WWF Title Picture for the year 2000


Here's the thing: the Women's Title has never garnered much respect because there haven't been many women to compete for it, and those who have, with few exceptions, were not very good wrestlers. So for most of the time since its renewal, the women's title has just been an extra piece of jewellery for the Federation's most popular lust object- such was the case at Armageddon on December 12th, 1999 when the Federation had a 4 Woman Evening Gown Pool Match (you don't need to know the particulars, just reading that title lets you know how respected the competitors were). The purpose of an Evening Gown Match is to win by stripping your opponent of her dress (Gawd, I love this stuff). After the other competitors B.B., Jacqueline and Ivory were eliminated, the Kat emerged from the pool, and decided to show an appreciative crowd her wares. (Because this is a family site, the picture to the left is right before that incident, sorry guys).

To show how respected the Women's Title was at the beginning of the year, the defending champion, the Kat was to face a mystery opponent in a Snow Bunny Lumber Jill Match. A what? It was a Lumber Jack Match (with women as Lumber Jacks, hence Lumber Jills), with the combatents facing off in a snow pit. Her opponent was a new-comer, Harvena- a she-beast dressed in a ski suit (the champ was dressed in a more appropriate bikini). Harvena scored the victory, and then was revealed to be Harvey Whippleman. A man? Winning the Women's Title? Understandbly, the Kat was frustrated and perplexed, as you see her in the picture to the left (you will forgive me for not showing a picture of Harvena).

Soon after, "Harvena" was stripped of her title, and Jacquelyn, fighting in her hometown, won the vacant title on February 1st. It was her second title, and since they had no plans for the title, it seemed only fair to give Jackie some time on top. Of course, the "top" of the Women's division meant next to nothing, but Jackie was a constant pro, so it was a nice reward. Nothing much happened after that though, just a few matches on Heat.

On March 28, the farce that was WWF Women's wrestling was put to sleep when Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley, exercising her power over the Federation, "won" the Women's Title. She would then hold the title as a piece of jewellery, joining her Champion husband as the WWF's golden couple. She went months without defending the title, which deprived us of Gravy Bowl matches, but allowed the Women's division to catch up. Near the end of the year, there were finally enough competitors to legitimately have an active title, and a breakaway star (who could actually wrestle) to give the title to.

Lita had already been garnering attention with her combination of high-wire wrestling ability, and her rising panty-lines. After a couple of near-misses when Steph was forced into defending her title (narrowly escaping with victories with the help of Tori and Kurt Angle). Finally, on August 21st, the lovely Lita won the Women's Title, and for perhaps the first-time ever, the Women's Title was a legitimate title. From there she would help Trish Stratus develop as a wrestler, fought Hardcore matches with Jackie and would go on to become one of the Federation's biggest stars.

The next step in the evolution in the Women's division was the rebirth of Ivory as a villian. She had won the title before, twice, as a villian, but had slipped into obscurity as her more attractive counterparts garnered more attention (not that Ivory is a dog). But then, in what was a perfect fit, she joined the Right to Censor, and proved effective at a role. For this, she won the title on October 31st, in a Fatal Four-Way Match verses Trish, Jackie and Lita, with the interference of Steven Richards. That such a transendent star like Lita could lose the title, that Ivory could keep the title, that several non-title feuds and matches in the women's division can exist, shows the strength the women's division finds itself in. It has big stars, such as Lita and Trish. It has up-and-coming stars, such as Molly Holly. It has solid professionals, such as Ivory and Jackie. That's 5 women, all of whom can wrestle (Trish is learning pretty quickly). Throw in eye-candy such as the Kat and Terri, and the returning Tori, who can handle herself in the ring, if not wrestle, and it looks like 2001 will be a big year for the WWF Divas.

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