GERMS Publishing goes on-line...

Sorry - the layout of this page is a bit crude (not sure how many Hail Mary's I have earned with my bad design). I pray it will make more sense with time. Please Lord...

I have printed small press comic anthologies/zines in the past and found that nobody really wants to read them (well not mine anyway). The Awake isn't too bad as it has crosswords, just the distribution requires a lot of leg work.

For now you will be able to download each strip as a PDF and print it out yourself. This is short term. I will be printing collections of comics, but at the moment there is so little interest my time and money can be better spent.

If you can't get this to work, or don't have access to a printer and really want to read one of the strips - send me an email with your address and I will print it out for you.

As they are PDFs I could always burn you a disk if you asked me nicely.

Click on the link below...


All Gods children, even non Christians, are welcome to submit comics to be included on this page. Again, just send me an email for details...


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