Romani (Gypsy) culture and social issues.

Further Reading
About Roma

Patrin is asking readers for additions to this list of books. If you have a book that accurately portrays Roma, or contributes to understanding of Roma culture and history, please send in the title and a brief description of it and copy if available to <[email protected]> so we can add it to our list. 

The Forced Migration Projects has an annotated bibliography of books, articles, periodicals, and various collections which provide background information on the Roma and their socio-economic, political and legal history.

Another excellent bibliography is located at Sergio Franzese's O Vurdón web site at /homestead/Athens/Bridge/5847/02.htm.

If a favorite book of yours is not listed here read Lexical Impovershment as Control to find out why it may not be.

Historical Dictionary of the Gypsies (Romanies)The Gypsies by Jan YoorThe Gypsies by Angus Fraser
Book SellersPeriodicals


(Listed Alphabetically by Author)

Acton, Thomas, editor. Gypsy Politics and Traveller Identity (Hertfordshire Press, 1997) A companion volume to Romani Culture and Gypsy Identity, this collection of essays looks at the political interactions between Gypsy groups and host societies which shape patterns of discrimination and disadvantage. Highly recommended.
Acton, Thomas and Dalphinis, Morgan. Language, Blacks and Gypsies: Languages without a Written Tradition and Their Role in Education (Latchmere Press, 1998) ISBN 190109006X.
Acton, Thomas, editor. Romani Culture and Gypsy Identity (Hertfordshire Press, 1997) A companion volume to Gypsy Politics and Traveller Identity, this collection of essays examines the emergence of Romani culture into the public arena of literature and art. Highly recommended.
Acton, Thomas and Kenrick, Donald. Romani Rokkeripen To-Divvus: The English Romani Dialect and Its Contemporary Social, Educational and Linguistic Standing (Romanestan Publications, 1984)
Acton, Thomas. Surviving Peoples: Gypsies (Silver Burdett, 1982) Part of the Surviving Peoples Library for young adult readers, this is a beautifully prepared book. Also recommended as a primer for adults who are not familiar with the Roma.
BookActon, Thomas and Gallant, David. Threatened Cultures: Romanichal Gypsies (Wayland Publishers, 1997). This is another beautifully prepared book by Thomas Acton, with many photographs by David Gallant of the Romanichal in England and the United States. Of course, this book is written for children, but it is also recommended as a primer for adults who are not familiar with the Romanichal Gypsies.
Adelsberger, Lucie et al. Auschwitz : A Doctor's Story (Northeastern University Press, 1995) The memoir of a woman Jewish Holocaust survivor who worked as a physician in the infirmary of the Gypsy Camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Alfaro, Antonio Gomez. The Great Gypsy Roundup (Editorial Presencia Gitana, 1995). The terrible story of the roundup and imprisonment of Gypsies in Spain in 1749 including the argument that Gypsies were a danger to society used to justify the roundup, the carrying out of the roundup and the events which followed before the granting of a pardon in 1763 and their eventual release some two years later. The Great Gypsy Roundup has been translated into English from the Spanish and is extensively illustrated with contemporary engravings, maps and manuscripts.
Alt, Betty and Folts, Silvia. Weeping Violins: The Gypsy Tragedy in Europe (Thomas Jefferson University Press, 1996) An examination of the Porrajmos, the persecution of the Roma leading to the Holocaust, and events afterwards. Silvia Folts is the daughter of a Rom survivor of Auschwitz.
Asséo, Henriette. Les Tsiganes: une destinée Européenne (paris: Éditions Découvertes Gallimard, 1994)
Benites, Arlene K. Gypsies: Their Health and Life Events (ABBE Publications, 1998) Index of new information. ISBN: 0788320289.
Boretzky, Norbert, and Igla, Birgit. Wörterbuch Romani Deutsch Englisch (Harrassowitz Verlag, 1994) A dictionary of the southeast European Romani dialects with German and English translations. ISBN: 3447034599.
Borrow, George. The Zincali: An Account of the Gypsies in Spain (London: John Murray, 1841) Although written over 150 years ago, this work provides insight to the character of the Gitanos, or Kalé, and of a life long gone. Some sections of the book may be offensive to some Roma, but these sections should be viewed in the context of the times the author was writing.
Crowe, David M. A History of the Gypsies of Eastern Europe and Russia (St. Martin's Griffin, 1996) A sobering examination of the mistreatment of Romani in eastern Europe from the Middle Ages to the present.
Crowe, David, and Kolsti, John.The Gypsies of Eastern Europe (M.E. Sharpe, 1991). A collection of ten essays about Roma history. Highly recommended.
Django's Gypsies: The Mystique of Django Reinhardt and his PeopleCruickshank, Ian. Django's Gypsies: The Mystique of Django Reinhardt and his People (Ashley Mark, 1994) A collection of photographs, illustrations, memorabilia and quotations. This book conveys Django's unique place in the history of jazz music, and his impact on the musical development of guitarists all over the world.
Danbakli, Marielle editor. On Gypsies: Texts issued by International Institutions (CRDP, 1994). A collection of texts, in a single handy volume, issued by the European Community (the Council and the European Parliament), the Council of Europe (including the Committee of Europe, CLARAE, CAHID and the CDCC) and other international institutions including the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, the United Nations and the UN High Commission for Refugees.
Davies, Jennifer. Tales of the Old Gypsies (David and Charles, 1999) ISBN: 0715307029.
Feher, Gyorgy. Struggling for Ethnic Identity: The Gypsies of Hungary (Human Rights Watch, 1993) A disproportionate number of Roma are unemployed, and  are the victims of discriminatory labor practices. They are increasingly singled out as targets of violence by skinheads and other militant nationalists, and public authorities have not responded adequately.

Ficowski, Jerzy. The Gypsies in Poland: History and Customs, translated by Eileen Healey (Interpress, 1991) Beautifully illustrated with 255 plates.
BookFings, Karola et al. From "Race Science" to the Camps: the Gypsies during the Second World War (Hertfordshire Press, 1997). This work aims to assist a broad understanding of the persecution of the Gypsies by the Third Reich, showing that Gypsies were no more "foreigners" or "marginals" than the Jews. Translated from German by Donald Kenrick. Highly recommended.
Fonseca, Isabel. Bury Me Standing: The Gypsies and their Journey (Alfred A. Knopf, 1995) Critics have been both receptive and harsh to this controversial bestseller. Read a review by Leslie Gross, Gryphon book review editor.
Fraser, Angus. The Gypsies(Blackwell, 1992) An outstanding presentation of the history of the Roma by this noted scholar. Highly recommended.
Fricke, Thomas. Zigeuner im Zeitalter des Absolutismus: Bilanz einer einseitigen Überlieferung (Centaurus, Pfaffenw., 1996) 642 pages. ISBN: 3825500632.
Greenfield, Howard. Gypsies (Crown Publishers, 1977) Includes Roma history, traditions, customs, occupations, and the impact of modernity on traditional life.
Hancock, Ian. The Pariah Syndrome: An Account of Gypsy Slavery and Persecution (Karoma, 1987) This book is the first major English-language account detailing evidence of hundreds of years of Romani slavery and persecution. Highly recommended.
Hancock, Ian. A Handbook of Vlax Romani (Slavica, 1995) This grammar book of Vlax Romani describes the grammar and pronunciation of the most widely spoken group of Romani dialects in laymen's terms, and discusses the history and migration of the Roma from India to Europe.
Hancock, Ian et al, editors. The Roads of the Roma: a PEN Anthology of Gypsy Writers (Hertfordshire Press, 1998) In this unique anthology, Romani poets and writers from twenty countries address this devastating legacy. Forty-three poems and prose extracts, most appearing in English for the first time, are arranged alongside an 800-year chronology of repression. Highly recommended.
Hawes, Derek. Gypsies, Travellers and the Health Service: A Study in Inequality (Policy Press, 1997) ISBN: 1861340664.
Hawes, Derek and Perez, Barbara. The Gypsy and the State: The Ethnic Cleansing of British Society (Policy Press, 1996) This 2nd edition tracks the impact of the 1994 Criminal Justice Bill and Public Order Act on the lives and fortunes of Gypsies in Britain. The authors argue that the discrimination the Gypsies face derives largely from legislation framed to assist them.  A major new chapter places the Gypsy experience in the context of the race and prejudice debate and offers some explanations for the hostility and antagonism which itinerant families face.
Hornby, John.Gypsies(Henry Z. Walck, 1967) This book is part of The Byways Library for young adult readers. Although written for young readers, this book is recommended for all ages.
Human Rights Watch/Helsinki Watch. Destroying Ethnic Identity: The Persecution of Gypsies in Romania (Human Rights Watch, 1991) The escalation of ethnic violence against Roma in Romania since the 1989 revolution is responsible for the rise in ethnic consciousness, claims this report. Describes the emergence of Roma political parties, cultural unions and newspapers as the unintended consequence of the rise in ethnic hatred and violence against the Roma.
Human Rights Watch/Helsinki Watch. Rights Denied: The Roma of Hungary (Human Rights Watch, 1996) Describes the major social and structural upheavals in Hungarian society since the collapse of Communism, coupled with increasingly open discrimination, and its disproportionately large and negative impact on Roma, whose low social status, lack of access to education, and isolation make them relatively unable to defend themselves and their interests.
Human Rights Watch/Helsinki Watch. Destroying Ethnic Identity: The Gypsies of Bulgaria (Human Rights Watch, 1991) Despite the political changes that have occurred in Bulgaria since Todor Zhivkov's resignation in November 1989, Gypsies continue to be the target of discrimination, as they have been throughout the country's history.
Huszar, Tibor, et al. Gypsies/Cigani (Gemini, 1995) Collection of photographs. ISBN: 8071610712.
Ioanid, Radu. The Holocaust in Romania : The Destruction of Jews and Gypsies Under the Antonescu Regime, 1940-1944 (Ivan R Dee, Inc., 1999)
Jones, E. Alan. Yorkshire Gypsy Fairs: Customs and Caravans 1885-1985 (Hutton Press Ltd., 1986). Gypsy fairs in Yorkshire and the north of England with photographs. ISBN 0907033431.
Kenrick, Donald. Gypsies from India to the Mediterranean (CRDP, 1993) Covers the exodus from India in the 10th century and subsequent settlements and wanderings across Europe.
BookKenrick, Donald and Bakewell, Sian. On the Verge: the Gypsies of England (Hertfordshire Press, 1995). The second edition of this book describes the Gypsies of England, the stereotypes that abound, and contains legislation that has been brought in to control their movements and their relationships with the police as well as local and central government agencies.
Kenrick, Donald and Clark, Colin. Moving On: The Gypsies and Travellers of Britain (Hertfordshire Press, 1999). This book can reasonably claim to be the only pocketbook guide to the struggle of Gypsies to survive as a people in Britain today and includes chapters on Wales, Scotland and New Travellers. It provides an excellent starting point for students undertaking projects. The appendices are a valuable part of the book and the illustrations help to show the reality of life as a Gypsy at the turn of the Millennium.
Kenrick, Donald, and Puxon, Grattan. Gypsies under the Swastika (Hertfordshire Press, 1995). Explains how the Roma have been either chased, enslaved, or exterminated everywhere they have attempted to settle. Highly recommended.
Kenrick, Donald, and Taylor, Gillian. Historical Dictionary of the Gypsies (Romanies) (Scarecrow Press, 1998). Part of the European Historical Dictionaries series edited by Jon Woronoff. Includes a chronology of Gypsy history, and appendices of populations and important international resolutions.  The dictionary itself covers all of the European countries and serves as a Who's Who of important Roma.  Highly recommended.
Kenrick, Donald, ed. The Gypsies During the Second World War, Vol. 2: In the Shadow of the Swastika. (Hertfordshire Press, 1999). Examines the persecution of the Romanies and Sinti in some of the countries occupied by Germany and its fascist allies. Includes chapters by specialists on the internment of Gypsies in France, Italy, the Austrian Burgenland, Bulgaria, two internment camps for Gypsies in the Czech lands, Gypsies in Romania and a final chapter on the massacre of Gypsies in the Soviet Union and the Baltic States during the Nazi invasion. Includes a glossary, a detailed chronology, bibliography and a postscript by the editor, Donald Kenrick. Extensively illustrated with contemporary photographs, maps, drawings and reproductions of key documents.
Koudelka, Josef. Gypsies (Aperature Foundation, 1992) Photographer Josef Koudelkas visits Romani settlements in Czechoslovakia, mostly during the 1960s, starkly depicting the desolate conditions forced upon them by the Czechoslovakian government. Excellent historical text by Willy Guy.
Kuznetsova, Lialia and Moruth, Inge. Shaking the Dust of Ages: Gypsies and Wanderers of the Asian Steppe (Aperture Foundation, 1998) A portrait of Gypsies and other wanderers of central Asia in the late 1970s, when Lialia Kuznetsova began photographing the people of her native Kazakhstan.
Leblon, Bernard and Shuinear, Sinaed. Gypsies and Flamenco: the Emergence of the Art of Flamenco in Andalusia (Hertfordshire Press, 1998) Traces the development of Gypsy music during the long migration of professional Gypsy musicians from India to Spain. Part two describes the tragic history of the forced settlements and repression of the Gypsies from the end of their "Golden Age" in the time of Ferdinand and Isabella. The decisive role of a small number of Gypsy families in Lower Andalusia in the development of flamenco music is covered in part three.
Lee, Patrick Jasper. We Borrow the Earth (Thorsons Publishers, 2000) A first-hand account of Romani-Gypsy life.
Lemon, Alaina. Between Two Fires : Gypsy Performance and Romani Memory from Pushkin to Post-Socialism (Duke University Press, 2000) An ethnography based on extensive fieldwork in Russia during the 1990s, focusing on Moscow Romani Theater actors, as well as Romani traders and metalworkers. Lemon analyzes the role of performance and theatricality in Romani social life in memory.
Lewy, Guenther, editor. The Nazi Persecution of the Gypsies (Oxford University Press, 2000) Read a review of this book by Ian Hancock.
Liegeois, Jean-Pierre. Roma Gypsies: a European Minority (Minority Rights Group, 1995)
Liegeois, Jean-Pierre. Roma, Gypsies, Travellers (Council of Europe, 1994)
Aimed at teachers, teacher trainers, group leaders and social workers, at those involved in the formulation and implementation of policy at local, regional and national level, and anyone wishing to improve their understanding of the issues concerned. Also useful in helping Gypsy and Traveller organisations to access and convey information to their social and political environment.
Liegeois, Jean-Pierre. School Provision for Ethnic Minorities: the Gypsy Paradigm (Hertfordshire Press, 1998) This is a new edition of the highly influential Synthesis Report commissioned by the European Commission and published in 1986. This report, based on national reports by experts in each of the member states, led to the Resolution on school provision for Gypsy and Traveller Children to the Council and Ministers of Education which was adopted on the 22 May 1989.
Liegeois, Jean-Pierre. Gypsies, An Illustrated History (Al Saqi Books, 1986) An examination of the Roma throughout history, leading to a survey of international Roma organizations. Thomas Acton and Donald Kenrick assisted in the English version of this book. Highly recommended.
Lloyd, Walter. How to Build a Bow Top (Woodmanship, Ltd., 1999) Instructions, specifications, photographs and general information on building a traditional horse-drawn Gypsy caravan. 29 pp. ISBN 0953523802.
Locke, Sue. Travelling Light: The Remarkable Story of Gypsy Revival (Hodder and Stoughton, 1997) Describes the Gypsy Christian Revival Movement in the UK. ISBN 0340671092.
Lockwood, William and Salo, Sheila. Gypsies and Travelers in North America, An Annotated Bibliography (Gypsy Lore Society, 1994) A comprehensive bibliography of Roma in North America, with brief annotations, with separate indexes for subject, ethnic group, geography, and chronology.
McDowell, Bart. Gypsies: Wanderers of the World (National Geographic Society, 1970) Bart McDowell and Clifford Lee (an English Romnichal) travel from England through Europe, and finally to India, in an attempt to trace the origins of the first Roma.
McLane, Merril F. Proud Outcasts: The Gypsies of Spain (Carderock Press, 1987) An absorbing account of the Gitanos of the caves of Guadix and the oppression they endure from payos society.
Marushiakova, Elena and Popov, Vesselin. Gypsies (Roma) in Bulgaria (Peter Lang Verlag, 1997). This book is the first monographic research on the history, ethnography, and social structure of the Roma in Bulgaria, based on data collected during many years of field research.
Matras, Yaron (ed.). Romani in Contact: The History, Structure and Sociology of a Language (John Benjamins Publishing, 1995)
Matras, Yaron et al. The Typology and Dialectology of Romani (John Benjamins Publishing, 1997) This volume reflects developments in the typology and dialectology of Romani, in particular the four main groups: Balkan, Vlach, Central and Northern. It aims to point out features of Romani which are likely to be of interest to general linguists in the context of studies of universal properties of language.
Mayall, David. English Gypsies and State Policies (Hertfordshire Press, 1995) Surveys Roma persecution in Europe, describing the attempts of the English central government to control Roma through legislation. Provides details on the different strategies local governments have used to control the "Gypsy menace."
Mayall, David. Gypsy-Travellers in Nineteenth-Century Society (Cambridge, 1988) Historical interpretation of the lives of British Gypsy-travellers reveals their isolation from major economic developments and consequent clash with 19th century social structures and mores.
Morris, Rachel and Clements, Luke. Gaining Ground: Law Reform for Gypsies and Travellers (Hertfordshire Press, 1999) ISBN 0900458984.
Muller-Hill, Benno. Murderous Science: Elimination by Scientific Selection of Jews, Gypsies, and Others in Germany, 1933-1945 (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 1997)
Oppersdorff, Mathias. People of the Road: The Irish Travellers (Syracuse University, 1997) A collection of black and white photos of Irish Travellers, large families who have lived in caravans and tents on the open road for generations. Faces of several Traveller families from the 1960s to the 1990s tell the story of the transition from the road to housing projects and trailer parks. An introduction of several pages by the photographer is the only text.
Polansky, Paul. Black Silence: The Lety Survivors Speak (G Plus G, 1998) In 1994 the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Office of the President engaged in a cover-up trying to convince American writer Paul Polansky that there were no longer any living survivors of Lety, the World War II Romany (Gypsy) death camp in southern Bohemia. Polansky found more than a hundred Lety survivors still living today in the Czech Republic. The stories collected here are the result of his interviews with those survivors.
Polansky, Paul. Living Through It Twice: Poems of the Romany Holocaust (G Plus G, 1998)
Postma, Koos. Changing Prejudice in Hungary: Study in the Collapse of State Socialism and its Impact on Prejudice Against Gypsies and Jews (Thesis Publishers, 1996) ISBN: 9051703805.
Quintana, Bertha B. and Lois Gray Floyd. Qué Gitano! Gypsies of Southern Spain (Waveland Press, 1986) An examination of the Gitanos of Andalusia, their culture, history and problems.
Ramati, Alexander. And the Violins Stopped Playing: A Story of the Gypsy Holocaust (Franklin Watts, 1986) The story of Roman Mirga and his family, from 1942 Warsaw to Auschwitz, based closely on suppressed and refuted, hardly-known historical facts.
Randhawa, T. S. The Last Wanderers: Nomads and Gypsies of India (University of Washington Press, 1996) These are groups that exist on the fringes of Indian society, least understood and noted, subtly very much a part of it. The photographs are evocative of their unique life-style. The text includes many historical facts, myths and legends; descriptions about their religious beliefs, social organisation, clan festivities and their present existence.
Reemtsma, Katrin. Sinti und Roma: Geschichte, Kultur, Gegenwart (Verlag C.H. Beck, 1996) ISBN: 3406392555.
Rinser, Luise. Wer wirft den Stein? Zigeuner sein in Deutschland (Ebner Ulm, 1987) ISBN: 3548343910.
Riordan, James. Russian Gypsy Tales (Interlink, 1992) From the International Folk Tales Series, these 36 stories "lift just a corner of the curtain that obscures Russian Rom traditions, mysteries, and beliefs." Black-and-white ilustrations, and a few old photographs of Gypsies, decorate the book.
Roma Community and Advocacy Centre. Kanadake-Romane Mirikle - Canadian Romani Pearls. (Roma Community and Advocacy Centre, Toronto, 1999) A collection of poems by Canadian-born Roma, Roma immigrants and Roma refugees. Also includes an historical overview of Romani poetry/ballads in Canada, an article on Kali Sara or Saint Sara, the Romani Anthem in English and Romani, an account of the formation of the Romani Union on April 8, 1971 where the anthem, the Romani flag and the resolution to approach the United Nations for NGO Status were officially adopted, and a glossary of Romani words.
Rose, Romani. Den Rauch hatten wir täglich vor Augen: Der nationalsozialistische Völkermord an den Sinti und Roma. (Verlag Wunderhorn, 1998) 400 Seiten. ISBN: 3884231421.
Rosenberg, Otto. A Gypsy in Auschwitz. (Hidden Places Pub, 1999) Rosenberg, a Sinti, tells of his family's wartime experiences. ISBN: 1902809025
Sibley, David. Outsiders in Urban Societies (Blackwell, 1981) Examines the marginal position of Gypsies in Great Britain and the impact it has on their social and living conditions.
Slavov, Atanas. Gypsy-English/English-Gypsy Concise Dictionary (Hippocrene Books, 1999) The Bulgarian Romani dialects are of special interest to anyone who is curious about Roma and the Romani language, one of the major Indic languages. Bulgarian Roma speak a dialect that is easily understood by Roma speaking other dialects, as well as by Roma all over the world. This unique dictionary reflects the vocabulary of two Bulgarian Romani dialects: the Sofia Erli dialect and the dialect of the Christian Roma of Sliven.
State Museum Of Auschwitz-Birkenau Staff. Memorial Book: The Gypsies at Auschwitz-Birkenau (K.G.Saur, 1993) Hardcover, two volumes with over 1800 pages. Preface by Romani Rose. Based on records that were produced for the administrative body of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest of all the Nazi death camps.
Stewart, Michael. The Time of the Gypsies (Westview Press, 1997) The core of this book is based on the author's eighteen months of observation of daily life in a Post-Communist Roma settlement. It describes the cultivation, celebration, and reinvention of cultural difference and diversity by a people (Roma) deemed by their social superiors to be too uncivilized to have a "culture" of their own. There is no connection with this book and the film of the same name.
Stojka, Karl and Pohanka, Reinhard. Auf der ganzen Welt zu Hause: Das Leben und Wandern des Zigeuners Karl Stojka (Picus Verlag Wien, 1994) ISBN: 3854522673.
Strom, Yale. Uncertain Roads: Searching for the Gypsies (Four Winds Press, 1993) Photographer Yale Strom travels through Central and Eastern Europe interviewing several Roma families along the way. Most interesting, and sometimes poignant, are the first person accounts of what it is like to be a Rom in Europe today.
Sutherland, Anne. Gypsies: The Hidden Americans (Waveland Press, 1986) An interesting work detailing life of the American Vlach Roma population.
Tebbutt, Susan. Sinti and Roma in German-Speaking Society and Literature (Berghahn Books, 1998)  This volume of nine essays deals in depth with the life of the Sinti and Roma in Germany and their representation in German literature, giving the background to their maltreatment, and underlining the fact that the persecution of Gypsies during the Nazi period, which until the 1980s has been totally marginalized by historians, did not cease in 1945. The continuity of anti-Gypsyism is traced to the present day, and the efforts, achievements and aspirations of the Sinti and Roma civil rights movement are highlighted.
Thurner, Erika. National Socialism and Gypsies in Austria (University of Alabama Press, 1998) Originally published in German in 1983, this English translation by Gilya Gerda Schmidt examines the World War II camps of Salzburg and Lackenback, pieced together from Nazi documents, the recollection of victims, accounts of bystanders and other eyewitnesses, and formal records.
Tomasevic, Nebojsa Bato, and Rajko, Djuric. Gypsies of the World: A Journey into the Hidden World of Gypsy Life and Culture (Henry Holt and Company, 1988). The authors journey from India to England and examine Roma awareness and attitudes through text and many color photographs.
Tong, Diane. Gypsies: An Interdisciplinary Reader (Garland Publishers, 1998) Part of the Garland Reference Library of the Humanities. Eighteen articles by various authors, covering subjects from early history to current civil rights. Highly recommended.
Tong, Diane. Gypsies: A Multidisciplinary Annotated Bibliography (Garland Publishers, 1995) Descriptions of books and articles about Roma in anthropology, education, folklore, history, linguistics, sociology, women's studies, also adult and children's fiction.
Gypsy FolktalesTong, Diane.Gypsy Folktales (New York: MJF, 1989) Not only a collection of folk tales, this work attempts to explain some of the meanings of the stories from historic, social and political viewpoints.
Tritt, Rachel. Struggling for Ethnic Identity: Czechoslovakia's Endangered Gypsies (Human Rights Watch, 1992)
Van de Port, Mattijs. Gypsies, Wars and Other Instances of the Wild: Civilization and Its Discontents in a Serbian Town (University of Michigan, 1998) This anthropological study discusses the imaginary Gypsy that figures in Serbian popular culture. The prominence and significance of the Gypsy figure in Serbian thought is linked with the war-ridden history of the Serbs. Where the voices of official history present these wars as heroic enterprises, Gypsy tales provide the guise under which Serbs can present an alternative reading of Serbian history.
Vesey-Fitzgerald, Brian. Gypsies of Britain, 2nd edition (David and Charles Holdings Ltd., 1973) This book deals with traditional Romnichal customs and beliefs, as well as laws and regulations in the United Kingdom that have changed the Gypsy way of life.
Ward-Jackson, C.H. and Harvey, Denis E. The English Gypsy Caravan: Origins, Builders, Technology and Conservation of the English Gypsy Caravan. (David and Charles Holdings Ltd., 1986)
Williams, Linda Pizani. Gypsies and Travellers in the Criminal Justice
System: The Forgotten Minority? (University of Cambridge, 1998)
Wood, Manfri Frederick, edited by by J. A. Brune. In the Life of a Romany Gypsy (Routledge and K. Paul, 1973) This book, by a founding member of the Gypsy Council, and a member of one of the oldest Gypsy families in Britain, tells of the social structures of the English Gypsies.
Yoors, Jan. The Gypsies (Waveland Press, 1987) An outstanding work. Not only does the book describe the hardships the Lowara tribe must endure, it is a fascinating portrait of a way of life that is quickly becoming extinct. Highly recommended.
Yoors, Jan. The Gypsies of Spain (Macmillan, 1974)
Yoors, Jan. Crossing: A Journal of Survival and Resistance in World War II (Waveland Press, 1988) This book can be considered the "sequel" to The Gypsies. Jan Yoors describes the Roma participation in the Resistance underground movement and the author's involvement in it.
Zabalza, Ramón.Gypsies Portrayed: Photographs and Reminiscences (PhotoVision, 1995) The Kalé of Spain are portrayed with an uncomfortable realism and honesty in black and white photographs, living on the fringes of Spanish society, amidst poverty. Excellent accompanying text in Spanish and English. Foreward by Teresa San Román.

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Book Sellers


Romanestan Publications
         22 Northend
         Warley, Essex CM14 5LA, ENGLAND

This direct mail firm carries publications and an up-to-date listing of Roma organisations. For more information, contact [email protected].

Roma Publications
         Chandigarh, INDIA

This direct mail firm is the publisher of the Roma periodical, as well as books about the Roma, including Romani dictionaries.

Presencia Gitana
         Valderrodrigo 76-78 bajos A
         E-28039 Madrid, SPAIN

Since 1987, Presencia Gitana publishes books on subjects relating to Gypsies and Travellers in Spain and Europe. To receive a publications catalogue, contact [email protected].

The University of Hertfordshire Press
         University of Hertfordshire
         College Lane, Hatfield
         Hertfordshire AL10 9AD, ENGLAND

A new publisher of books of high academic quality. An entire section of their Web site is devoted to Gypsies and Travellers.
Web site:

Cottage Books
         Gelsmoor, Coleorton
         Leicestershire, LE67 8HQ, ENGLAND

This mail order firm carries rare and out of print books on rural life in Britian through the centuries, and associated subjects, including Roma and Travellers. This firm is strictly postal, and does not have a shop, telephone or email. They issue six catalogues a year.

Human Rights Watch (HRW) Publications.
        350 Fifth Avenue, 34th Floor
        New York, NY 10118-3299, USA

First-hand information and first-rate analysis concerning the most pressing human rights issues. There are several publications in this online service about Romani rights abuses. Titles are listed by country, or can be located using the HRW site search.
Tel: (212) 290-4700
Fax: (212) 736-1300
Web site:

Schoenhof's Foreign Books
         76A Mount Auburn Street
         Cambridge, MA 02138, USA

"A comprehensive source for the world's languages." Dictionaries and lexicons for Romani available. Go to Languages and select "Romany."
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:

MX BookFinder by Anirvan Chatterjee. A book shopping search engine that scans top book databases to find new, used, rare, and out of print books.
Web site:
Alibris Books
Millions of the world’s hardest to find and rarest books spanning hundreds of years and covering every imaginable topic. A growing list of historic maps, letters, photographs, autographs, documents, manuscripts, magazines, scholarly journals, and ephemera. All books and items are available in various types of condition and price ranges.
E-mail: [email protected]
Alibris Books and Books
2.5 million titles, including most of the 1.5 million books currently in print, and 1 million of the most popular, but hard-to-find, out-of-print books.
Search: Enter keywords... logo

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Amaro Drom
        Tavaszmezõ u. 6
        1084 Budapest, HUNGARY

Published by the Rroma Parliament since 1991, in Hungarian.
Tel/Fax: +(36) 1 313 1887
E-mail: [email protected]

        Baross u. 124
        1089 Budapest, HUNGARY

Tel/Fax: +(36) 1 303 7370

Drom Dromendar
        5 Nikola Karev Str.
        8800 Sliven, BULGARIA
Etudes Tsiganes
        2 rue d'Hautpol
        75019 paris, FRANCE

Published in French.
Tel: +(33) 1 607 9912

        Université René Descartes
        106 quai de Clichy
        F  92110, Clichy, paris, FRANCE

Newsletter of the Gypsy Research Center/Centre de Recherches Tsiganes. Free journal on EU research on Roma education.

I Tchachipen (La Verdad)
        Apartados Correos 202
        08080 Barcelona, SPAIN

Bi-monthly journal of the Unión Romaní, covering cultural and social issues. Published in Spanish.
Email: [email protected]

Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society
        5607 Greenleaf Road
        Cheverly, Maryland 20785, USA

Recently renamed "Romani Studies", to take effect with volume 10 of the fifth series. Published in English.
Tel/Fax: +(301) 341-1261
Email:  [email protected]

Kethano Drom
        Szilágyi Dezsõ u. 41
        1174 Budapest, HUNGARY

Tel/Fax: +(36) 1 256 9920

Lacio Drom
        Centro Studi Zingari
        Via dei Barbieri 22
        00186 Rome, ITALY

Published bi-monthly in Italian.
Fax: +(39) 6 6868760
Tel: +(39) 6 6833181

Lungo Drom
        Szapáry út 19
        5000 Szolnok, HUNGARY

Tel/Fax: +(36) 5 642 0110

Nevipens Romani (Noticias Gitanas)
        Apartado de Correos 202
        08080 Barcelona, SPAIN

Bi-weekly newspaper of the Unión Romaní, covering human rights, racism, and discrimination. Published in Spanish.
Email: [email protected]

Patrin, "Nevipe" Press Rom News Agency
        Postbus 233 08
        1100 DV Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS

Founded by Orhan Galjus, published in bilingual editions (Romani-English). The Patrin print periodical is not affiliated with this Patrin web journal.

       160015 Chandigarh, INDIA

Journal of the Indian Institute of Romani Studies. Founder-editor Dr. W.R. Rishi. Two issues a year published. Many back issues available. Published in English.

Roma Rights in Focus
        23 Solunska Street, 6th floor
        1000 Sofia, BULGARIA

Newsletter of the Human Rights Project, monitoring legal defense of Roma in Bulgaria. Published in Bulgarian and English.

Romano Bavarvalipe / Romano Ilo
       10 Khan Asparyh Str.
       1463 Sofia, BULGARIA
Romano Dzaniben
       Cimburkova 23
       13000 Prague 3, CZECH REPUBLIC
Romano Kurko
        Moravske typographie
        Moravske namesti, Brno, CZECH REPUBLIC

Newspaper about political, cultural and social issues. Published in Czech and Romani.

Romano Lil
       Roma Community & Advocacy Centre,
       122 St. Patrick Street, Suite F-24, Box 114,
       Toronto, Ontario, M5T 2X8, CANADA

Romano Lil deals with Romani issues in Canada such as the arrival of Romani refugees from the Czech Republic and other countries and the subsequent issues arising around their immigration, settlement and integration into Canadian society. Romano Lil also reports on Roma around the world. Articles are published in Romani, English, and other languages with English translations.
Tel: +(416) 923 4678
Fax: +(416) 923 0188
E-mail: [email protected]

Romany Roads
        6 St. James Walk, South Chailey
        East Sussex, BN8 4BU, ENGLAND

The Romany & Traveller Family History Society issues four journals per year. The RTFHS aids those searching for information on their Romany ancestry. The society is building a bank of information with members help to assist those searching for details of family background and travelling life.

Rom Som
        VII. Almássy u. 3
        1077 Budapest, HUNGARY

Tel/Fax: +(36) 1 351 3148

Rrom po Drom
        ul. Warszawska 43
        15-062 Bialystok, POLAND

Magazine covering political and cultural issues. Published in Polish and Romani.

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