: Tuesday-Sunday: 11 am-4 pm.
      September-April: Tuesday-Sunday: 11 am-4 pm. Wednesday: 11 am-7 pm.
      Closed days c.2010 (dy/mo): 1/1, 2-5/4, 1/5, 6/6, 19-20/6, 24-26/12, 31/12
      The musesum shop: Tel. +46-8-781 17 10., E-Mail: [email protected]
      Children's workshop : The Little Post Office (in the basement of the museum):
      Saturday-Sunday and school holidays 12 am-3 pm.
      Entrance for disabled: Munkbrogatan 1-3
      "...considered to be one of the finest postal museums in the world."  

    2. Sveriges Filatelist F�rbund (SFF)
      (Swedish Philatelic Federation)
      (or: Philatelic Federation of Sweden)
      @, Box 33, Skara, SE-532 21 Sweden

    3. Telecommunicationsmuseum Sverige
      (National Museum of Science and Technology; 'Tekniska museet')
      Box 27842, S-11593 Stockholm
      Museiv�gen 7, SE 115 93 Stockholm
      Tel + 46 8 450 56 00, Fax +46 8 450 56 01
      [email protected]
      Old: www.telemuseum.se (forwards c.20101025)

    4. ABB Frim�rksklubb (AFK) {Grundad 1961}
      aka: ABB Stamp Club
      Meets: Tredje m�ndagen fr�n sept-maj 19:00
      At: IOGT lokalen, Slottsgatan 6
      c/o Leif Petersson: @, Tel.: 021-841892
      Flisav�gen 37, 723 53 V�ster�s
      (V�stmanland Co.)

    5. Association of Thematic Stamp Collectors
      (F�reningen f�r tematisk st�mpel samlare)
      Orrevagen, S-43243 Varberg, Sweden (c.2001)

    6. F�reiningen �slandssamlarna
      (The Society of Collectors of Icelandic Stamps in Stockholm)
      sekreterare: Per Olov Abrahamson
      S�derberga All� 38, 162 51 V�llingby, Sweden
      (V�llingby not found in atlases)
      Telefon 08/687 02 26
      together with (med) Islandsklubben i G�teborg

    7. G�teborgs Filatelistf�rening (GFF)
      (Gothenburg Philatelistic Society)
      [email protected]
      M�ten (meetings): 18.30 hr : Tisdagar (# 1 / 1st Tue.) januari - maj, september - december
      M�ten (meetings): 18.30 hr : M�ndagar (# 2 / 2nd Mon.) januari - april, september - november
      Dalheimers hus bibliotek, +46 31 367 97 66
      Slottsskogsgatan 12. G�teborg, 41453
      medarrang�r (co-organizer) med SFF: Gothex 2011, 2'e-4e september i centrala G�teborg.

      G�teborgs FilatelistF�rening (GFF) �r en av Sveriges st�rsta och �ldsta filatelistf�reningar; grundad 1918 och med ca 300 medlemmar.
      (Gothenburg philatelic association (GFF) is one of the largest and oldest philatelic societies, founded in 1918 and has about 300 members. - c.2011)

      Vi har ett imponerande bibliotek tillg�ngligt f�r v�ra medlemmar under v�ra m�tesdagar, eller efter avtal med bibliotekarien.
      ( We have an impressive library available to our members during our meeting days, or by arrangement with the librarian.)

    8. Islandsklubben i G�teborg, @
      Mr. Lennart Engstr�m (speaks English)
      Lyckegatan 4 G, S-434 32 Kungsbacka, Sweden (Co.?)
      together with 'F�reiningen �slandssamlarna'
      old: home.swipnet.se/islandsklubben/isst.html ; [email protected]

    9. Sveriges Frim�rksungdom (SFU)
      (Swedish Youth Federation or: Philatelic Youth of Sweden)

    10. Sveriges Milit�rposts�llskap
      (Swedish Military Postal History Society) (SMPS) {f.1975}
      Lars Lindblad, @1, pop4827(at) spray(dot)se, + 46-73-580 11 23={Mobile}
      Lars' SMPS Pg.
      Address: Smedby Skolv�g 106, SE-184 33 Akersberga, Sweden
      Telephone: + 46-8-540 659 76 Home
      Summer house: Sl�ttar�d 532, SE-280 20 Bj�rnum
      Telephone: +46-451-20 343 Summer house
      Lars includes a Postal Military "DICTIONAIRE � DICTIONARY � ORDLISTA"

    11. S�llskapet f�r Svensk Posthistorisk Dokumentation
      (Swedish Postal History Society) (SSPD)
      S�ren Andersson, @, Tlf.: +46-8156412, Fax: +46-8153591
      Box 19113, SE-10432 Stockholm, Sweden
      (Stockholm Co. [cap., Nat'l Cap.])

      ->See Also:

      Clubs : Topical (about): Scandinavia

  • Switzerland (Helvetia)
    1. Verband Schweizerischer Philatelisten-Vereine (VSPhV) FIP, FEPA
      @blue, Gubelstrasse 54, Postfach, CH-8050 Z�rich

    2. Great Britain & Commonwealth Philatelic Society (Switzerland) (f.1978) [email protected]
      AGM (known Sept. 2008) (& irregular meeeting in Berlin)
      Publication: Contact (Qtr. newsletter - ISSN 1660-1866)
      Heinz Graf, @ (c.2002, 2008)
      Tel.: +41/62 962 54 11, Fax: +41/62 962 35 24
      Eriswilstrasse 58, 4950 Huttwil, Switzerland (c.2008)

      º Pr�sident (Chairman): Henk van den Heuvel, @
      Grabenackerstrasse 32, CH-6312 Steinhausen (ZG),
      º Sekret�r (Secretary): Hans-Ulrich Abegg, @
      Fachstrasse 61, CH-8942 Oberrieden (ZH)
      º Bibliothekar (Librarian): Olaf Groth, @
      Lindenstrasse 46a, D-Neuenhagen bei Berlind (postcode?), Germany
      º Leiter IG Platten und Stempel
      (Secretary Study Group for Plates & Cancellations):
      Helmut Kleinke, Ahrweiler Strasse 36, D-14197 Berlin, Germany

      "A former official expert in the GDR for Great Britain and the Commonwealth is a member of the Society. His specialized knowledge is available to all members of the Society upon request. His opinion is universally respected... The Society maintains a service for new issues for Great Britain and several former colonies. At the moment (c.2008) there are no members participating this service..."

      aka?: Great Britain & International Philatelic Society
      Postfach 563, CH-4001 Basel, Switzerland (c.2001)

    3. Schweizerische Pfadfinder-Philatelistenverein (SPPhV) IFSCO-12, VSPhV-05, SOSSI-12
      (aka: Association Suisse des Philat�listes Scouts / Swiss Scout Philatelic Society)
      Postfach 1224, CH-4123 Allschwil 1, Switzerland (c.2012)
      individuelle Zusammen-k�nfte 1-2 x j�hrlich
      individual future gatherings 1 to 2 per year
      oder: Werner Kradolfer
      Sandgrube 16, CH-4614 H�gendorf, Switzerland (c.2001)

    4. Swiss Postal Stationery Collectors Club (SGSV) (x)
      aka: Schweizerischer Ganzsachen-Sammler-Verein (SGSSV)
      aka: Soci�t� Suisse des Collectionneurs d'entiers Postaux (SSCEP)
      "(On parle fran�ais. - We speak English)" , [email protected]
      Publication: Le Collectionneur d'Entiers Postaux (many online)
      Anfragen bei : Albrik Wiederkehr, e-mail: [email protected]
      Rue du Carroz 5, 1278 La Rippe

    5. Club Philat�lique de Meyrin (CPM)
      Carmen Hischier
      Case postale 294
      1217 Meyrin
      Mardi {14-t�glich / tous les 15 jours}
      Buvette de la Salle Verch�re (Salle Antoine-Verch�re)
      297 route de Meyrin - Meyrin Village
      (et le Mont-Blanc)

    6. Club Philat�lique et A�ropostal de Geneve VSPhV-05
      Contact: Jean Ruepp
      Corsinge, CH-1252 Meinier
      Meets: 1e Lundi/Montag {monthly / monatlich / mensuelle}
      At: Ramada Park H�tel

    7. Gesellschaft der Weltall-Philatelisten (GWP) FISA-08, VSPhV
      President (c.2007, 2008):
      J�rg Dierauer, [email protected]
      Degenstrasse 3, CH-9442 Berneck
      Secretary (c.2007, 2008):
      Karin Jaeger, Altburgstrasse 39, CH-8105 Regensdorf
      Publication: Space Phil News
      Treffen (Meets): 1. Freitag / 1st Friday (monthly / monatlich / mensuelle)
      At: Rest. Metzgerhalle, Zch-Oerlikon (c.2001)


    8. Philatelisten-Club Swissair FISA-08
      President (c.2007, 2008)
      Peter Beer, [email protected]
      Birchwilerstrasse 7, CH-8303 Bassersdorf
      C/ Walter Kalt, [email protected], walter-kalt.ch
      Treffen: "Meistens am ersten Montag eines Monats"
      19:30 hrs - 1st Monday (except August / note: 3rd Monday in Jan.)
      "Abend in der bxa-Freizeitanlage Basserdorf statt." (c.2007)

    9. Schweizerischer Aerophilatelisten-Verein FISA-08, VSPhV
      (Swiss Aerophilatelic Society)
      President (c.2008): Heinz Berger, [email protected]
      Gofritstrasse 9, CH-3144 Wichtrach
      Meets: 2. Montag / 2nd Monday (monthly / monatlich / mensuelle)
      At: Rest. Metzgerhalle (c.2001)

    10. Museum f�r Kommunikation - MfK (Bern's Postmuseum) (Ref.)
      Helvetiastrasse 16, CH-3000 Berne 6, Switzerland
      [email protected], Tlf. 0041 031 357 55 55, Fax: 031 357 55 99
      Tuesday to Sunday 10:00 -17:00 hrs
      The official Swiss postal museum is a treasure trove of Swiss rarities including a block of 15 of the Basle dove. Foreign specialised collections include Italian States with emphasis on Sardegna (Sardinia) and Toscana, Zeppelin mails and old USA.
      "Swiss postal administration objects and documents"
      "A foundation of Swiss Post & Swiss Telecom"

    11. Historisches Archiv und Bibliothek PTT
      (PTT-Library and Archive)
      Viktoriastrasse 21, CH-3030 Berne
      [email protected], Tlf. 0041 031 331 11 51, Fax: 031 331 11 52
      Opening hours : Monday to Wednesday by appointment
      "A foundation of Swiss Post & Swiss Telecom"

      ->See Also: : Clubs : Topical (about) Switzerland

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