Our Wedding Gifts

This table was in the dinning room, next to the table with the food on it. It was lined with white tissue paper and decorated with pink and teal twisted streamers. On this table is where we put the gifts we had been given at our engagement party just a few days before as well as the cards and gifts which were given to us that day. (We were engaged for several months before we were married. However, Jamie's friends at work decided that they would throw us an engagement party to give us our gifts at the Thursday before we were married that Sunday.) This picture was taken before any guests got there however, you can see most of our gifts on it. Of course, the most important gift can not be captured in any picture, and that is the love and support we received from our friends.

At the top is the basket we were given at our engagement party which contained two beautiful wine glasses, a bottle of homemade red wine, two red candles, two white candles, heart shaped bath beads, a small package of Starbuck's coffee, a small bottle of Bailey's coffee flavoring, a book of love quotes, and a box of fine chocolates. Also in the basket is the scroll which contained the best gift, our honeymoon. Jamie's friends all got together and paid for one night in a beautiful Inn. The room itself cost over $120 American, so that was indeed a wonderful gift. The poem by Emily Dickenson which was included can be seen below, placed on display. (It's the white sheet of paper with the little cloud blowing the leaves at the bottom in case you're looking for it!)

Below the basket you can see a box of four whiskey glasses, an aqua candle holder which you put water in and it keeps the candle floating so that you never have to worry about having excess candle wax in the bottom of the glass tube. The candle holder was placed on the table where we put our wedding book. You can also see a small basket of red ribbons with small gold color safety pins placed in front of the basket. We and all of our guests wore homemade red ribbons in honor of those who have died and will die of AIDS. We asked our guests to remember that NO ONE is safe from such an uncaring killer. Although neither Beverly nor Jamie know anyone who has been infected (yet), we both feel very strongly about remembering those who we will never have the oppurtunity to get to know.

On this table we also placed the programs for our wedding as well as a copy of the invitation and RSVP card. We did ask that our guests return the RSVP card for both sentimental and practical reasons, however, some did not return them until the wedding, so they were added to the pile on this table. We also asked our guests to put all gifts and cards on this table, which are not shown in the picture. Of course, we were also given a small amount of money (ok, so it was a very small amount, but we don't have any rich friends!) We were very happy with our guests, our ceremony, and extremely happy with our gifts, especially our honeymoon, but no gift meant more to us than the love and support we received from both our guests and our friends who couldn't attend.

Support Life...Fight AIDS!


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