Romani (Gypsy) culture and social issues.

Romani Customs
and Traditions

Romani customs and traditions are as diverse as the number of Roma nations and the countries they inhabit. Generally, there remains a fine cultural thread which holds the Roma people together, no matter where they may be. One thing to keep in mind while reading these articles is that what may hold true for one Roma nation in one part of the world may be very different for another nation elsewhere. 

If you would like to see other areas of Romani culture and tradition examined, please email us at <[email protected]>. All comments and contributions are welcome. Also visit our Arts and Culture section for a brief listing of Romani museums.

These links provide many diverse views of Roma. Inclusion in this list of links does not necessarily assume endorsement by Patrin of any organisation, individual or viewpoint represented.

Vordón, Westmoreland, England, 1911
Vordón, Westmoreland, England, 1911
Courtesy of the University of Liverpool

Important - Please Read 
Birth Customs
Marriage Customs
Death Rituals and Customs
Roma Occupations
Roma Beliefs
Roma Law
Some Vlax Romani Recipes


The Struggle for the Control of Identity  by Ian Hancock
The Struggle for Self-Identification by Jennifer Tanaka
Moving Beyond Gypsy Stereotypes  by Steve Watrous 
The Roma: Myth and Reality by Ian Hancock
Myths About the Roma
Myths About the Romani Language  by Ian Hancock
The Romani Language by Giulio Soravia
Romanichal Word List by Manfri Frederick Wood
Who is a Gypsy? - England 
Counting Backwards by Colin Clark 
Present but Unaccounted for by Jeremy Drucker 
Romani Populations in Central and Eastern Europe - Map

April 8th is
International Romani Day
Living (and Dying) According to Custom - Hungary 
Prejudice in Education - Hungary 
Education In Hungary by Simon Evans 
Hope for the Future by Helena Jiøincová
A School Unike Any Other by Andrew Stroehlein 
Romani Education Programme - Czech Republic
The Schooling of Romani Americans by Ian Hancock
Roma and Health Care in the US by Anne Sutherland
The Health of Roma in Europe by Martin McKee 
Gypsy Mothers and the Hungarian Health Care System
Beatification of Ceferino Jimenez Malla  - Vatican City
The World Their Homeland by Francois de Vaux de Foletier
Wayfaring Stranger: The Black Dutch by Linda D. Griggs


Roma of Kosovo: the Forgotten Victims by by Orhan Galjus 
Roma in Norway by Donald Kenrick
Roma in Denmark by Donald Kenrick 
Roma in Sweden by Antti Lahelma and Johan Olofsson
Roma in Finland by Wendy Sloane
Roma in the United Kingdom by Thomas Acton
The Travellers of Ireland by Donald Kenrick 
Roma in Brazil by Atico Vilas-Boas da Mota
Masters of Fire and Iron - Slovakia 
Roma in Slovakia by Klara Orgovanova
Roma in Hungary by Sarah Roe 
Report on the Roma in Hungary

Lutheran Roma in Transylvania by Karin Achtelstetter
A History of the Roma of Bulgaria by E. Marushiakova and V. Popov
Ethnocultural Characteristics of the Roma of Bulgaria
The Ethnosocial Structure of the Roma of Bulgaria
Bridging the Culture Gap in France by Jacqueline Charlemagne
Saintes-Maries de la Mer - France 
Saintes-Maries de la Mer 1997 - Photos by Ken McNaughton 
Kana e gadje mukhle penge vurdona te traden mobilia, progreso akharde les. Kana e Rroma vi kerde kodo, bari mila akharde les.

When the gadje replaced their wagons with automobiles, they called it progress. When the Roma did the same thing, they called it a pity.
- Dr. Ian F. Hancock

Roma Flag

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