We have confessed our participation in the pain and opperssion of gay and lesbian people. The church now seeks ways to bring healing to the places where we formerly caused pain; the chruch now seeks to declare acceptance of those we formerly despised. Today, with delight, we affirm this loving relationship and with joy we confirm the covenant bond that has brought these two lovers to each other and to us. To dare to love is always an act of faith. Today, Jamie and Beverly, the church, and this gathered community joins you as you dare to love each other adn as you dare to pledge that love in the presence of God.

This is a timeless moment, a moment of hope and expectation, when standing before God and among you, their friends, Beverly and Jamie pledge themselves to each other in covenant of Holy Union.

What Jamie and Beverly mean to each other is obvious in their lives, but it is not easily expressed in the language of ceremony. The union it symbolizes can be the most intriguing of human experiences, for in any accounting, love in its infinite manifestations is what life is all about. To share their lives, to encourage creaitivity, to inspire in each other to reach beyond the limits of the ordinary...not at the expense of each partner's individuality, but rather by the strength of the common bond, this is the hope in which Beverly and Jamie come to be united.

We have come here today to recognize and honor this covenant, the love of Jamie and Beverly for each other and their wish to make life long commitments to one another which others will honor and respect.

---- Andrew Hill

Grace, mercy, and peace to you,
in the name of God, the source of love,
in the name of Jesus Christ, love in human form,
and in the name of the Spirit, love's power.


O God, our Maker, Lover of the heavens and earth,
you have commanded us to love each other as Christ loved us,
and to bear each other's weaknesses,
and share each other's strengths.
Look with favor on Beverly and Jamie
whom you have brought together in love.
Grant them caring, and faithfulness,
sincere love, and constant strength.
Protect them from trouble and danger,
and bring them together
to the banquet of your heavenly reign;
through Jesus Christ,
who lives with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, in glory everlasting.


Standing before God, and among you, their friends, Jamie and Beverly come to pledge themselves to each other in a covenant of Holy Union. This is a timeless and holy moment, a moment of hope and expectation. We witness the making of a covenant, as two persons publicly declare their intent to enter into an intimate relationship of enduring love, of deep fidelity and trust, expressing the highest aspirations. May those gathered here who live in intimate and loving realtionships find that relationship renewed and strengthened, as we offer prayers for Beverly and Jamie, who are about to begin a united life together.



"Wherever you go, I will go.
I will live and love beside you.
Your family will be my family,
and together we will go with God.

Wherever you stay, I will stay,
content and secure around you.
Your hopes will be the source of my hope
and together we will hope in God.

Wherever you are, I will be,
living and loving inside you.
Your dreams will be my energy,
and our future will be in God.

Blessed be God,
who sinks deep roots in us
as the new creation,
taking the best of what has been
for the seeds of what will be.

Wherever you go, we will go,
wherever you are, there we will be.
For God's love is all-encompassing."

--- Ruth 1:16-17


"Mothers, tell your children:
Be quick, you must be strong.
Life is full of wonder.
Love is NEVER wrong.

Remember how they taught you,
How much of it was fear.
Refuse to hand it down...
The legacy stops HERE!"

--from "Silent Legacy" by Melissa Etheridge


Jamie and Beverly, you are about to make a solemn promise.
Do you believe that God has called you to live together in love?

"We do."
Do you promise to be loyal to each other, never allowing any other realtionship to come before the one you are now to affirm?
"We do."
Will you give yourselves wholeheartedly and without reserve?
"We will."
Will you, under God, recognize each other's freedom to grow as individuals and allow each other time and space to do so?
"We will."


We gather here in the presence of God to be witness to the union of these two persons, asking God's blessing upon them and to be participants, demonstrating our love and our support for the relationship inot which God has called them, into which they are now about to enter. We are called to rejoice in their happiness, to be patient when they make mistakes, to help them in times of trouble, and to remember them in our prayers.


Will all of you, by God's grace, do everything in your power to support and honor Beverly and Jamie in their relationship?

"We will."



The vows through which you accept each other as partners have no hidden power within themselves. Only to the extent that they express in words your continuing intention and commitment, do they have meaning.

Your commitment to each other will need to be re-expressed in many different ways in the coming days and years. The expression in today's vows is simply a visible milestone in your journey together.

I invite you now to join hands as you repeart your vows. The hands offered by each of you is an extension of self, just as is your mutual love.

Cherish the touch, for you touch not only your own, but another's life. Be ever sensitive to its pulse. Seek always to understand and respect its rhythm.


"(Beverly/Jamie), I promise to love and care for you,
through time of joy and times of sorrow,
to rejoice when you are happy,
and grieve when you suffer,
to share your interests,
and hopes for the future,
to try to understand you
even when I do not agree,
to do all in my power
to help you be your true self,
the person God calls you to be.
In all this, I ask for God's help,
now and in the days to come."


The ring is a symbol of unity into which your two lives are now joined in an unbroken circle, in which, wherever you go, you will return to one another.

(Beverly/Jamie) repeat after me:

"I give you this ring
as a symbol of my eternal love.
May it remind you,
no matter where you are,
that my love for you is unconditional."


"Jamie, I give you this ring
as a symbol of my eternal love.
May it remind you,
no matter where you are,
that my love for you is unconditional."

"Beverly, I give you this ring
as a symbol of my eternal love.
May it remind you,
no matter where you are,
that my love for you is unconditional."


(We both read the vows that we had written for each other at this point in the ceremony which we have choosen not to include here.)


Holy God, who is known to us as love, look upon Beverly and Jamie, who are now choosing to be life companions in your sight. May they find peace in their hearts in the certainty that you will love them, that you accompany them in their commitment. By the power of your spirit, enable them to be a sign of your presence in the world.


Jamie and Beverly, before God and these witnesses, you have promised to love each other, and have exchanged solemn vows and symbols of your love and commitment. I declare that you are Life Partners. You may express your love and union with a kiss.



(At this point, both of us, the minister, and our witnesses signed the chruch register and were given our certificate of covenant which is now proudly displayed in our livingroom.)


Conscious of the many meaning of this hour and overjoyed at its promises, we pray that the spirit of trust, understanding, and love may be with Beverly and Jamie in all the years that lie ahead. Whatever trials and testing that may come, may they trust each other completely. May the understand each other, for without understanding there is neither acceptance nor forgiveness. As they build their home together, may it be bright with laughter of many friends, may it be a haven from the tensions of our times, and a source of strength and security. May the years go gently with them. Walking together may they find far more in life than either would have found alone, and even more fully, may they come to know the great truth:
that caring is sharing and living is giving.


Greet Jamie and Beverly, partners in Holy Union.


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