'The Summit Meeting'
This is my personal favorite Voltron episode!

A summit meeting commences on Arus to try and unite against Doom.


That night, Coran speaks to the team about his conserns about the princess flying.

Later, Keith is looking out the window into the night.

Coran approaches him from behind. “You won’t see him when he attacks Keith. He’s too clever. It frightens me that he might have devised a means of destroying Voltron. It’s impossible. We can deal with the known. But Zarkon is aided by the twisted wisdom of that Witch Haggar and her devices are unknown. To lose Voltron is to lose more than the defender of the universe. It is to lose freedom, hope, friends. Has it occurred to you what life would be like for Allura if she fell into Lotor’s hands? You know I could create a reason for her having to leave Arus.”

“She’d see through it. We have to count on vigilance. The minute we detect Zarkon's course of action we’ll move with the total might of Voltron. He’ll run. And don’t worry about Allura.”

“Your more concerned about her than I am, right?”

“Ummm hmm.” (Yeah, I know he just mumbles, but heck for a guy like him that’s a full on confession if you ask me!)


We then get to see the Drule Supreme Council and their feelings about Zarkon. It seems, their not all to happy with the guy!

On Doom, Zarkon and Haggar send a dummy ship to the summit so the people think it is an ambassador’s. When it lands they blow it up with a stolen tank. The first part of their plan now complete.

Lotor independently plans to make a deal with the princess.

Back on Arus, Keith gives the team a pep talk and sends them off to search for Zarkon.

“Allura wait!” Keith yells after Allura.


“I know you're upset about the ambassador but the people depend on you. In view of Zarkon’s direct threat to Voltron is this wise, I mean think? You have a larger responsibility to the people. They don’t want you risking your life. So, is being a part of Voltron all that important?”

“Only the most important thing in the universe to me. Do you want me?”

“We want you. And we need you. And you can start by continuing your training in the main Black Llion after all, you may need to fill in for me some day.”

When Allura takes the lion the controls don't work and she crashes. Sabotage?

Alfor comes to Allura in a dream, telling her to run.

Keith spies her leaving the castle and gives chase.

Allura runs and runs into the night pausing to cool off in a waterfall. She continues to run into the forest.

Lotor catches Allura. "Come with me and your people will be free!"

"I will never surrender my people or myself to you!"

Keith arrives, again just in time, Allura breaks away from Lotor and runs to Keith.

Keith holds Lotor off so she can make her escape.

but this time Lotor cuts him deeply across the chest with his laser sword.

Keith catches up to Allura who was being attacked by Hagar’s cat. Chasing it off, he collapses.

They are watching over Keith when Lotor attacks releasing a Robeast. While the others are debating what to do without Keith, Allura runs off taking Black Lion. Allura is overpowered by the beast.

Keith wakes up and to the surprise of the team, flies the blue.

They form Voltron this time with Allura at the head. And eventually gore the Robeast.

So, in one episode we’ve got Lotor sword fighting, Haggar dream entering, Zarkon plotting espionage and the Drules giving him the brush off, Keith saving Allura and getting injured in the processes, and Allura taking charge and flying the Black. What more could you want?


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