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CoffeeRecon 2009 ®


The First Pledge made in the United States.


The First Pledge made in the United States.

 The first pledge we know because it is our first official document.


“And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”   Declaration of Independence


The above is the first pledge made in the USA; now we will compare that in contrast with the pledges made by the celebrity populists!  You can see that at WND.


How about that! A number of famous people have recently made pledges to make changes or a change of some kind; well I certainly appreciate and commend the words of change and their deep heart felt part in announcing this to the world at large.

First let us recall the pledge that was already made by these rich pampered elite liberals, the one in which they would leave America if George Bush got elected as president.


That giant sucking sound of I’m leaving on a Jet Plane did not seem to every really materialize after Bush won, and of course the same mantra was rekindle by these cry babies on President Bush second run for reelection in which he won handily. They also seem to have missed the boat on that one too! Not a very good track record for my word is my bond crowd. How can we really believe them now?


Are these pledges made by atheist, populist, thespians, socialist and other useful idiots who got duped by fallen philosophy?


As you read further on you will see that I use some lower case spelling of certain names, read my disclaimer below, and apology offer.


One of follywood dearly beloved johnny depthless moved back to America after seeing 300 cities in France get their cars firebombed, by fifth column terrorist, and insurgent freedom fighter that moved to France a peace loving country. I guess johnny certainly knew what side that his bread was buttered on as he fled back to the USA.


In fact deppless reminds me by his looks only, of the famous actor Tyrone Powers a great block buster Hollywood mega star of the 40’s during the Golden years. A time when Hollywood knew it was their civic duty to serve our country in as many ways as they could. Tyrone Powers did that at the very height of his career, He joined the United State Marine Corp during World War 11.


Of course these new johnny come belatedly, have played heavily on the sentimentality of their support for the troops by words, but not in deeds. I will personally make a public retraction if any one in Hollywood of selective service age has served during the last 10 years. I will even buy those actor who served in the military lunch.


*This is excludes those such as Gary Sinise, Dennis Miller, Ron Silver and other who stand up for the troops* and incidentally are beyond the pull date to serve physically due to age factors. Of course I still will buy them lunch just to say thank you for your support.


Now back to the celebrity pledge of the look at me now crowd.


It seems clearly to me that even atheists do make pledges to a higher power! However it seems that the chain of command they respect usually ends with the last name of stalin, lenin, hussein, castro, caesar, guevara, and others of that ilk, serial mass murderer. These are the types of people who they choose to gander step too. At least Obama would be a step in the right direction; excuse me for the slip I mean step in the left direction.


No by all appearance no one pledge to God, just another secular person. Even Obama said so help me God maybe he could teach that to his followers. We can only hope for that kind of change.


The Pledge of Allegiance is sufficient for me as it has been for all American citizens. It gives freedom to all.


"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all."


Some of Obama people don’t seem to like my Chain Of Command. God, Jesus, Mom, Dad, Boy Scouts, and apple pie. Let Freedom Ring is not a hollow sound to those who hold these same convictions.


Let me ask them, didn’t Obama have any friends that told him what jeremiah wright was saying behind his back for 20 years?


Didn’t oprah send to Obama who is her friend, some kind of memo giving him a heads up on what was spoken to a large crowd of witnesses? I have a hard time thinking that this guy will be better at getting intelligence about would be threats then President Bush did, especially when it comes to national security.


Maybe he can’t ayer (hear) them either!


How about telling the spartan less hollywood to make a pledge to join the military now that the guy they called hitler has left the White House. Show us what you are really made of.


Maybe we can’t ayer (hear) the Obama maniacs when they make their pledges!


My new euphemism for the we see no evil, we speak no evil and we can’t hear evil crowd that hangs around the william ayers and jeremiah wright circle talk about change.



The writer apologizes that my typing only uses cummings fonts when editing/writing about the name of the pusillanimous liberals of the left. It just can’t seem to want to give them the respect of a Capital letter to the communal list.


   Watch this video if you dare! It is the left foot standing on one foot.
    Ha Ha you made my daniel day!
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