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You are currently shown a brief geographical presentation of the Schela commune, including its constitutive villages Schela and Negrea.               If you want to access other pages of this site double click one of the topics shown above this scrolling text.              

The county road Galati-Valea Marului, at the entrance in the Schela commune

The Schela commune is situated in the Galati county, Eastern part of Romania, nearby the place where the rivulet Siret flows into the Danube. The commune is composed of two villages, Negrea and Schela. The villages are situated at 7 kilometres distance one from another. Both villages lay along the Lozova rivulet. There are less than 10 kilometres from the Southern outskirts of the Schela village to the Siret river.

Romania and Galati county position

The physical map of Galati county

The Lozova rivulet crossing the Negrea village

Both villages are situated on the banks of the Lozova rivulet in a hilly region. Hills have gentle slopes and they are not afforested. Towards South they lose into the plain. Fields from the Southern part of the Schela village are often flooded by underground waters. Both Negrea and Schela are surrounded by hills towards East and West.

Bridge on the Lozova rivulet in Schela

Pasture in Schela

Summers are hot and excedengly dry in Schela. In July and August the temperature is often 28-30 degrees Celsius. First snow falls at the end of November or the beginning of December. Winters are frosty and temperatures often go belllow -10 degrees Celsius. Snow melts at the beginning of March.

Waggon without a wheel, running on Negrea's narrow streets
Road access 1

The county road which ties Galati city to the communes Pechea, Costache Negri, Cudalbi and Valea Marului crosses the Schela village. You can get to the Negrea village by the same Galati-Valea Marului county road. From the North extremity of the Schela village(a place called "La intersectie"- "At the cross roads") there is a new communal road of about 5 kilometres which leads to Negrea.

Both villages, Schela and Negrea, have fields with black soil, very good for agricultural cultures. Despite the hilly relief, the layer of underground waters is at a very small depth, especially down the valleys which cross the two villages. Soils are rich in oil deposits.

Galati - Valea Marului county road
Road access 2

The commune is also accessible from the national highway E 25 Galati-Tecuci. There is a county road between the Piscu and Independenta localities, road which leads towards North, towards Slobozia Conachi. Fom Slobozia Conachi you can get to Schela by the county road Valea Marului-Galati.

Galati county's network road

In the past a lot of houses were covered with reed
Comun transportation

From the Western part of Galati city, from "Siderurgistilor" Market, near the place "La General", leave every day to Negrea and Schela minibuses, at 7.30, 12.00, 15.00. Minibuses and buses leave also from there on the route Galati- Pechea- Cudalbi-Valea Marului. They all stop in the North extremity of Schela village, in a place called "La intersectie"(At cross roads).
Schela's Townhall, end of route Galati-Schela-Negrea for minibuses
Meantime zone
G.M.T. + 2
220 volts AC
Measure system
Decimal metric system
Telephony network
Land telephony; Mobile telephony in Connex network
The Post
Post-office in the Schela commune
Currency: 1 LEU.
1 EURO=38000 lei. The commune does not have an exchange office.

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