CandleTo Chalcedony, with love.Candle

Lady Fortuna Dear Tiger:
This page is dedicated to you and your beloved, in celebration of your Handfasting ritual. Congratulations to you both and Blessed Be! May Fortuna smile on you always and Hecate's presence provide you with protection.
Thank you, sweety, for sharing such a precious occasion with me, I am thrilled to be a part of it. When you were a child, I did not want to "inflict" religion on you, I felt this was something for *you* to choose. The time came, when you announced that you were a Wiccan, I was happy for you, for having made your choice, I guess you became pagan by default?..:)
Like I always say, anyone can be a proud mother with a kid like you...and you even chose a dream of a son-in-law to wed! I have always loved Autumn, maybe because it is my Birthday?... This is indeed a wonderful time of the year for your Handfasting and Samhain is just around the corner! Speaking of birthdays, I will be 50 this year, another turning point yet... another goal reached... I always dreamed of being able to be there for you, to be able to share this time of your life, and the time has come, when one of the most cherished goals has been reached. It is indeed Harvest time!....

Mischevious kitty Love always,

Merry Meet, Merry part, Merry meet Again...


Unicorn Stuff I thought you might enjoy.......

Moonlion's Handfasting Moonlion's Complete Handfasting Ritual
A beautiful description delivered by the talented writer, Eric Haddock.

Runesmith's Homepage By someone you may recognize...

Healing Arts Magazine By Rob Shaw, my astrological twin. Happy Birthday Rob!

Now playing "Haste to the Wedding"
Midi and Lyrics courtesy of Brian Hicks from Celtic MIDI Files

Haste To The Wedding (Rural Felicity)

Come haste to the wedding ye friends and ye neighbors,
The lovers their bliss can no longer delay.
Forget all your sorrows your cares and your labors,
And let every heart beat with rapture today.
Come, come one and all, attend to my call,
And revel in pleasures that never can cloy.
Come see rural felicity,
Which love and innocence ever enjoy.

Let Envy, Let Pride, Let Hate & Ambition,
Still Crowd to, & beat at the breast of the Great,
To Such Wretched Passions we Give no admission,
But Leave them alone to the wise ones of State,
We Boast of No wealth, but Contentment & Health,
In mirth & in Friendship, our moments employ
Come see rural felicity,
Which love and innocence ever enjoy.

With Reason we taste of Each Heart Stirring pleasure,
With Reason we Drink of the full flowing Bowl,
Are Jocund & Gay, But 'tis all within measure,
For fatal excess will enslave the free Soul,
Then Come at our bidding to this Happy wedding,
No Care Shall obtrude here, our Bliss to annoy,
Come see rural felicity,
Which love and innocence ever enjoy.

from Contentment, Jim Douglas
Collected from Eunice Carew's songbook, 1790


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