To Sooth A Savage Robeast

In this episode we see some definate Keith and Allura mush! Oh, and Lotor gets married too!



The episode opens with Karen, an Arusian woman remembering the day Row, her love, was abducted by Doom.

On Doom a still enslaved Row is working in a mine

Meanwhile elsewhere on Doom there is a wedding about to begin in the grand throne room.

“Father, I am ready to marry Merla, as you have ordered.”

“You’re a real sport Lotor.” Merla retorts.

“Bow down, both of you.” Zarkon bellows from above. Lotor and Merla both kneel before the king. “I Pronounce you man and wife. The bracelet, Lotor!”

“Gerrrr, This wasn’t my idea.” Lotor puts a bracelet on Merla's wrist.

“You’ll love it Lotor.” Merla places a bracelet on Lotor. “There.”

The King spouts from his throne to a cheering crowd. “I’ve ordered this marriage to bring together the forces of Doom and the vast empires of Queen Merla. Well what are you waiting for Lotor? Go ahead and kiss the bride. Your not afraid are you?”

“Of course not!” Lotor moves to Merla and kisses her. “Your lips are cold, as cold as ice.”

“Just like your heart, Prince Lotor.” She then mentally suggests to him. <Now try it again prince Lotor and this time don’t fight it.>

“Hmmmmm.” Lotor groans and kisses her again to the cheers of the crowd.

“Queen Merla, I believe you will be a great asset to our empire.” Zarkon boasts.

Merla then day dreams. Believe what you like Zarkon. As soon as I have captured the robot lions of planet Arus… I will take your throne. But first, I must conquer Arus.

Haggar is looking for the perfect stave for a plan by Merla and her and find Row to be ideal.

Row returns home to Karen’s joy, claming that two women helped him escape, the two women however are Merla and a disguised Haggar.

“They’re the ones who helped me escape. Meet my… new friends.”

Karen stands. “I don’t know… why you helped Row, I’m just very gad that you did.”

“Oh think nothing of it dear.” Haggar smiles.

Merla adds. “Yes, were just naturally helpful people. We all go by the foundation that raises money for needy space cadets.”

“Oh, that’s very nice.” Karen drops her head.

Row thinks She doesn’t realize that that’s Queen Merla and Haggar in disguise.

“Yes, I was hoping you’d something for me in return.” Merla speaks.


Merla acts coy. “It’s rather personal. You see like you I’m in love with a handsome young man. I bought him this present but I’m to shy to give it to him myself.”

“I understand. I used to be that way with Row but it turned out he liked me too.”

“He has very good taste. Now if you could just deliver this for me to Keith, at the castle of lions in time for his birthday party.”

“When is it?”

“It’s today. Here you are dear.” Merla passes a vase to Karen to the horror of Row.

Karen then heads off to the castle.

Princess Allura and Karen later sit at a small table the vase sitting upon it.

“You see princess, this jar is filled with honey nectar.”

“How nice.”

“Well, as I said before, It isn’t really mine.”

“Yes. But who’s is it then?” Allura asks.

“I can’t tell you.”

Allura picks it up to eye it. “But you said it’s a gift… sent here for Keith by a mysterious woman, as a token of her affection.” She then sets it back down.

“Yes, It’s from someone who loves Keith. She has a real crush on him.”

“Hmmmm.” Allura scowls.

Allura is then out on a balcony thinking to herself, oblivious to the mice playing at he feet. Why do I have a funny feeling about that jar of honey nectar? I should be happy that someone cares about Keith, after all he’s just a friend. But why am I so upset? Is it… jealousy?

Well, it’s almost time for his birthday party I should call him. “Keith…” Where could he be?


Keith is hanging from a rope perilously perched on a cliff face as he reaches out for some lily like flowers growing in the Cliffside. He looses his footing and falls, just catching the very end of his rope. He climbs his way back up grabs a fistful of flowers bringing them to his face to inhale their scent approvingly.

Row feels gilt over what he’s done. He decides to warn the force. Karen goes with him. Haggar spots them and zaps the wheel on their wagon to stop them.

So there’s a woman somewhere who’s in love with Keith. I wonder who she is? Allura thinks to herself.

Pidge whines. “What’s keeping Keith? He should have been here an hour ago.”

Lance looks to Hunk. “You noticed how the princess is mooning over there? She hasn’t said a single word.”

Hunk responds. “The only think I noticed it there is food on the table and I wanna eat some, Keith or no Keith.”

“I know. At least we can have some of that honey drink he got.” Pidge suggests.

“Alright.” Nanny agrees and pours Pidge a glass. “There you are.”

“Looks good!” Pidge grins.

“Hold on Pidge.” Lance interjects. “That drink was a present for Keith. I think we really aught to wait for him... At least for a little while.

“Awwww…” Pidge groans.

Meanwhile Keith walking his horse comes across a farmhouse.

“Hello? Anybody there?... Hello… I was just passing by and a…” That door is ajar. Who’s in there?

“Well.” Lotor appears in the doorway.

“Lotor. What are you doing here on Arus?”

“I came here to give you a bit of friendly advice. Go back to the castle at once or Queen Merla will destroy you all.”

“Why would you warn me?”

“I don’t care about you in the least. But I do care about Allura. She’s about to be poisoned. I’d warn her myself but she wouldn’t believe me. We may not like each other but nither of us wants to see the princess hurt, do we?”


“Go, quickly and tell her it was me that warned you.”

Keith hurriedly mounts up and gallops off.

“We can at leas toast him. Here’s to Keith, wherever he is I hope he’s having a happy birthday. And I hope there still some food left for him by the time he gets here.

The mice try and steal a glass

Haggar is watching with great interest but is distracted when she seen that the wheel on the wagon has been fixed and the two lovers are again racing to the castle.

Merla sets Doom robots on them.

Keith sees the attack and rides in to help, fending off the robots.

Coran stands. “I have a toast…I too whish to honor commander Keith. A fine young leader. He is special to all of us. Don’t you agree, Princess?”

“Yes.” Allura closes her eyes and drops her head. “There's know one quite like him is there? I can’t believe he’s missing his own birthday party. If anything ever happened to him I…I don’t know what I’d do.”

Lance looks to Allura. “Boy... you’re really worried about him aren’t you?”

“He’ll be back.” Pidge reassures her.

Allura glances to Pidge. “I sure hope so Pidge. To Keith.”

“Bottoms up!” Hunk adds.

The mice topple over a glass onto a bouquet.

“They spilled the drink on those flowers!” Allura crys.

The flowers wilt and die.

“Huhhhhh!” Allura gasps.

Hunk tosses his glass into the fire. “Hey, someone tried to poison us.” They hear horse’s hooves approaching and race outside.

Outside they find a loan horse on the bridge.

“Who’s is that?” Hunk grabs the horse as Sven, Lance and Pidge run by.

“Where’d the people go?” Lance asks as they run to find Karen lying on the ground.

“Over here.” Karen calls.

Lance moves up to her side. “What are you doing there? What happened?”

“We came to warn you.”


“Don’t drink the honey drink. It’s poisoned.” She fades.

“Keith!” Allura cries seeing his approach.

Keith rides up with Row draped across his horse. “The Honey drink!” Keith leaps off his horse right in front of Allura. You didn’t drink any did you?”

“No Keith. Where were you?”

Keith steps right up to her handing the flowers to her. “Picking this.”


“It’s pretty, like you, Allura.”

“And pretty swell like you Keith. huhhh”

They are interrupted by an attack.

Keith looks up. “Uh oh… Zarkon’s star fighters.”

They all run into the relative safety of the castle.

Off to the Lions the Voltron force heads out to defend.

Haggar summing a Robeast, a gigantic insect. they form Voltron. And with little blazing sword action and the beast is destroyed.

Lotor and Merla meet on a bridge.

Lotor calls out. “I wanted to talk with you.”

“So talk.” Merla answers.

“You were defeated.”

“Temporarily. As my husband you should be displeased.”

“I’m thrilled.”

“You are an arrogant fool. The best chance you’ll ever have at the throne is a marriage to me.”

“My marriage to you is a joke! Another one of my father’s absurd ideas. I don’t need him or you, Merla.”

“If you feel that way, lets just call it off. Now!” Merla drops the marriage bracelet into the ravine below.


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