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These are the first of my Stormtroopers. They are excellent miniatures of everyones favourite badguys. I have a bout a dozen and everyone is posed differently. The minis are from West End Games.

This is Grand Admiral Thrawn and Captain Pellaeon from the Timothy Zahn series of Star Wars Novels, which are excellant by the way. The minis are from West End Games.

This is my version of Admiral Dala from the Rogue Squadron books and an Imperial Death Star gunner. The minis on the left is from ShadowForge (made in Australia) and on the right  from West End Games.

I figured I had to have a model of someone trapped in carbonite so I made this. The mini is a yelling or possibly screaming historical figure. I built a box out of evergreen plastic added a little control panel on the side and backed it with packing tape as texture. I placed the mini in the centre and filled the area around him with PVA glue.

This is Darth Zeal or ever returning Nemesis, a Dark Jedi of considerable skill and power we unfortunately still don't know his evil motives. The mini is converted from a GZG Stargrunt mini, I added the cloak from Green Stuff, swapped heads, gave him robot eyes and added a lightsaber.

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