We love You All

We are pleased to announce that today is the greatest day in the history of Animals as the first summit of its kind in the world is being arranged here at rainforest/5621. It is called the Animal Summit. This gives an opportunity for all the animals to speak of their grievances. The Chair Persons will be none other than the Vice President and President of the World Animal Lovers' Association, Mrs and Mr Global Compassionate. Let us give them a big hand.


Following is the Agenda.

The Agenda

Welcome Speech by President of the rainforest/5621 Animals Association - Anml. Whitetiger

A Report by the Vice President of the rainforest/5621 Animals Association - Anml. Jungletiger

Inaugural Address by Mr Global Compassionate

Present in the meeting- all the inhabitants of rainforest/5621, including the trees, bushes, the flowing streams, waterfalls, reptiles, all creations of the Almighty God.

Welcome Speech by Anml. Whitetiger

Distinguished guests, Mrs and Mr Global Compassionate

We welcome you to rainforest/5621 with deep love from the bottom of our hearts.


We are very proud today of your esteemed presence here. We have heard about your love, support and dedication towards the welfare of animals from all over the world. Your recent action on the protection of our endangered members, has won all our hearts and we are ready to follow your footsteps to anywhere in this globe. Let me once again welcome you to our midst.


A Report by Anml. Jungletiger

Dear Mrs and Mr Compassionate, our President, and all my friends

Let me take this opportunity to welcome our honourable guests and friends Mrs and Mr Global Compassionate. I will not take much of your time as I shall give you my annual report of the happenings of this rainforest.

We had less rainfall this year than the previous year. Many acres of Forests have been destroyed by deliberately caused fires. The number of trees has been reduced by 10% this year. All our tree friends are very unhappy about this. This is due to the unfortunate and merciless cutting down of the trees by unknown elements and the fires.

My population also has been reduced by 15%. Anml. Whitetiger's family members can be counted on the finger tips. Ten of them have disappeared, to where, God knows. This is the same case with our dear inhabitants who are standing at the right corner, Anmls. Elephant, Wolf, Cougar and Panda.

My heart bleeds at this moment. When shall this unwanton act of our extermination end? When shall we live in this forest as free inhabitants? We are always in the gripping fear of attacks from outside. Will our habitat be protected?

At this juncture, Mrs and Mr Compassionate, we look to you as our saviours, as you have done this act of kindness in many Forests of the world. Please help us from the impending doom and allow us to live a free life. We hope that you will not disappoint us. I wish you all the happiness in the world.

*Deafening Applause*

Inaugural Address by Mr Global Compassionate

My dear friends. Let me first of all thank you for the hearty welcome accorded to me by all of you loving ones. My eyes are filled due to the joy of being loved by you and at the same time some tears are being formed after hearing about the cruelties inflicted upon you. I have always raised my voice against these unkind and unGodly acts. I have travelled all over the world with the slogan of SAVE FORESTS, ANIMALS, THE ENVIRONMENT AND MOTHER NATURE. I have conducted many seminars on these subjects and published articles in newspapers and periodicals. I am happy that the response is very positive. Many organisations have been formed and they are taking action against these cruelties. I, therefore assure you that we will protect you from all dangers, because you are our life lines. Please rest assured that you will always live as free as the wind, it is a promise.

*Reverberating and non stop applause*

I once again thank you.



Deers started to jump and dance. Trees started to shake their branches. Elephants made bugle sound. Tigers shrieked with happiness. Streams flowed with melodious sound. Monkeys jumped from tree to tree. Butterflies danced from flower to flower and kissed each other.

Cobras performed snake dance. The morale of rainforest/5621 was boosted to its azimuth.

We conclude this summit with a song, similar to one by the immortal Nat King Cole, sung by Anml. Bengal Tiger whose mate was recently abducted by unscrupulous elements. Give him a big hand, please!


The falling leaves drift by the meadows
The autumn leaves so rare and bold
I dream of your lips and all those summer kisses
Your lovely hands I used to kiss
Since you disappeared the days went long
And soon I will hear all different songs
I miss you my darling, my love
When trees shed down leaves of gold


Dear visitor, don't you want to become
Mrs or Mr Compassionate? Yes, you do.

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