The Food At Our Wedding

Here you can see all the wonderful food we had for our guests. The table was covered with a white, plastic lace table cloth. Among the food we placed two white candles in heart shaped, clear holders, a clear napkin holder with teal colored napkins, plastic plates and forks, toothpicks with multi-colored flags on them, as well as clear, plastic whine glasses. Beverly added a strip of pink ribbon around the top of each glass, keeping with the wedding colors and making them look much more festive.

We had both white and red whine for our guests to drink. The white whine was brought by Jamie's sister as a gift. The spread of food you can see includes fruit, cheese, meat, bread, and something for the sweet tooth we all have. We wanted to have a variety for our guests to choose from. Behind the table you can also see that we had an ice chest with ice for those guests who were driving home and thus needed to drink something without alcohol. We had Sprite, cold water, and juice for those who did not wish to or could not drink whine.

The food was delicious and everyone was really suprised at how much we had been able to make on such a small budget. The menu included cheddar and white cheese, wheat crackers, watermellon, kiwi, cantelope, green and purple seedless grapes, Sweedish meatballs, sausage rolls, cheese bread, peanuts, mint cookies, and sugar cookies. Needless to say, our guests enjoyed the food and little was left for us to have to put away after everyone went home.


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