WWF Title Picture for the year 2000


The New Age Outlaws began the year as champions, reclaiming their stake at the title of the "greatest tag team of all-time". They would keep their titles another two months until Badass Billy Gunn, the true in-ring talent of the duo, became hurt- ending his association with the Road Dogg and DX.

When the Dudley Boyz faced the Outlaws at No Way Out, both teams were heels. It is pretty unusual for two heel teams to face off for a Pay-Per-View, but the Outlaws were unusual. People hated them as DX, when they teamed with HHH and X-Pac, but got behind them when they came out as Outlaws (mostly because people like to chant along with Road Dogg). So when they faced those damned Dudleyz, they were the favourites. But Gunn was hurt, and it was the Dudleyz time

The Dudleyz headed into Wrestlemania as champs and were set to face the two hottest tag teams in the Federation, Edge and Christian and the Hardy Boys. Previously, these two had met in a ladder match, one of the most exciting matches of all-time. So with the WWF decided to combine that excitement with the Dudleyz gimmick, tables. So it was, a three-way ladder and table match. When the dust settled, Edge and Christian would leave Wrestlemania with their first tag team titles.

After Edge and Christian won the titles, it was decided they should turn heel- with the Hardys popularity growing and the fans getting behind the Dudleyz. So Edge and Christian began showing an arrogant streak, taunted their opponents and posed for the benefit of their fans. Here's my question: since when does arrogance make you a heel in today's WWF? In any case, the pair were well on their way to becoming heels when they were in their home country in Vancouver on Raw. Since heels don't get homecomings, Too Cool, who had been gaining pop, won their titles on May 29th with the help of Kid Rock's Joe C and a well-placed hockey stick.

Too Cool was popular, people liked them. But come on, this was Too Cool we're talking about. Sure, they could win the titles but they weren't going to keep them very long. So they went into the King of the Ring to defend their titles in a fatal four-way match against T&A, the Hardy Boyz and Edge and Christian. And for the benefit of those with flash photography... your two-time Tag Team Champions Edge and Christian!

Edge and Christian were rising to prominence with their ability to work the mic and insite the crowd. The Hardy Boyz were rising to prominence with the help of a red-hot Lita. But what really put these two teams on top was their amazing in-ring inventiveness. After surviving a TLC Tables, Ladders, Chairs match, the two met up in a Steel cage ladder match on September 24th, after treating the fans to yet another jaw-dropping, amazing match, the Hardy Boyz became 2 time champions.

The very next night, the two treated viewers of Raw to another eye-popping ladder match, with the special stipulation- if Edge and Christian lost this match, they would not get another shot at the titles as long as the Hardy Boyz held them. After an amazing display, the Hardys were victorious. So Edge and Christian totally had to come up with a new strategy. Suddenly, a tag team dressed in gold calling themselves Los Conquistadors appeared. Even though everyone knew they were Edge and Christian, they received title shots at No Mercy. Which they won.

The next night on Raw, Edge and Christian planned to beat Los Conquistadors to gain their titles legitimately, so they hired a couple of guys to portray Uno and Deuce (or whatever there names were). So imagine E&C's surprise when Los Conquistadors put up a fight, and scored an upset. They escaped up the ramp, to reveal themselves as the Hardy Boyz. Commisioner Mick Foley came out and settled the mess- yes, Edge and Christian were Los Conquistadors, and therefore were 3 time champions. However, since Edge and Christian were beaten, they were no longer champions- the Hardys were.

Because they can't cut a promo, the Hardys' title reigns are never long. Such was the case when Steven Richards' new tag-team of Bull Buchanen and the Goodfather faced the Hardys on November 6th. The Right to Censor did not like the Hardys attitude, and more importantly, did not like Lita's underwear-showing ways (what the hell is wrong with these guys?). The RTC won the Tag Team titles, legitimatizing their gimmick and giving them a bigger platform.

The buildup to the four corners match at Armageddon on December 10th was pretty good- the RTC first tried to censor the Road Dogg and his new tag team partner K-Kwik and their horrible rapping (for once I agreed with the RTC. Don't get me wrong: I like rap, I just don't like bad rap). They failed, and the Rowdy duo had the champs beat, until Edge and Christian did a run-in, wishing to get their own title shot. So these two turned their attentions towards each other, and the RTC set about reforming those damn Dudleyz. It even looked like they succeeded when the Dudleyz came out, decked out in collars and ties and first interfered in a Hardyz/RTC match and then were introduced as the RTC's newest members- which was all a setup to dupe Steven Richards. All of these storylines converged at Armageddon when the four teams met. Despite the Dudley Boyz dominance of the match, Edge and Christian pulled out a victory to become 4 time Tag Team champions.

A week later, on a Raw is War episode on December 18th, Commissioner Mick Foley, in one of his last official acts, decided that Edge and Christian would defend their tag team titles against a team they had never faced- The Rock and the Undertaker. Yes, Edge and Christian have established themselves as the top tag team in the game, but Rocky and the Dead Man are two of top men in all of wrestling. And, surprisingly with no interference by the likes of Kurt Angle, the People's Champion and the American Badass won the titles- the fourth for each, first with each other.

With Mick Foley fired, Vince McMahon set out to reward the loyalty of Edge and Christian on the taping of Smackdown! on December 21st, a mere 3 days later. So a rematch was set, with the Rock and the Undertaker looking to avenge the brutal chair shots Edge and Christian had delivered to the fallen Mick Foley on Raw. However, when the combatents reached the ring, they were greeted by the ring music of Kurt Angle, decked out in a referee's uniform. With the champs dominating, and with the Rock about to deliver the People's Elbow to Christian, referee Angle upended the Rock with his Olympic slam, threw Christian on top of the Rock and administered the 1-2-3. Edge and Christian end the year 2000 as five-time Tag Team Champions.

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