Star Starbound and Lone Wolf's Den Wolf

Lone Wolf, Starbound & Junior?
Drawn By Starbound
7TH Heaven BBS
This is *not* Lone Wolf

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7TH Heaven Logo and Ripper, designed by Starbound.
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Hi There!...Welcome to Starbound and Lone Wolf's Den!!!

We met in cyberspace and since then have each created and run our own BBS's. Since September 7, 1994 we have loved and played,learned and grown to accept the challenges to keep us together.

Welcome to our eclectic lifes, never a dull moment here, but if you stick around, it's better than the Y&R!!!..:) Yes you can fall in love in Cyberspace, we did! It was in the chat area of a local BBS. Now, we are SysOps of our own BBS, 7TH Heaven, when we are not busy doing SysOp things we come to the Net and listen to some tunes at Crescendo Cool Site of the Day, check out the new software at Tucows - Toronto, kiss a couple of times then go on to visit the Schnauzer Ware / Planet Schnauzer Home Page (our baby is a mini-schnauzer named Winston). While one of us is making coffee, the other will sneak out to The Electric Postcard to find a cool E-card for the current Month Anniversary. After smooching a little more we'll make a stop at our good friend's Boris page BPJAZ's Home Page to enjoy the good things life has to offer.

And yes, when Starbound is in the shower, Lone Wolf will howl and head for Playboy and by the time she's back he will be browsing with innocent curiosity at Toronto Computes! or better yet, dowloading images of his other fav creatures from Wolf Haven. When we have problems in our relationship we visit Joe's AMAZING Relationship Problem Solver! it works for us! In fact, we noticed something the other day..........



Starbound: Libra, charming, intelligent, occult and new age,empathic. [email protected]

Lone Wolf: Leo, lover supreme, compu-technician, huggable happy camper. [email protected]


Now...why don't you boogie up to one of these cool links!


[ Main ] [ Mom, I'm a Witch ] [ To Chalcedony, with love. ] [ Links ]
[ The Den Star ] [ Paranoia Room ] [ Star's Dreams ] [ Candle Vigil ]


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