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STUDY GUIDES: Israeli Law Israeli Military Orders International Law International Court of Justice Advisory Opinion on Wall

  • II. LAWS LEGALIZING DISCRIMINATION & EXPLOITATION - third set of laws that legalize discrimination against non-Jews within Israel ...
    • 4. Special positions for Jewish Organizations in the Israeli government:
Point to be
      • A. Giving Government positions and special benefits to non-Government Jewish political organizations which affect policy and budgeting. Below are a small sampling of such laws --
        • "World Zionist Organization - Jewish Agency (Status) Law" (1952) (view entire law); "Keren Kayamet Le-Israel Law" (1953); "Vegetable Production and Marketing Board Law" (1959); "Peanut Production and Marketing Board Law" (1959); "Egg and Poultry Board (Production and Marketing) Law" (1963); "Planning and Building Law" (1965); "Fruit and Vegetables Products Boards (Production and Export) Law" (1973); "Fruit Board (Production and Marketing) Law" (1973); "Fruit Board (Production and Marketing)(Regulation of Planting Fruit Orchards) Regulations" (1975); "Flower Board (Export and Marketing) Law" (1976); Budget Law (1981)). Please see above in the section on how Israeli democracy is compromised, for details.

          This category of discrimination is listed above because it compromises Israeli democracy. But it also is listed here because it leads to direct discrimination in both Israel and the Occupied Territories because, for example, the agricultural boards control the agricultural industries in both areas, and in the same way, as described above, the Planning and Building Boards discriminate against Palestinian land owners. The World Zionist Organization is a non-government agency set up to help Jews only. No problem - all ethnic groups and religions have self-help organizations, but in this case in Israel this agency is given government level influence and powers, which thus leads indirectly to government level discrimination. The details of these laws that codify discriminatory non-government Jewish organization involvement in these government agencies is listed HERE.

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(C) Israel Law Resource Center, February, 2007.

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Legalized Discrimination: Daily Racist Harassment
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STUDY GUIDES: Israeli Law Israeli Military Orders International Law International Court of Justice Advisory Opinion on Wall

  • II. LAWS LEGALIZING DISCRIMINATION & EXPLOITATION - laws that legalize discrimination against non-Jews within Israel, and oppression and exploitation of Palestinian Arabs living in the adjacent occupied Paletinian territories ...
    • 4. Racist Harassment in Daily Life.
Point to be
      • A. Arabs experience racist harassment in Israeli streets, stores, schools, courts, etc.

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(C) Israel Law Resource Center, February, 2007.

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