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This page contains some ships of races which do not have a dedicated part of my site. Many races are mentioned.

The ships are shown below:

Breen Destroyer

The Breen Destroyer, the Breens bigest ship. Used by the Breen in its alliance with the Dominion in the War, it was a big asset to their forces. Its armaments are torpedos. The Breen Destroyer is also equiped with a very powerfull torpedo caled an "energy disipator". This torpedo, once it has hit its target drains all power from it rendering the target defencless. The Energy Disipator was responsible for the destruction of the USS Defiant aswell as many ships in a battle for the Chintoka system.

Bajoran Interceptor

These ships are only capable of Impulse sublight speed. Therefor they are used as defence ships for Bajor. They only have light armaments (6 polaron beams) and weak shields and are not really battle ships. Major Kira commanded a squadron of these ships to stop the Romulans from fortifying a moon.

Ferengi Marauder

The Ferengi's main ship, named D'Kora class. These ships are used by the Ferengi for most of their tasks. The Marauders are equiped with shields and 1 phaser and 1 plasma emitter. Crew compliment is usualy 450.

Federation Transport

The Federation Transport ship. These ships are used to send medical supplies to needed places, troops into battle, or just resources for power. As these ships usualy travel with an escort, they do not posses heavy weapons. They are protected by fairly weak shields, and are only armed with a few light phaser arrays.

Type 6 Shuttle

The type 6 shuttle was seen in ST:TNG and was used as the Enterprise-D's standard shuttles. They are only lightly armed with 2 light phasers and are equiped with only light shields. They can carry up to a maximum of 8 people.

Type 11 shuttle

The Type 11 shuttles are used on Sovereign class vessels and one was seen in ST:Insurrection. They are more earodynamic, and so are more maneuverable in atmosphereic condidtions. They are also armed better than the type 6 with 4 phaser arrays and probably micro torpedo launchers.

Type 9 shuttle

The Type 9 shuttles are used on Intrepid class starships, and were seen in ST:Voy. They are average sized but are not well armed, carrying only 1 phaser bank and weak shields.

USS Dauntless

Not an actual Federation ship, the Dauntless was an alien ship made to look like a Federation ship using particle sinthesis to fool the Voyager crew into thinking it had been sent by Starfleet as a rescue ship. The ship is capable of Transwarp speeds. The ship was assimilated by the Borg after Janeway foiled the aliens plan and managed to escape. Armaments are unknown.

Dominion Battle Ship

The JemHadar Battleship, one of the Dominions main ships. It is a large vessel, comperable to a Galaxy class starship. It is heavily armed aswell, carrying 6 or more phased poleron beams aswell as possible other weapons. Crew compliment is 2500 + troops.

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