
The Unveiling

The Letter to the 12 Tribes Scattered Abroad

The Four Horsemen Simplified


The Wilderness of Asia

Devil Water

The Man-child Nation

Mystery Babylon, Aholibah

The Leopard Nation

The Wound that Was Healed

The Battle at Armegeddon

The Number of the Wisest Fool

The Star of Moloch

The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing from the Wilderness

The First Fruits

The Last Fruits

The Karate Kings


The Battle of Gog

The Last Judgment

The Wedding Reception

How do you Know if You are Still in Babylon?



Notes on the Book of The Revelation of Yahshuah the Messiah

pic of lamb

I must begin by telling you that I am not a Doctor of Theology. I spent one year in a seminary, but I do not claim to know Hebrew nor Greek, although I have studied them a bit. Nor do I claim that I am 100% right. I am open to correction.

For years I have been painting the Book of the Revelation and deliberately not trying to interpret it. Recently however I have seen some connections. As a child I loved to draw pictures where you connect the dots. And so this is my Dot-Connections for the Book of the Revelation of Yahshuah.

If you feel compelled to reply please do so in a spirit of love. A friend of mine read a few pages and immediately linked me with the KKK and Hitler and said I hated Israel. How can I hate Israel? She is the mother of Christianity, Yahshuah is Jewish. Yahveh is the God of Israel. He is one and there is no others besides him. If I am in error here I ask Yahveh to show me for there will be no false teachers allowed to enter his kingdom.

The Unveiling

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