Porrajmos, the Devouring - Roma (Gypsies) in the Holocaust

The Holocaust
O Porrajmos
Roma were the only other population besides the Jews who were targeted for extermination on racial grounds in the Final Solution. Determining the percentage or number of Roma who died in the Holocaust is not easy. Much of the Nazi documentation still remains to be analyzed, and many murders were not recorded, since they took place in the fields and forests where Roma were apprehended.

The following links provide documentation of Roma persecution. Some sites provide graphic images and descriptions of crimes against the Roma, as well as the Jewish people and other minorities. 

Some of these sites may not be suitable for younger children or persons who may be easily offended or repulsed by descriptions of violence.

Roma prisoners in Dachau
Roma prisoners in Dachau
Yom Hashoah
Holocaust Remembrance Day
Remember All of the Victims
(Yom Hashoah is next observed April 19, 2001 / Nisan 27, 5760 )
The Genocide of the Roma  by Ian Hancock 
The Roma Persecution  by Harold Tanner 
The Forgotten Holocaust  by Alex Bandy 
Roma and the Nazi Terror  by Myriam Novitch 
Hitler's Other Victims  by Elizabeth Pond 
The Gypsy "Final Solution"  by Steve Lipman
A Road to Porrajmos, the Gypsy Holocaust  by Shirley Miller
German Recognition of Persecution  by Gilad Margalit
The Gypsy Genocide  by Paul Polansky 
The Trend to Minimize the Romani Holocaust  by Ian Hancock

Badges of the Holocaust by the USHMM
Five Questions About the Holocaust
That Shameful Pig Farm (Lety) by Václav Trojan
Confronting a Roma Killing Field in the Czech Lands by Ivan Gabal 
Assaults on Truth and Memory  by Ward Churchill 
Center for Studies of Gypsy Holocaust
Compensation for Gypsy Holocaust  by Michael J. Jordon
Swiss Holocaust Memorial Fund
In Auschwitz there is a Great House
by Ruzena Danielova
Ausvicate hi kher bro 
Odoj besel mro pirano
Besel, besel gondolinel
Te pre mande pobisterel 

O tu kalo cirikloro
Lidza mange mro lilro
Lidza, lidza mra romake 
Hoj som phandlo Ausvicate

Ausvicate bokha bare
Te so te chal amen nane
Ani oda koter maro
O blokris bibachtl

In Auschwitz there is a great house
And there my husband is imprisoned
He sits and sits and laments
And thinks about me

Oh, you black bird!
Carry my letter!
Carry it to my wife
For I am jailed in Auschwitz

In Auschwitz there is great hunger
And we have nothing to eat
Not even a piece of bread
And the block guard is bad


Lety Pig Farm Removal Action Group
I*EARN's Holocaust/Genocide Project
Web Genocide Documentation Centre
Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust
A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust
Academic Info: Holocaust Studies
Westerbork: Portal of Auschwitz
Auschwitz Schläft Nur - Austria
The Forgotten Camps
The Mazal Library

The Nizkor Project
Testaments of Genocide
Meyer's Holocaust Links
Cybrary of the Holocaust
Women and the Holocaust
The Simon Wiesenthal Center
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Memorial Museums for the Victims of Naziism
Ressources Documentaires sur le Génocide Nazi
Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation
The International Baccalaureate Holocaust Project
Simon Wiesenthal Center Multimedia Learning Center
Patrin congratulates Dr. Ian Hancock on his appointment by U.S. President Clinton as the only Romani representative on the 65-member U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council. There have been only two Romani representatives in the USHMC's seventeen-year history.
More Links on Roma in the Holocaust at
The Open Directory Project


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