Flowers and butterflyMom, I'm a WitchEvil Grin

What do you do after you hear those words?Gasp!

If you were not prepared for the news, and you are not a pagan, before you do or say anything else, find out what those words mean. Let your heart follow these LINKS and open your mind while you learn.

But before you go on...Spider and webOoops! Sorry...Looks like I've been spending too much time on the Web.

Some things *I* did not do....
* Faint.
* Point at my offspring with a crucifix while searching for a silver bullet.
* Call 911.
* Insist that she makes an appointment with her therapist.
* Ask her if she can do a number on my boss. (Ok, I *was* tempted)
* Tell her she was grounded, after all, she was 25 years old.
* Ask if human sacrifices are required in her rituals.
* Try to explain that she "is possessed by satan".
* Tell her she would be disowned unless she stopped this practices at once.
* Bring in the local clergy to perform an exorsism.
* Tell her she is the victim of a "cult"..
* Imagine this is what I get for walking under a ladder on my way home from the 7-eleven.
* Ship my almost black kitty to the local animal shelter.

Neko's chase

Some of the things I did....
* Learn what it means to be a Pagan.
* Learn what it means to be a Witch.
* Remember that I am tolerant and respectful of other people's beliefs.
* Remember that I don't have to change who I am, to accept who my child is.
* Join her in some of the rituals, had a ball, and experienced the great opportunity to see her
as the Priestess.

This page is respectfully dedicated to my daughter, Chalcedony, on the joyous occasion of her Handfasting ritual, to take place on October 12th, 1996.
Welcome All and Blessed Be!.


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