Story of a Tree

I was born in this forest 35 years ago. My height is 55 feet and my branches are very strong. Many birds have nested on my branches. All kinds of monkeys climb up and down my trunk and I feel very happy. Snakes twist and wrangle over my branches. I feel so ticklish when they do it, but I like it. The birds every day sing their songs and make me sleep well. The wind blowing from the west always soothes me. When the rain comes, I feel so happy and I whistle and my branches dance and my leaves flutter in utter happiness.

One day the tree next to me was looking so frightened. I asked the reason and it replied to me that it could see red flames far away with thick smoke emanating from all over the place.

My heart pounded faster and my trunk shivered. I prayed to God to save me and my friends from this fire. I could smell the smoke and the wind was bringing lot of the same. All the birds started to cry and went inside their nests.Tigers and cheetahs started to run restlessly and the elephants started to move in herds.

There was complete pandemonium around.I prayed and prayed to God to save all of us, all the inhabitants of the forest. Suddenly, lightning flashed and there was heavy downpour of rain and my friend told me that the fire far away was being extinguished by the rain. Oh! God, at last You have heard my prayer. Deers jumped and danced. Birds came out of the nest and started singing.Lions roared with happiness. All the trees , my friends, spread their branches and took part in the celebrations. Streams started to flow in melody.

Oh! Humans, we always help you, but you destroy us for your selfish aims. Look now what has happened. God is with us, Nature is with us. So be kind to us. Long live Forests.

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