This is "Chainsaw" the much feared leader of my Goliath gang the "Slag Dogs" they chewed up and spit out their first rivals in the first campaign and continued to dominate when four other gangs showed up. He's a pretty simple conversion from the Warzone - Headhunter champion - I added a boltgun on a sling on his back theres a grappling hook on his belt and I replaced his axe with a Space marine plastic powersword. Oh and the spike on his shoulder is a bit of sprue put through a pencil sharpener

This is "Jason" another one of the Slag Dogs, He's almost a straight paint up exept for his gun which was built up from the front of an Escher autopistol. Oh yeah the figure is a "Savage with Gun" from the Grenadier - Future Warriors range.

The Slag Dogs originally started with two heavies only packing Flamers since they were a close assault gang. Later they got the cash and a captured Heavy Stub so I created "Bubba" the only plastic Goliath I used. I took the standard autogun and cut off the barrel and magazine, in their place I made a new ventalated barrel out of sprue with sleaved aluminium tubing for the muzzle brake. The ammo chain is from a Chaos Marine boltgun and the sights on the gun are made from bits of staples. His backpack is a modern 1/35 US field pack with an old Imp Lasgun as a backup weapon. Later I created a Heavy Plasma Gun Arm which could be swapped with the Heavy Stub arm.

This is the early version of "Vega" the gangs Leitenant. As the caimpaign went along he was almost a double of "Chainsaw" but of course never challenged for Leadership since he was having too much fun. The mini is a Future Savage mini with a GW Laspistol added.

"Doc" is from the Dead West range of figures, he just stood out when I saw him so I grabbed him and apart from cutting off his molded on base painted him as is. I ended I up using him in my Slag Dogs since I needed an extra flamer guy. Coincidentaly he became the gangs inventor so living up to the "Mad Scientist" look.

"Bad Juju" on the right was the only ganger to die in my gang, TWICE. Him and his replacement, Cursed figure I guess. Anyway he's a straight paint up of a "savage with gun" from the Grenadier - Future Warriors range.

This here is "Leroy" a little maniac in my Gang who went from Juve to ganger in record time. The mini is from the old GW barbarian range. I added a holster on his hip and swapped his hand axe for a plastic power axe.

"Skirt" the only female member of the Slag Dogs went from juvedom to being a well known zombie killer. She actually survived HTH with around 6 zombies in one game and rightfully erned a power sword. As for the mini it's a Hobby Products fantasy mini with a Redemptionist autopistol and the bayonet off of a Chaos terminator heavy for the sword.

"Captain Dred" surprisingly is a straight paint up of a Grenadier - Future Warriors "Robot Hunter"

This is "Freddy" one of the gangs very few ranged weapon gangers. He's another of the Future Warriors range.

This here is "Pyro" one of the gangs specialists. He started off a juve and lucked out on the tech table. The mini is a savage with gun from the Future Warriors range.

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