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The Romulan Empire is a silent threat to the UFP, and the Romulan and Federation governments have been in a state of cold war since the Earth-Romulan War of 2156. In 2161 the Romulan Neutral Zone was established, and, to this day, the crossing of a Federation of Romulan warship over this neutral zone is considered an act of war. In 2311 the Romulans went into a period of isolation from the Federation, only to emerge in 2364 more powerful than ever before.

A branch of the Romulan government is known as the Romulan Tal Shiar. Similar in scope and power to the Cardassian Obsidian Order, the Romulan Tal Shiar have their own warships and have great power and latitude of control within Romulan Society. They are the secret police and the external espionage agency of the Romulan Senate, and are renowned throughout the Alpha and Beta Quadrant. The Romulan Homeworlds are Romulus and Remus, and are reportedly beautiful, lush worlds located in the Beta Quadrant.

The Romulan people are a proud race, often compared to the Roman Empire on Earth centuries ago. Romulan people value the rule of law, and are considered a passionate and highly honorable people. However, they are also very aggressive and are prone to attack both the Klingon and Federation worlds with little or no warning. Many consider the Romulans to be inherently devious, always planning and scheming some grand, master plan. The Romulan government is composed of a Senate, with a Praetor, or Emperor, in place as the head of the government. However, the Praetor is often the most short lived person in the empire due to the constant scheming of the various senators vying for power.

Following the end of the Dominion War in 2376, the Romulans withdrew, once again, into their space. It is believed by many that the next conflict in the Alpha Quadrant will likely involve the Romulans...

Below is the current arsanal of the Romulan fleet:

Romulan Warbird

The Romulan Warbird, D'Deridex class. A massive ship, twice the size of a Galaxy class vessel. The ships have ben seen in TNG, DS9 and even VOY. In DS9 they helped the Federation and Klingons fight against the Dominion. Warbirds are heavily armed with strong shields, 6 disruptors and 2 photon torpedo launchers. They are also equipped with a cloaking device.

Drenet Class

Little is known about this vessel as it has rarly been seen. One was found crashed on a moon, but it had self destructed. The vessels are 91m in length and carry 80 crew. They can travel at warp 5 and presumably have cloaking capabilities. Armaments are unknown.

Griffin Class

Known only as the Griffin class, nothing is known about this vessel as it has never been seen in real life by Starfleet. It is presumed it will have average weapons and shields aswell as a cloaking device.

Shrike Class

The Shrike Class has 2 forward disruptor cannons and a forward plasma torpedo launcher. It is probably a safe bet that this class, like many of the Romulan ships, carries a cloaking device.

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