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Chapter 2
~ Strategy of the Republic ~


Arriving just outside of Anafect village, Medion's team finds the ground to be littered with corpses of Republican and Imperial troops. Even more worryingly is the fact that there are dead mask monks as well, a groan is heard and from some nearby bush a white knight appears, saying something about Spiriel and Basanda. However before Medion's team can question him he dies.

In search of a ship to sail to Barrand, they leave the remains of the battlefield behind them and head into Anafect village. While you're wandering around the village of Anafect you can find the following items lying around.

Picture Item Where Found
Goddess Tear Found in Barrel in Tavern
150 Gold Coins Found in Cupboard on 2nd Floor of Tavern
Large Mithril Found in Tombstone outside of the Tavern
150 Gold Coins Found in Cupboard in Boat
Armor Milk Found in Chest in Shop
Gale Milk Found in Box on the Pier
Angel Wing Found in Box at the end of the Dock

When you've finished walking around the town head to the docks. When Medion reaches the Anafect's docks they discover that the last boat in the village is about to be taken by Republicans and it's none other than General Produn and his second in charge Stella. Who are trying to get back to the Republic, having just been beaten by Garzel.


In desperate need of the boat Medion has no choice but to fight Produn and take the ship by force, so draw your swords and prepare to fight.

Scenario 2, Battle 6 Ship to Shore battle at Anafect dock

Battle Notes:
1. Watch out of the cannon on the ship as it blows away parts of the pier, forcing you to take the long way around.
2. After a few turns Stella will send, two birdmen to take Produn away from the battle, at which point Stella becomes the BOSS for this battle.
3. Once you have killed all of Produn's forces, Medion will get a talk option to spare Stella.

If you killed Stella at the end of the battle then, Produn will sail away cursing Medion's name you will also have to fight him in scenario 3. Edmund will join Julian's team in scenario 3 and Isabella will join Julian at the start of chapter 3. If however you spared Stella then, Produn and Stella will sail away together, thanking Medion and you will beable to get Produn to join Julian in scenario 3, Isabella will also join Julian in chapter 1.


As the boat sails away, it looks like Medion will be unable to reach Barrand any time soon, but just then the chief of Anafect village appears and asks to have a word with you. He informs Medion's team that there is a secret passage inside the nearby waterfall, which will allow them to get to Rainside. With this information Medion and co decide to leave the village and head to the waterfall, don't forget however to check the chest inside the chief's boat.

Picture Item Where Found
Ruin Map Found in Chest in village Chief's Boat house.

Just as Medion leaves Anafect village, a blue birdman approaches them and reveals himself as Zero the brother of Eldar and a friendly face from scenario 1. He informs Medion that he has been sent by Benetram to aid him in his quest.


With Zero now a member of the team they head to the waterfall, however before they can reach the waterfall they run into some of General Garzel troops, whom seem unwilling to allow Medion's team passed them.

Scenario 2, Battle 7: Secret of Anafect Village

With Garzel troops defeated they can finally search for the secret entrance to the waterfall, holding their breath they see if the village chief was telling the truth about a secret passage. Campbell moves the nearby rock and the passage is revealed, with this they enter the cave inside the waterfall.


As they enter the cave they discover a ninja girl called Hazuki and her father, however they appear to have run into some trouble, like the good person he is Medion and his team set out to rescue them and kill some monsters.

Scenario 2, Battle 8: Secret of the Waterfall

Battle Notes:
1. Zero leaves the team for this battle as he dives down to save Hazuki father who falls into the waterfall.

If you manage to speak to Hazuki during the battle or kept her alive during the course of the battle she will join your team, else she will be killed.

Zero also returns with her injured father, he explains to Medion how they were chased by Yasha, who was trying to get them to join the Empire. He then tells Hazuki to go with Medion, before he dies from his injuries. After these sad events Medion leaves the cave and heads for the small republic village of Rainside.


Welcome to Rainside a small republic village, which is the home of General Edmund, currently he doesn't appear to be around at the moment, so your free to wander around town. As always you can find a number of items inside the village.

Picture Item Where Found
Fairy Powder Found in Barrel near Well
200 Gold Coins Found in Cupboard in House
Chicken Feed Found in Vase in Republic base
200 Gold Coins Found in Cupboard in room to the right of the Bar
Holy Rain Found in Vase in middle room in the Bar
Antidote Herb Found in Barrel inside a House

Once you have the bag of chicken feed, you will beable to feed it to a chicken, look for a chicken near the center of town and feed it the chicken feed, once it's joined you, return to HQ. You'll notice a chicken has now appeared in the top corner of HQ, right all you have to do now is wait to chapter 5 when you get Penko's egg.

Once you have looked around the town and brought any item or weapons needed its time to leave the town and carry on your journey to Barrand. Just as Medion leaves town you spot a number of republic troops moving across the plains, wandering what they are up to you decide to follow them.

Scenario 2, Battle 9: Wild Country chasing the Republic

Battle Notes:
There is no Boss for this battle, it ends when your team gets to the other side of the battle field, you'll know when you get there, as the HOLD icon will change. Clicking on it will end this battle and put you straight into battle 5. It also ends if all the monsters, including the reinforcements are killed.

Having followed the republican troops they arrive at their base camp, it turns out that these troops are part of Edmund forces who are waiting to ambush Synbios's team when they cross the bridge. On top of that Edmund and Garzel have formed an alliance and Garzel is also waiting for Synbios. With these two powerful generals working together does Synbios stand a chance against them?


Just then Synbios appears on the bridge, with no time to lose Medion team prepare to attack Edmund's army and prevent them from ambushing Synbios. It's time to get fighting and save Synbios and the rest of his team.

Scenario 2, Battle 10: To Unspring a Trap

When the battle has ended both Garzel and Edmund's armies have been wiped out, Garzel has been killed by Synbios and Edmund has fallen into the great waterfall. It appears that a great victory is at hand, Medion team moves onto the bridge to speak with Synbios and his force. This is Medion's side of the bridge talk scene, so you'll remember this scene from scenario 1. After the two teams has finished their discussion Medion returns Zero to Synbios and we briefly see Eldar and Kahn.


Alarmed about the destruction of the Guardian Statue Medion team decides to visit Elbesem after they have been to Barrand. With that the two parties say good bye and both set about on their different journeys ahead.

Resume of Chapter 2

Imperial General Garzel and Republic General Edmund formed a desperate alliance to capture the Republican King, Benetram. Medion's forces successfully intercepted the attack with enough force that they were able to prevent Edmund's troops from overwhelming Synbios's battalion. Synbios's army now returns to Aspinia, where their safety is prayed for. Medion's forces are on the move towards Barrand, where General Rogan awaits. However, the great forest, lies directly in line with Barrand. Medion's forces will have to travel through the forest in order to reach Barrand. But, someone is intent on barring Medion's way...

Chapter 2
~ Strategy of the Republic ~
The End

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