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The Borg. An evil, malevolent force of such unstoppable magnitude and menacing demeanor that no species, save one, can resist their attempts to "assimilate" everything. The Borg originate on the opposite side of the galaxy from the Federation, in the Delta Quadrant. The Borg are a group mind, often described as a "hive mind", with each individual, or drone, connected to a fast interstellar network, called the Borg Collective. Each drone is in constant communication with each and every other drone in the collective, from the most lowly grunt tactical unit right up to the Borg Queen herself.

The Borg have made repeated attempts to assimilate the power of the United Federation of Planets, and repeatedly the attempts of the Collective have been thwarted. Today, the Federation and other Alpha Quadrant powers have gained new insight into the technologies and methods employed by the Borg, through the efforts of the crew of the Starship Voyager. With this information and the experience of the Voyager crew, perhaps the Borg are not the unstoppable force we once believed...

Below are the current known ships of the Borg:

Borg Cube

The Borg Cube is the largest and most menacing vessel of the Collective. It is also one of the largest vessels known by Starfleet to exist. The Cubes crew compliment is 1,000,000 drones. Its armaments include multiple phaser and cutting beams aswell as torpedoes. The cube also has adaptive shielding and is able to regenerate itself, even if 70% of the ship has been destroyed.

Borg Tactical Cube

The Tactical Cube is similar to the conventional Cube but it is smaller in size and contains less drones and armourments. The main difference from the Cube is obvious. It has hull plated armour on its external bulkheads which is designed to give the Tactical Cube more stablility and armour from attack.

Borg Diamond

Thought to be a unique vessel reserved for the Borg Queen. She is thought to travel in this ship if needed. Although quite a small ship, it is still armed well, with phasers and torpedo launchers. However, due to its important guest, it will usualy travel with an escort of other Borg ships.

Borg Sphere

The Borg Shere is in essence a scout vessel, used to travel the Galaxy in search of species worthy of Assimilation. It will usualy engage the races ships to assess and adapt to their defensive capabilities in order for a swift assimilation later by Borg Cubes. Its armaments include multiple phasers and torpedo launchers.

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