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Chapter 1
~ Nightmare in the floating city of Saraband ~


And so it begins the first chapter of scenario 1, after the opening scene of Saraband in which we see a strange purple monk.

We are then in introduced to the Hero, Synbios his friend Dantares the king of the Republic Benetram and 3 of the Republic generals Edmund, Tybalt and Brutus. After this talk scene Dantares will join Synbios team.


Just as you leave the building you'll run in to Masqurin and Grace, queue another cut scene. Masqurin will offer you some flowers at the end of this scene after, Dantares refuses to accept one. Masqurin and Grace will also join Synbios team.


You are now free to look around Saraband and speak to people, you can also find the following items hidden around Saraband:

Picture Item Where Found
Cut Flower Given to you by Masqurin
10 Gold Coins Cupboard on 1st Floor of Republic Headquarters
Healing Drop Found in Plant on 1st Floor of Republic Headquarters
Potion Found in Chest on 2nd Floor of Republic Headquarters
5 Gold Coins Found in Cupboard inside Saraband's Guard Headquarters
Large Mithril Box in Scientist house (Big White House) in Republic District
5 Gold Coins Found in Chest of draws inside house in Republic District
10 Gold Coins Found in Cupboard in Egg house, in the Trade District
Medical Herb Found in a Box inside the house with the Egg, in the Trade District
Healing Drop Found in Barrel in Tool shop in Trade District
Health Bread Found in a Chest inside a house in the Trade District

Some people wonder what the flowers are for, well if you show them to the flower seller she said this :

"I sold these flowers to a monk ... I guess he gave them to you. Please take good care of them."

Also in the trade district, you meet a strange centaur who likes to do his laundry on top of the bar, remind you of any one from Shining Force? That's right it's Arthur from Shining Force, although some people seem to think it isn't. For the minute don't worry about him as he joins Medion's team in scenario 2. You'll also meet an Archer named, Hayward in the Republic District, don't worry about him for the moment, as he will join Synbios's team later.


As soon as you finished looking around head to the Imperial District for a talk scene which looks like things are going to get a little rough. Until the Hero of scenario 2 intervenes, this is the first time that we meet Prince Medion, Sir Campbell and their advisor Grantack.


However the meeting between Synbios and Medion is suddenly ended by some explosion and both sides hurry back to their camps, however before Synbios can gets back to his headquarters he comes across a Mask Monk and thus the first battle happens.

Scenario 1, Battle 1: And so it begins!

They have the edge in numbers, but if you play this right, we can take them.
We can overcome them Synbios.
Battle Notes:
As their is no boss for this battle, the battle ends when all 5 monks have been defeated.

After the monk has coughed up his last words head back to the Republic Headquarters, but before you get there you have a run in with King Benetram? Holding the Emperor Domaric, hostage! After this scene has ended Synbios can now return to HQ and find out what on earth is going on and why was he with those shaded monks?

False Benetram

After another talk scene at Republic Headquarters Synbios is given the order to take Benetram back to the Republic capital Aspinia, now all you can do is leave Saraband by the pier, however only to encounter another King Benetram!

Scenario 1, Battle 2: The False King

If Hayward is spoken to during this battle or he survived till the end he will join Synbios's party, if he is killed, before that happens, however he will not join Synbios's team. If Garosh is saved he will join Medion's team in Scenario 2, if he is killed his brother Jade will join Medion's team in Scenario 2.


Also if you destroyed the barrel blocking your way, on too the other half of the docks, in the second battle you will find a chest with an Iron Brace inside it and depending on the out come of the battle, a small boy will give Synbios or Medion a Sliver Ring.

Picture Item Where Found
Iron Brace Inside a chest, on the other side of the dock, can only be reached if you destroyed the barrel blocking the way, during battle 2. (Found after Battle 2)

Sliver Ring If Garosh was killed, speak with the boy in the Saraband guard Headquarters and he'll give Synbios this ring.

It is now clear to Synbios's party that the other Benetram is an impostor, but who would do such a thing and why? Are heroes decide to carry on chasing him. However no sooner do we leave Saraband, Synbios is thrown into another battle.

Scenario 1, Battle 3: Escape from Saraband

1. The impostor is escaping to Balsamo! You can't let him get away, Synbios. Destroy the monk blocking out way!
2. A swordsman against a knight on horseback doesn't have much of a chance...... Synbios you must seek out advantages to use against your opponents.
Note: The advice changes from 1 to 2 when the Saraband knights arrive, but it will change back again if you kill all the knights off, while the monks remain.
Battle Notes:
The Saraband knight unit, does not arrive until Synbios gets about half way across the battle field, you know when they arrived, as you'll hear a trumpet tune play, then the fun really starts.
Try as you might, it is impossible to catch up with the fake Benetram, before he gets to Balsamo, even if you could, you can't attack him.

Having defeated the monks and Saraband knights, Synbios and Benetram decide to follow the impostor into Balsamo. However just as they enter Balsamo the Imperial show up, Mageron, Spiriel, Crewart and Arrawnt. All looking for the head of king Benetram, while Mageron and Arrawnt leave on their ships Spiriel deploys her troops along with Crewart. With so many Imperials around there is no turning back for are heroes and thing aren't looking that good. Then General Varlant arrives and with his army, so he sets about delaying Spiriel force's for as long as possible, Synbios and Benetram then head into Balsamo.



After a quick talk scene at the entrance of Balsamo, Synbios is now free to explore the town and buy weapons for the first time.

Walking around town you can find the following items:

Picture Item Where Found
Brain Food Found in back wall, between two houses
10 Gold Coins Found in House in Balsamo
5 Gold Coins Found in House in Balsamo
Large Mithril Found in wall, to the left of the church, near a dark patch on the ground
Power Wine Found in chest on 2nd floor of the Balsamo Inn
Medical Herb Found inside barrel in Duncan's House
Hill Road Map Found inside chest in Duncan's House

In town you can also meet Obright the Dwarf in the Republic Barracks and Rock and Walz in the Imperial Barracks (although Rock and Walz have yet to be given their character artwork and sprite's, so they only look like normal troopers). There is not a great deal to see in Balsamo as the town is quite small.


Once you have finished looking around town, head into the inn to have a chat with the 4 leaders of the masked monk cult. After the cut scene with Fiale, Basanda, Dessheren, Goriate and a tied up Emperor, we discover the truth about the cult and why they are in Balsamo.


With the monks disappearing from Balsamo in a flash, it appears that Synbios's party is now stuck in Balsamo and with Crewart troops blocking the main entrance there is no way out of Balsamo. Now that the monks have left the lodge you can fully explore it, if you remember a monk was standing at the far end of the corridor, saying that there is nothing beyond this point. Now that he is gone you discover he was stand in front of a secret passage. If you follow the passageway to the end you come to a secret room. With a man tied up in it, if you untie him he turns out to be an Imperial called Barnard.


Barnard runs off after being untied, but the good news is that, he can now join Medion team in Scenario 2, also looking around in the room he was in, reveals the following item:

Picture Item Where Found
Potion Found in room with Barnard tied up in

In order to leave Balsamo, speak with Obright who can now be found watching the battle between Produn's and Garzel's forces on top of the village chief's house, Obright will now join Synbios's party. With Obright now in your team, go speak to Duncan and Toby. They will show you the secret route out of Balsamo, which leads us to Synbios's next battle in Dwarf's Valley.

Scenario 1, Battle 4: The passage through Dwarf Valley

If we make it through this valley safely, we'll reach Dwarf Hill Synbios. Get through the valley quickly.
Battle Notes:
There is no Boss for this battle, it ends when your team gets to the other side of the battle field, you'll know when you get there, as the HOLD icon will change. Clicking on it will end this battle and put you straight into battle 5. It also ends if all the monsters, including the reinforcements are killed.

Note: You can also open the chest after the battle so long as you destroyed the barrels blocking your path. Sadly there is no time for are party to rest, as after a quick cut screen, you are thrown straight into battle 5. With everyone wondering how the thief leader knew the peace conference would fail, I guess you'll just have to ask him.

Scenario 1, Battle 4: Dwarf Hill the road to Railhead

Listen Synbios, to win in battle you must use lances against swords, arrows against things that fly.
Tomb Hill Ruins

After the battle, Synbios and his party question the thief commander, over why he knows so much about the peace conference, alas before he can tell Synbios's and Benetram, who is involved he dies. Still unsure of who is involved in this conspiracy, Synbios and his party head to Railhead, where general Produn should await them.

Resume of Chapter 1

The fiscal problems of the Republic triggered turmoil in Barrand, just the excuse the Empire needed to justify an invasion of the Holy Land, bring both countries to the brink of full-scale war. A peace conference was called in an attempt to avert the coming war, but the abduction of the Emperor by Bulzome fanatics raised tensions on both sides. Both sides left the peace conference planning for war. Synbios managed to escape Balsamo, and is heading for the town of Railhead where General Produn awaits. However, many unexpected events lie in his and his party's path.

Chapter 1
~ Nightmare in the floating city of Saraband ~
The End

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