This website covers 8 categories of documents relevant to the discrimination, oppression and exploitation practiced by the Israeli government against the Palestinian people -

Then each of these categories of documents are explained and illustrated in these 5 ways to make the material clear and accessible and learnable to the maximum degree -

In addition, the ILRC and the website provides various services to facilitate learning the material -

* NOTE: When you open a law from one of the databases, lists or articles, it opens in a separate page. This thus allows you to open many different documents at the same time to facilitate simultaneous study. When you want to close a law, minimize it or change its shape, then use the usual webpage buttons in the upper right corner of the page, or the double-arrow cursor on the edge on the edge of the page to do so. This then allows you to also arrange the laws on your screen however is most convenient for you.

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Any comments, suggestions, or questons are most welcomed. Please contact us at [email protected]

(C) Israel Law Resource Center, February, 2007.

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