The Keith & Allura Episodes

2 Escape to Another Planet

This is when they first meet.

7 The Lion Has New Claws

Enter Nanny and the spankings begin! Oh, and Allura starts flying in this one, when she’s not all tied up that is.

14 Yurak Gets His Pink Slip

The arrival of Lotor. (It’s about time!) He challanges one person to fight for Arus, man to man. Keith, of course, takes the challenge. Keith and Lotor cross swords for the first time.

15 Give Me Your Princess

Lotor tries running things. Allura steals the Black Lion, alienating the team. She decides to give herself to Lotor to save her planet. Keith saves her again getting injured in the process by Lotor’s sword.

16 Bridge Over The River Chozzerai

Hunk and the Princess reenact the legend of the love bridge only to be interrupted by Lotor. Allura first asks Keith to play the part of her lover but he declines. (Mighty suspicious if you ask me...)

18 Zarkon Is Dying

Lotor tries to save his dying father.(Yeah right!) He must collect special berries from Arus to save him. The witch Zandra prepares a magic potion to aide him by turning the trees into beasts. Allura, Nanny, and maids are ambushed in the forest by Lotor. (Why waste a trip to Arus.) Keith swings in and saves Allura from Lotor… again. Tree beasts combine into one giant beast. A little blazing sword action and Lotor’s sent packing. At least he remembered the berries which he gives to his father to “save him.”

21 It’ll be a Cold Day

Keith poses as Allura and gives himself to Lotor in her place.

20 Pidge’s Home Planet

Now we’re talking! This one needs its own page! The team steal Voltron from Allura and Coran to try to save Pidge's home world.

23 It Takes Real Lions

Keith falls for the Princess in this one. Well, falls because of the princess and her string bikini! Later Nanny has a coronary finding Allura in her bikini and locks her in her room, only for Lotor to take advantage, breaking into Allura’s room where Allura is trapped

30 The Sleeping Princess

Allura is dead. Or, at least the team has to pretend they think she’s dead. Keith imagines what it would be like if she really were to die. (So he is a sap after all!)

35 Doom Boycotts The Space Olympics

Keith is in the shower, Allura walks in…'nuff said!

47 Summit Meeting

For me, this is one of the best Voltron episodes! It needs it's own page! Keith admits to Coran that he cares for the princess. Keith asks her if she really wants to fly. Alfor comes to her in a dream telling her to run. Lotor catches her and Keith arrives again just in time but this time Lotor cuts him deeply across the chest with his laser sword.

65 A Ghost of a Chance

Merla plots to capture Allura and put her in her Cosmotron. Allura is lured out alone by the rumor of the resurrection of her father. Keith--alright... along with the rest of the team, save her, but she is captured again. Lotor later saves Allura.
Merla and Allura on Lotor...
Allura: “He thinks he’s so great just because he’s got big muscles.”
Merla: “They’re not really that big. I’ll tell you a secret. Underneath his uniform he wears foam rubber shoulder pads.”

66 To Sooth the Savage Robeast

(This is the episode that slaps you across the face. If you don’t think there is something between Keith & Allura after this one, then there’s no hope.)
A secret admirer sends Keith a birthday present. Allura admits to her jealous feelings at Keith having someone interested in him. Later, Keith is missing his birthday because he’s out picking flowers. Keith is picking flowers? (Gee, I wonder who for?) Just as well for his present is poisoned. (FYI Keith's idea of picking flowers is repelling down a sheer cliff to get just the right ones. I need to make my husband watch this one!) Okay, yeah, I hear you Lotor fans out there. There was this other thing in this episode about Lotor and Merla getting hitched and separated too.

67 Doom Girls on the Prowl

The Parade!!!

72 Fleet of Doom

Both Voltrons finally join forces. Allura’s soul is captured by Witch Haggar. King Alfor sends Keith into the dream world to save her. Haggar’s history is revealed-- how she once was good until Zarkon showed her the power she could have and she couldn’t resist. Belive it or not, in this ep. good Haggar tells them. “Let your love be your guide..”


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