Shining Force III - Scenario 2  ---- Shining Force 3 Scenario 2
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Chapter 1
~ The Journey of the Third Prince ~


So begins my scenario 2 guide, as you can see from the intro we have return to Saraband, during the peace conference, but this time we see the events through Medion's eyes. We start off with Medion and his team resting at the docks, with their minds on other things, his team beings with, Grantack, Campbell, Syntesis and Uryudo.


However they soon find, that they are not the only one's at the dock and why are the boxes full up with explosives! It seems that the strange masked monk has all the answers and he appears to want Medion and his team dead, enter the first battle of this scenario.

Scenario 2, Battle 1 Ambush at the dock

Medion use the boxes to split are enemies, and you will be able to defeat them easily
Battle Notes:
1. The priest is only there, to help you if you die, he plays no part in the battle.
2. This battle has no boss, so you must kill all the enemies to finish it, bar the mask monk leader whom makes his escape once you finished off all his men.

The monk may have escaped, but he soon meets his death at the hands of Synbios. Alarmed by what has just happened Medion's team leaves the dock. Syntesis and Uryudo also leave your team for now. Medion can now move around the Imperial District and this is what he can find.

Picture Item Where Found
Angel Wing Found in barrel in house in the Imperial District
50 Gold Coins Found in cupboard in house in the Imperial District

When your done looking around this part of the Imperial District, head to the area in this District where Synbios first met Medion, to see the other half of that scene this time with Medion saying "..........". After the scene is finished hurry back to the Imperial HQ to find out what is going on.


Just as Medion enters the Imperial HQ we see Syntesis and Uryudo rushing around the town and just as there about to enter the Imperial HQ they see Crewart and Fiale, using a secret entrance to enter the main building. Syntesis and Uryudo decide to investigate.


Meanwhile in the Imperial HQ a long cut scene takes place in which we see Medion, his two brothers and their generals wondering what the explosions are all about. Then all of a sudden Crewart bursts in with an injured soldier saying that the Emperor was kidnapped by the Republican King Benetram. After some discussion the Imperials prepare to go to war against the Republic, in this talk scene you'll see the following Imperials.


After the cut scene Medion is left with Fiderit in the Imperial Headquarters, you're now free to explore the whole of Saraband.

Picture Item Where Found
50 Gold Coins Found in Cupboard in Imperial Headquarters
Power Wine Found in chest on 2nd Floor of the Imperial Headquarters
Healing Drop Found in chest in Priest house in the Imperial District
Steel Bracer Found in box at back of Stone room in the Imperial District
Silver Ring If Garosh was saved by Synbios in scenario 1, speak with the boy in the Saraband guard Headquarters in the Republic District and he'll give Medion this ring.
Medion can also find any item, Synbios did not take in scenario 1. Please refer to the scenario 1 chapter 1 guide for item locations or click here

One again in the trade district you can speak to that strange centaur who likes to do his laundry on top of the tavern. Sadly Arthur from Shining Force, won't join Medion team just yet but if you speak to him in chapter 5, he will join Medion's team.


When you have finished looking around Saraband, head to the pier to leave, however just as you are about to leave Syntesis and Uryudo catch up with you again. They tell Medion about what they saw and join his team permanently. One final point, you maybe wondering why, Garosh or Arthur haven't joined you yet, that is because Medion is going to return to Saraband in chapter 5. So your just going to have to wait for a little bit before they join Medion team.

Medion and his party then leave Saraband only to find two of the high priests of Bulzome escaping Balsamo. Crewart troops are also there, but seem to be doing nothing. Until Medion arrives, then they decide to attack him, with 2 armies to fight this isn't going to be an easy battle for Medion and his team.


Scenario 2, Battle 2: The High Priests, Escape from Balsamo

Battle Notes:
Both Basanda and Fiale along with there escort escape, long before you can reach any of them.

Once the battle is over Medion and his team head into Balsamo in search of Synbios and Benetram.


However just as Medion enters Balsamo, Synbios leaves and all Medion's team can hear is the sound of Duncan blowing up the well to prevent anyone from following Synbios. If you check the Imperial Barracks you'll find Walz and Rock .


If you want them both to join your team, you must do the following, use an Antidote Herb or Fairy Powder on Walz when you are standing next to her, then use the item as if you were using it normal. Medion must be carrying the item and he must not be poisoned or paralysed. If done correctly she will be cured of her paralysation and offer to join your team, with Walz cured speak with Rock and he will now also join your team.

There isn't much to do in the town, so when your ready head to Duncan's house, where we meet Duncan and Toby again, after a cut scene in which Medion discovers which way Synbios went. However they are unable to follow through the well, so they decide to find another way to Railhead. You can find the map to the next ruins in the chest in Duncan's house.

Picture Item Where Found
Ruin Map Found in chest in Duncan's house
Medion can also find any item, Synbios did not take in scenario 1. Please refer to the scenario 1 chapter 1 guide for item locations or click here

Once you're finished looking around Balsamo leave by the main exit to enter the next battle.

Scenario 2, Battle 3: Trap on the Road to Dusty Village


Dusty Village

After the battle Medion arrives in Dusty Village, home of the bandits, after a cut scene in Headquarters, you can look around some of the town, bar Shiraf's house, which is the big one at the end, until Shiraf leaves town. The first time you get about half way across the town you'll see a cut scene with Basanda and Shiraf. After that cut scene head to the 2nd floor of the bar and go through the door at the end so you end up on a balcony over looking the street, another cut scene will take place this time, with Shiraf leaving the town to go after Synbios, you can now enter his home.

After this scene, leave the balcony them go back through the door to the balcony. On the balcony this time will be Barnard the character Synbios untied in Balsamo in scenario 1, he will join Medion's team, when you speak with him. If you didn't untie him in scenario 1 or are starting a scenario 2 game without a scenario 1 savefile, Barnard will not be here and you cannot get him to join your team.


Hidden around Dusty Village, Medion can find the following items.

Picture Item Where Found
Medical Herb Found in box in back room of the bar
Goddess Tear Found in chest on the bar's balcony
Antidote Herb Found in box in house
Brain Food Found in barrel in house
Iron Bracer Found in chest in room, round the back of Shiraf's house
100 Gold Coins Found in Shiraf's house on the 2nd floor

When Basanda and Shiraf have both left Dusty village you can also leave the village, and as always the moment you leave the village you run into another battle this time, with some of general Varlant troops.

Scenario 2, Battle 4: The Rocky Road of the Mountain Pass

Battle Notes:
Even if you miss the items in this battle you can still get them, as if you retreat from the next battle. You have to walk up this section again this time with no enemies, around to get back to the next battle

No sooner do Medion team finish one battle, they enter another, however they have finally found Synbios and his team at the rail road switching point, but it seem that their in a spot of trouble. Medion decides to help Synbios by dealing with general Varlant who seems to have gone mad after the battle with Spiriel, while Synbios deals with the Border Guards and rescues the refugees. So begins the second half of the Switching point battle.


Scenario 2, Battle 5: The Madness of General Varlant,
A Switch and a Hard Place, Side 2

With Varlant's defeated, Medion meets up with Synbios to discuss what happened in the peace conference and who was really reasonable for the Emperor's abduction. Before heading off to Anafect village, in search of a ship.

Resume of Chapter 1

The Emperor Domaric was abducted at the peace conference in the floating city of Saraband. The abduction caused by a Bulzome monk impersonating the Republican king Benetram, caused the Empire and Republic to enter another war. It was also the beginning of a great journey, for the third prince of the Empire, Medion. However Medion's army soon found themselves in a stalemate in their quest to find the Emperor Domaric. However Medion and his forces soon met Synbios again at a railway switching point. Where, Synbios informed Medion that the Republic didn't abduct the Emperor, the two parties also exchanged valuable information in their meeting. Now, Medion's forces are preparing to obtain the aid of general Rogan and mount an expedition to rescue the Emperor. They now travel to the nearby village of Anafect, to borrow a ship, and land on the opposite shore, in Barrand. This was the start of Prince Medion great journey.

Chapter 1
~ The Journey of the Third Prince ~
The End

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