The End of Everything

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The shadows lengthened

The day was coming to an end

Dusk was fast approaching

There was redness all over the horizon

The sun was submerging into the lake

Darkness slowly befell

Birds started to return to their nests

Bats and owls prepared for their outing

Night flowers opened up

Spreading fragrance all over

Lullabies echoed from many homes

On the dusty lanes of the village

I sat in my room, a kerosene lamp

Looming over my head

The smell of kerosene filled the room

A far away song became audible

My ears picked all the notes

The voice was so familiar

I got out of my room

The wind was mercilessly cold

As I walked forward

The notes of the song became

More audible and clear

I could see a figure

Silhouetted against the curtain of darkness

Her white clothes were fluttering

Her black hair mingled with the darkness

Her voice was so emotional

Her words were full of pathos

I stretched my arms to her

She was drawn into my embrace

She sobbed and cried like a child

Cuddling into my body

Her eyes flowed with tears

I kissed those salty streams away

"Where were you all this long"? She sobbed

" I was here all the time, my darling" I replied

"Will you come here every day like this"? She queried

"Till the end of the universe" I said

She smiled and suddenly started to move back

With her arms stretched she flew back into the air

And vanished without a sign

My heart pounded as I returned

Lullabies still filled the air

I wanted to be once again the baby of my mother

Longing for her love and care

The sky soon filled with black clouds

The same dark ones which are full in my life

I wanted to melt in the pouring rain

The heaviness of my heart increased

The muddy lanes soon started to flood

The water level started to rise

It came over my head

I was carried away by the swirling waters

I became happy to be washed away from the face of this earth

To become extinct and endure no more injustices

To vanish into oblivion

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<bgsound src="summer42.mid" loop=infinite>