Beverly's Role In The Wedding

This is Beverly standing in the place where the ceremony would later take place. She is wearing an off the shoulder red dress with a pearl and silver necklace with matching earrings and braclet. Even though you probably can't see it, Beverly is wearing a red ribbon on her left hand side.

Beverly worked hard on the details of the wedding, wanting to make it as special as her love for Jamie is. Beverly did a lot of the stuff for the wedding since Jamie was working and busy most of the time. Beverly called around and finally found the Unitarian minister who would later marry us. Beverly looked through all of the sample ceremonies we had been given by the minister and came up with the ceremony that both she and Jamie could agree on. Beverly worked hard on typing it all in, deciding what to put where and finally printed off enough copies for all of our guests as well as a few others for friends and family who were not able to attend as well as a few copies just for ourselves.

Beverly also decided that even though we could invite all of the guests we knew could attend by phone that she wanted wedding invitations. Because of the extremely tight budget, we could not afford to have any made so Beverly worked hard on finding the right wording and just the right graphics to make beautiful invitaions and RSVP cards. When they were finally completed and Beverly was finally happy with them, we printed them off on a color printer. They were printed on white paper so that the colors would show up well. On the front of the invitation there was a red rose with two wedding rings on the green stem. On the inside there were little clusters of three red roses with green leaves and stems surrounding the words. Also contained in the invitations were RSVP cards which were printed four on one piece of pink paper. Beverly then cut them carefully, folded the invitations, placed the RSVP cards inside, stuffed well over 20 envolopes with them, and then addressed the envolopes and got them all mailed off in time for everyone to get them at least a week before the wedding.

Beverly also decided that a low budget did not mean that we could not have beautiful decorations, so she made the two pink wedding wreaths. She took two wooden wreaths which had been given to her with some other craft stuff, covered them completely with pink ribbon and added blue and pink small flowers around the wreaths. She also put two pieces of pink ribbon across the middle of the wreaths and with silver glitter spelled out both of our names, alternating who's came first on the top on and the date of our wedding on the second piece of ribbon. Both of these wreaths were later placed on the wall with a pink bell between and up a bit from then, all connected by twisted teal ribbon. These decorations beautifully framed the ceremony.

Beverly bought a red and pink rose blank book and created a wedding book suitable for our wedding since we were not able to find one that was suitable for same sex couples. Then, she created a table for the wedding book out of some boxes covered with pink tissue paper and pink and teal ribbons. We also looked around for a ring pillow, but we couldn't find one that cost less than Jamie's tux shirt did, so Beverly made one out of some material that had been given to her with the craft stuff and decorated it with silk flowers, white and silver small wedding bells, and pink ribbon. It all turned out beautifully.

Both Beverly and Jamie decided to ask their guests to wear red ribbons during the ceremony. So, Beverly spent hours making enough red ribbons for all of the guests to wear as well as enough to put inside all of the invitations. She also made a small sign asking our guests to remember those who have died and those who will die of AIDS. We also asked our guests to remember that no one is safe from HIV.

After the wedding, Beverly completed the wedding book with brochures and a postcard from our honeymoon and finished the list of gifts and cards. She also wrote, addressed, and mailed all of the thank you cards to everyone who sent a card or gave us a gift. And later after the wedding, Beverly took a box and covered it with a shinny wedding gift wrap and created a beautiful wedding box to contain all of our cards, the wedding book, and other memorabilia from the wedding so that we can always remember just how special our wonderful wedding was.


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