Pidge’s Home Planet

In this episode we learn that Allura must wed before she can become Queen.
We also discover that there is a mind link between Keith and Allura.

“It’s a beautiful crown. The same one your father and his father wore at their coronations. Oh It will look lovely on you.” Nanny smiles.

“And this is the gown I will wear at my coronation?” Allura asks.

“You’ll be a real knockout!” Keith adds.

“But, before you can be crowned queen, you must choose a Prince Consort.” Nanny continues.

“The people of planet Arus are anxious for you to provide the kingdom with an heir. It’s their fervent desire. We must try to find someone suitable.” Coran adds.

“What a women won't do just to get a new hat.” Lance picks up the crown.

Nanny thwacks Lance. “Keep you’re a hands off! It’s not new and it’s not just a hat!”

"Oh I’d have to leave my friends.” Allura suddenly realizes.

"No more blasting around in a lion for her majesty." Pidge Laughs.

Nanny's grumbles. “She needs to settle down… The things she associates with.”

“Huh?” Hunk looks up.

“Was that shot aimed this way?” Lance shoots back.

“Zooming around in the sky is no occupation for a princess” Nanny scoffs.

“What?” Hunk balks.

“She must be surrounded be people of culture” Nanny continues ignoring them.

“What are we? Space bums?” Hunk intrjects.

“She should associate with people of her class” Nanny jibes.

“Okay I think we get the message.” Keith snaps.

“How about us?” Lance moves to Keith placing his hand on his shoulder. “A handshake thanks a lot and a goodbye. No gold star… Could we ask for a letter of recommendation?"

“Are we really all washed up here?” Pidge wines.

“You can be royal escorts…”

Nanny starts to imagine Allura’s wedding. “Oh, I can just see it. My baby walking down the isle in the arm of her handsome prince consort. You boys as the Queens personal honor guard. Ever faithful to her majesty. You will knell and pledge undying allegiance to both regents." Hunk kisses Allura's hand. “Ah what an honor,” Then Lance kisses her hand “what a privilege for simple commoners like you.” Then Pidge kisses her hand. Keith, holds her hand for a long while. “To serve the court of Arus. What more could ask?” He finally kisses it.

(hmmm, what more could he ask?)

Lance grumbles. “I can ask you to count me out. I’d feel like an idiot bowing and scraping to a girl who kisses mice.”

Allura shoots back. “I’d rather kiss mice than some people. Anyway I have no plans for marrying to become queen”

“Uhgh” Nanny breathes.

“They’ll do it. They’ll tell you when your gonna get married. They’ll break up the Voltron Force.” Hunk yells.

“You are being insolent." Nanny barks.

“It’s not us it’s the people. They have a right to demand a Queen and they want an heir to the throne.”

Keith closes his eyes dropping his head to the floor. “Sure, you’re right Coran. We understand.”

“We know when we’ve had it!” Hunk adds. They head out of the room.

Keith turns back to the room. “We know the Princess has her job to do. And, so do we. Please excuse us.”

The four leave Allura stands still as they go closing her eyes and sighs.

The boys go to control and do a scan only to find Pidge’s home world under attack.

Pidge wants to help. Keith places a hand on Pidge’s head as they all decide to go and run to the lion shoots.

As the boys are running to the lion shoots. Allura, Coran, Nanny and the castle guards run into castle control.

“Please stop… " Allura calles. "If you leave us you take away Voltron.”

“But Pidge’s planet’s in big trouble.” Hunk glowers.

The guards move in surounding them. “You threatening us Coran?” Keith growles.

“I’m sorry, but I simply cannot allow you to endanger our security”

“Zarkon may attack us at any time Oh I hate to think what could happen.”

“There busy attacking planet Balto right now!” Lance yells.

“Calm down!” Keith snaps at Lance.

“Who me?”

Keith forcefully explains. “Pidge’s planet is being destroyed. That’s our concern too. Balto is part of our federation. It deserves help too just as much as this planet.”

“There is nothing you can do there. I can’t allow you to go I must place you under house arrest.” Corran argues.

“I feel much better” Nanny adds.

“Not me! Aghhhhh!” Pidge attackes. The four quickly disable the guards.

“Now hear this!” Hunk announces.

“End of house arrest.” Lance finishes.

“Keith?" Allura runs in front of him blocking his way. "I’m sorry.”

“Yeah, You know we have to go”

“Keith!…Come on there’s no time.”

Allura begins crying forcing Keith to avert his eyes. He continues past her she calls after him. "Coming Back?”

He freezes body trembling. “I plan to. Without you we won't have blue Lion and Voltron so who knows?”

“Keith? It wont be the same.” Allura crys.

He turns to look at her then runs to his shoot.

Allura drops to the floor.

The four reach Balto to find it completely devastated.

Lotor soon attacks them releasing a Robeast. The beast overpowering the four lions.

“Hang on team. We’ll pull out of this somehow. We sure could Princess and her Blue Lion.” Princess? Why did you have to be a princess? (I love that line!)

Lotor is in his ship. “Finish them off Robeast. Now!”

Back at the Castle and Allura sitting looking out her window she closes her eyes and hears Keith’s voice in her head “Princess we should have never separated the five lions were meant to be together. Always. Were a team and we really need ya now... if only you knew.”

She mentally calls back to him. “Keith I read you. We are a team and I’m coming.” She stands up.

Coran interrupts.“Princess don’t tell me you’re actually thinking of going out alone to that distant planet.”

Nanny adds. “Child, be sensible. Your, your friend are valiant, but your duty is here on Arus.”

“If it weren’t for them there be no Voltron, no kingdom, no planet Arus. We owe everything to them. If I’ve ever been needed it’s now and my friends I love more than anything in the world.”

“I beg you Princess, please don’t go to that awful place.” Nanny pleads.

“I must. Coran, I entrust you with the affairs of the kingdom if I don’t return.” She heads to the door eyes closed, pauses opening them. She whispers. “Keith, I’m on my way.”

Lotor, assuming he has already won, makes plans for his princess.
But, the five lions are reunited forming Voltron. Soon it is the end of yet another Robeast.

They make a hasty retreat. Balto finnaly explodes. Pidges world is gone.

Epilogue...Pidge is made an honorary citizen of Arus.


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