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The United Federation of Planets, or "Federation" as it is more commonly known, is the pre-eminent power of known space.

It was founded in 2161 in the wake of the Earth-Romulan wars by five races - Terrans (humans), Alpha Centaurians, Vulcans, Tellarites, and Andorians - for their mutual benefit and protection. The Federation has expanded rapidly since, and today is composed of some 150 planets, bound together in a voluntary union for trade, exploration, diplomacy, and mutual protection.

The Federation is governed by the Federation Council, which is made up of representatives from each member planet. It is headquartered at San Francisco, Earth. Presiding over the Federation Council is an elected Federation Council President, who makes his office at Paris, Earth. Each member world is entitled to retain its own form of government, its own military, and its own intelligence agencies. The planet Vulcan, for example, is governed by a the Vulcan Council and a group of titled ministers, possesses a small interstellar navy, and has an internal intelligence agency known as the V'Shar.

Click HERE for a comparison chart of Federation ships.

Galaxy Class

The Galaxy Class project was started in 2345 at the begining of the first Cardassian War. The USS Enterprise-D was a Galaxy class vessel (destroyed over Veridian III). Galaxy Class vessels saw extensive use in the Dominion War and acted as the backbone to the Federation fleets. As of 2376, 28 Galaxy Class vessels are in service, and only 4 were destroyed in the war. The Galaxy Class can carry 1012 crew and is armed with 2 forward and 2 aft torpedo launchers and 11 type X phasers.

Galaxy-X Class

The Galaxy-X Class was seen the final TNG episode 'All good things...'. It is an upgraded Galaxy class, with the most obvious change being the additin of an extra warp nacell. The class has many more upgrades, including a powerfull forward phaser, a cloaking device and the abilty to travel at warp 13. In the episode the ship was commanded by Admiral Riker.

Nebula Class

The Nebula Class is a Galaxy Class variant, and you can see clearly the similarities in them. Having said this the Nebula class is vastly different. The main difference you notice first is the 'tail' like pod on the aft of the ship. This is modified to carry sophisticated sensor eqipment making the Nebula class an important explorer. In the Dominion War, this pod was changed to carry many torpedo tubes, making the Nebula class a formidable battle ship. Other differences from the Galaxy Class include the removal of the 'neck' from the saucer section and the warp nacells are underneath the vessels instead of on top. As of 2376, 42 Nebula Class vessels are in service. Nebula vessels can carry 750 crew and are armed with 8 type X phasers and 2 torpedo bays (pre-war).

Akira Class

Production of the Akira Class started in 2355, and today 105 vessels are in service. 16 were lost in the Dominion war. However, the Akira Class has proved to be one of the most sturdy and successfull designs ever and proved invaluable during the Dominion war. Akira Class vessels are armed with 6 type X phasers and an awsome 15 torpedo tubes. In adition, the Akira class is also a carrier, capable of carrying 12 Peragrine Class attack fighters or 40 Vakyrie light fighters or a combination of both. The Akira Class crew compliment is 500 officers.

Sovreign Class

The Sovereign Class is the latest design by Starfleet, and is their answer for the need of sleak, offensive ships. 18 are currently in service, and 3 more are built each year at Utopia Planetia Yards. The USS Enterprise-E is a Sovereign Class vessel. Sovereigns are armed with 12 advanced type XII phasers which are the most powerfull ever developed so far and 5 torpedo launchers, which include quantum torpedos. The Sovereign has one drawback though, which is a slower warp capacity. They can travel at warp 9.7 which is somewhat slower than the fast Intrepid, Akira and Defiant Classes which can achieve 9.9.

Peragrine Class

The Peregrine class heavy fighter is the Federations answer for the need of attack wing craft. These vessels were used extensivly in the Dominion war, making up the Allied attack squadrans. The vessels are equiped with 2 type V pulse cannons and 2 torpedo launchers, with 2 crew, a pilot and an ops manager. An Akira Class vessel can carry 12 of these ships.

Intrepid Class

The Intrepid Class is a change from the typical explorer designs of the Federation. These vessels are extremely maneuverable and quick, with a top speed of warp 9.975!. Intrepid Class ships have one unique feature. The warp nacells are multi-positioning. When in sub light speeds, the nacells are down, but when the vessels are at warp the nacells retract up, which creates a stable warp field around the vessels. Intrepid Class ships are armed with 13 type X phasers and 4 torpedo tubes (2 forward and 2 aft). Crew compliment is 140 officers. The USS Voyager is an Intrepid Class ship.

Nova Class

The Nova Development Project began in 2365 and the first vessel, the USS Nova, entered service in 2368. They were developed to begin replacing the aging Oberth Class ships and were intended to become the Federations primary survey ships. They are doing just that, and there are currently 47 ships of this class operational. One of the Class, the USS Equinox was encounterd by Voyager in the Delta Quadrant as hit had been taken there by the same method. Nova Class crew compliment is 80 officers and they are armed with 9 type X phasers and 2 torpedo launchers.

Nova Class (Refit)

The Nova Class refit was encounterd in the last Voyager episode 'Endgame'. It is a future design, and was comanded by Captain Harry Kim. The main noticable difference is the 'filling in' of the space at the front of the ship. Not much is known about the armaments of the class but it is safe to say it will posses strong armaments.

Defiant Class

The Defiant Class is the Federations first true Battleship. After the Borg incursin of Wolf359 the Federation needed a strong vessel equiped to defend the Federation if needed. Defiant Class vessels proved to be invaluable during the Dominion war, with only 6 vessels being lost. Sadly, one of these was the prototype itself, the USS Defiant, seen in the episode 'The changing face of evil'. Crew compliment is 40 officers and armaments include 4 pulse phaser cannons and 5 torpedo launchers (post upgrade). Some ships, including the Defiant, have also been fitted with standard phasers .

Steamrunner Class

The Steamrunner Class is a radical change from conventional hull shapes, and is probably the most unique (and ugly) design ever developed. It began at the same time as the Akira Project with the Steamrunner becoming the next Heavy Frigate. The Steamrunner Class saw very active service during the Dominion war, with an unfortunate 45 being lost. Due to the radical design of integrated nacells, heavy, shielded bulkheads are required to protect the crew from the bussard collectors radiation. Armaments include 7 type X phasers and 4 torpedo tubes. Crew compliment is 270 officers.

Prometheus Class

Prometheus Class vessels are totaly unique in design. They are the fastest ships ever built by Starfleet, capable of travelling at warp 9.995. These ships are equiped with a very special feature called 'Multi-Vecor-Assault-Mode'. This allows the ships to split into 3 independant warships all being controlled from the main bridge. Prometheus Class vessels are true and true warships with no scientific equipment onboard, unlike the Defiant Class ships. Crew compliment is 350 officers and armaments include 12 phasers and 2 torpedo launchers (docked mode) or a combined 18 phasers and 5 torpedo tubes (MVAM)

Delta Flyer

A custom made large shuttle, developed soley by the USS Voyager crew. This is not a Starfleet design just a one off vessel. Designed because no replacement shuttles could be brought and the need to preserve them, a strong little ship was decided to be built to be used mostly instead. The Delta Flyer is extremely experimental and advanced and includes Borg technology thanks to 7 of 9. Crew compliment is 1-4 officers and armaments include 8 type V phasers and 1 micro torpedo tube.

Wells Class

A future Federation design from the 29th Century. The USS Relativity was seen in the Voyager episode 'Relativity'. Little is known about these vessels as they have only been seen for short times, but they are equiped with a temporal transporter, capable of sending people to any point in time, and they are shielded from changes in timelines, should any occur.

Danube Class

Danube Class ships are in essence miniature starships. They are split into 3 compartments, the command area, the crew area and the mission area. The ships were seen frequently in ST:DS9. Hundreds are in service throughout the Federation. Crew compliment is 2-4 officers and armaments include 6 type VI phasers and 1 micro torpedo launcher. Maximum speed is warp 5.0.

Ambasodor Class

Ambassador Class ships began construction in 2315. They were intended to start replacing the Excelsior Class ships as the primary explorer vessels. 40 vessels were built as explorers including the flagship at the time, USS Enterprise-C, but at the outbreak of the first Cardassian War the class was renamed as a heavy cruiser and many were upgraded with the latest technology. As of today, 34 Ambassador Class ships are in service. Crew compliment is 907 officers and armaments include 11 type X phasers and 2 torpedo tubes (post upgrades).

New Orleans Class

The New Orleans Class has been the primary Starfleet frigate for 40 years. The ships have 3 outboard compartments which house technical equipment, meaning the ships can be quickly outfitted for any type of mission, should it be exploration or military. 120 New Orleans Class ships were built and 63 are still in service. The USS Kyushu was a New Orleans Class vessel which faught at the battle of Wolf359 against the Borg. Ships of this class are armed with 6 type X phasers and 6 torpedo tubes, as of the latest upgrades. Crew compliment is 200 officers.

Cheyenne Class

The Cheyenne Class is a medium cruiser, because it has multirole capability. These ships are usualy assigned to cargo runs or quick scout misions. The unique 4 nacell design allows the ship to maintain warp almost indefinately because 2 nacells work while the other 2 recharge, and so on. This allows the Cheyenne Class to outrun enemies, and also to go into hostile territory, scan quickly, and then get out. 60 vessels were built and 52 are still in service today. Crew compliment is 190 officers and armaments include 6 type X phasers and 4 torpedo tubes.

Olympic Class

The Olympic Class is a new design in Starfleet. They were constructed to be primarily medical ships, but they posses a high amount of adaptability. For example, they can be outfitted to be cargo or re-supply ships serving stations or ships. The USS Pasteur, as seen in the TNG final episode 'All good things...', was a medical ship commanded by Captain Beverly Picard (Crusher). That is the only time an Olympic Class has been seen on screen. Crew compliment is 275 officers and armaments are 3 type X phasers and 1 forward torpedo tube.

Miranda Class

Designed to be an accomplice to the Constitution Class ships, the Miranda Class of vessels have seen an emensly successfull and very long life time spanning over 100 years. The Miranda Class, on its launch, marked a new era of starship design with most of its advances still being used on new starships today, such as the compartment ideas for seperate missions. Although advanced for its time, the Miranda's are now starting to show their age in terms of weaponry in particular. The Miranda Class suffered badly in the Dominion war, with 77 vessels being lost in battles. Having said this 108 Miranda Class ships are still in service throughout Federation Space. Crew compliment is 220 officers and armaments include six type VII phasers and 4 torpedo tubes (as of latest upgrades).

Excelsior Class (Refit)

The Excelsior Class Refit has all the basic elements of the standard class except in some areas it has been upgraded. The main upgrades were to sensors, labs and impulse power, making the ships the most advanced in the fleet. The USS Enterprise-B was an Excelsior Class Refit and was seen in ST:Generations. The Enterprise-B was severly damaged on its maden voyage and required many weeks of repairs. Crew compliment and weapons remain the same as the standard Excelsior Class.

Excelsior Class

The USS Excelsior, the first ship of the class was designed to use transwarp, and was supposed to be equiped with a transwarp drive. This experiment failed however, and Starfleet ordered the technology to be removed until it could be perfected. To this day, no Federation ship has transwarp drive. The Excelsior Class has become the most numerous explorer vessel ever produced by Starfleet, with 160 vessels produced, some with vast upgrades. The Excelsior Class was the primary explorer until the Galaxy project was started in 2345. During the Dominion War, 47 Excelsiors were lost, and many were brought back into service after being decomissioned years ago because of their strength to the fleets. Crew compliment is 750 officers and weapons include 10 type IX phasers and 4 torpedo tubes.

Oberth Class

The Oberth Class, or "survey class" as it is also known was designed to allow the Federation to explore deep space personally whereas otherwise only long-range sensors could have provided data. 315 Oberth Class vessels have been built over half a century, and 173 are still in service. However, the new Nova Class of ships is taking over and for every Nova built, an Oberth is decomissioned or sold on. Crew compliment is 78 officers and armaments include 3 type VII phaser emitters.

Constellation Class

The first Constellation Class ship entered service in 2285. Since then 50 have been built. Nicknamed as "star cruisrs" by the crews, they are fast and reliable ships. Many were decommisioned in the late 2350's but due to the Dominion War many were reactivated and upgraded for use. Despite this, many did not survive due to the age of the vessels and currently only 8 Constellation Class ships are in service, many only seeing routine work such as currier or personnel transport missions. Crew compliment is 200 officers and weapons include 6 type VII phasers and 4 torpedo tubes.

Constitution Class

The USS Costitution, after which the class is named was launched in 2244. During the next 30 years many Constitution Class ships were built as Starfleet steadily grew. Some ships, such as the USS Pioneer, recieved a full upgrade in 2286 to introduce the latest technology. The ships were the first high warp, deep space vessels. The Constitution Class was probably one of the most recognisable ships in all of Starfleet history. The class was made famous by the USS Enterprise, which in itself became a legend. 47 Constitution Class vessels were produced. The last ship was decomissioned in 2308. Crew compliment was 430 officers and weapons included 4 phaser arrays and 2 torpedo launchers.

NX Class

The NX Class was designed to be the first warp 5.0 capable ship, which was the fastest any human had travelled by that time. Warp 5 opened up thousands of star systems to human exploration which were never reachable earlier. The first ship launched was the Enterprise in 2151. The Enterprise made first contact between Humans and Klingons and also Andorians. The ship was also the first to be commanded by Starfleet, which was just starting out then. Crew compliment was 76 officers and weapons included 4 phase pulse cannons and 2 fusion torpedo launchers. These ships did not have shields, only polarised hulls, as shields had not been invented yet.

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