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Created: March 2001
Last Update: Mar 2005
My Movie Page
Wanna See Films

To See...
Fast Food, Fast Women
Head over Heals
Havanna mi amore
Crimes of Passion  -
Kathleen Turner, Anthony Hopkins. 1984, An Architect leads a double life as a hooker named China Blue
Catch 22 -
The World According to Garp -
read the book, now want to see the film.

Summer Cinemas
Trib�ne Krieau - 9pm - 729 1743
Augarten - 9:30pm - 585 232425
What I've Seen    (Ratings * to *****)

The Constant Gardener **** (1/2006)
Love and trust belong together like milk and honey, but are sometimes powerful feelings that make things seem unclear. After Tessa mysteriously dies in a care accident, Justin tries to find out what really happened and stumbles onto the dirty doings of pharmacutical companies manipulating test results.

Match Point ***** (1/2006)
Fantastic Woody Allen film, but certainly not very typical of him. Love for the love's sake or for money and status, that is the question. The ball can fall on either side of the net and decide your fate. Scarlett Johansson plays the seductive American wanna-be actress in London.

Family Stone **** (12/2005)

Good Woman **** (12/2005)

Serenity **** (12/2005)

40 Yr Old Virgin ****(11/2005)

Nicotina **** (10/2005)

Bin Jip **** (9/2005)

I can't say if this film is typically Korean, but it is certainly different than most European films. A young man, who doesn't speak a word throughout, breaks into house to live the lives of its inhabitants. One day, he unexpectedly meets a tormented woman in one of the diserted, or so he thought, homes. Story about searching for happiness and inner peace. Very worthwhile watching!!

Sin City *** (8/2005)
Surrealistic short storries from the comic book. Tarantino in comic book form. Cool film, but hard to follow for the entire duration.

Wedding Crashers **** (8/2005)
Really funny and wacky film about 2 guys who love to crash weddings, party to the max and pick up pretty wedding guests for a quick erotic adventure. However, just while your having fun, things get serious and a little out of control.

Garden State **** (6/2005)
Sympathic kids having fun and falling in love. Great soundtrack

The Upside of Anger **** (6/2005)
Kosttner's first film since Dancing with Wolves that I really liked. Was nice to see a believable happy ending of 2 troubled people finding each other in troubled times.

Door in the Floor **** (6/2005)
Ruthy is so cute and adorable. Very accurate film based on the Irving novel "Widow for a Year".

Kinsey **** (5/2005)
I knew that Americans sometimes live in the dark and are pretty prude too boot, but this film still surprised me. Kinsey himself was extremely curious and tolerant, but also to the point of being obsessive. There really is a fine line between being a genius and being crazy.

9 Songs *** (5/2005)
Interesting film to say the least. No real story. Just clips of a band playing live music, the antarctic and some very sensual and graphic love scenes. I am still trying for figure out if I liked it or not. The film as a whole that is... the love scenes where definitely good;-)

Imax Underwater World 3D *** (4/2005)
The 3D effect was amazing... the closest thing to diving without getting wet. Apart from this, the film was unfortunately rather dull and uninspired.

Sophie Scholl ****(03/2005)
Wow, powerful film about a young woman who stick to her principles even in the face of death.

Hitch, Date Dr. **** (03/2005)
Really funny movie to excercise you laugh muscles. The Dr really knows woman. Hut ab;-)

At home at the End of the World **** (02/2005)
Fascinating story about growing up and the feelings that 2 young men are confronted with.

Die Brautjungfer ** (01/2005)

Bridget Jones 2 *** (12/2004)
Bridget is as funny, nieve  and wierd as always. Along with the good soundtrack, it is well worth the trip to the Cinema to see this cheerful feel-good movie.

Die Reise des Jungen Che *** (12/2004)

The story of Che Gevera's early years as a medical student in Argentina who plans to travel and explore the south American continent along with hes friend.

Girl with a pearl Earring **** (12/2004)
Although there is not much dialog in the film, it easily managed to keep me glued to the screen. Scarlett Johansson as well as the beautiful scenery and art work more than compensated for the unusual tranquility of this film.

Manchurian Candidate *** (11/2004)
Ok film about corporate America trying to get even more influence in Washington by turning a vice presidential candidate into a company controlled robot. Apart from it being somewhat unrealistic, it was fine basic entertainment.

5 x 2 **** (11/2004)
Interesting film about the progression of a relationship, however told in reverse order. Seeing the end first really made me curious to find out how it all began.

Bourne Conspiracy *** (11/2004)
Psycho thriller with Franka Potenta that works because it manages to stay interesting and unpredictable to the end.

Butterfly Effect **** (9/2004)
Cool and frightening film about the progression of Aston Kutscher's mental disorder of having black out's whenever he is in a difficult situation

Fahrenheit 9/11 **** (9/2004)
Hard hitting documentary film about the biggest asshole president America ever had, but irronicaly loved by the Amercian people. Which is also the reason why he will probably be re-elected. Every nation gets the leader it deserves;-)

Spiderman 2
*** (7/2004)
Generally ok, but not as good as the first. I was starting to get tired of Spidey's never ending romantic problems, but then miraculously it changes for the better. However, Spidey now has a weakness....oooh.

Schultze gets the Blues **** (6/2004)
At first the movie seems rather slow and dull because there isn't a lot of dialog, but as the movie went on I felt more of an emotional bond with Schulze and found sympathy for the persuit of his dreams. I think most people can relate to Schulze in one way or another.

The Punisher
*** (6/2004)
If you remember that this film is based on a comic book and don't take it too seriously, it can be enjoyed otherwise it is unbearably exaggerated.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind **** (5/2004)
I found this movie really cool and it is the first time since the Truman show that I found Jim Carrey's performance exceptional. Kate Winslet really shows here flexibilty as an actress playing the very free spirited Clementine. By the middle of the movie I was quite frustrated because I had no idea what the hell was happening, but it all came together at the end.

50 First Dates *** (5/2004)
I found it to be a really funny story with a good soundtrack and fantastic Hawaiian landscape. Gotta go and see it live some day.

Troja *** (5/2004)
Well, it was just ok. Too many dramatic "I love you" scenes. Battle scenes where good, but not as impressive as in Braveheart for example.

Taking Lives **** (5/2004)
There are few things I liked about this movie. First, the story is interestingly creepy and unpredictable and kept me glued to my seat from beginning to end. As a precaustion, I usually take a Red Bull along with me in case the film puts me to sleep, but I didn't need it this time. And secondly, Angelina Jolie plays a seductively tough FBI agent who also has a very fragile sensitive side. Wow, the perfect woman;-)

Kill Bill Vol. 2 ** (4/2004)
Vol. 1 was exceptionally good and this one was exceptionally silly and boring. The only good thing about Vol. 2 is Uma Thurman. Well actually, there was one other good part of this movie. Daryl Hannah getting her only remaining eye gouged out and squished between Uma's toes;-)

Along Came Polly **** (4/2004)
Cute simple film about how opposites attract, but more importantly the bitch (Ben Stiller's new wife who cheats on him during the honeymoon) gets what she deserves in the end...nothing;-)

Under The Tuscan Sun *** (4/2004)
The story is a bit corny, but the beautiful Tuscan scenery alone makes the movie worth watching. I must admit, I am a big fan of Italy and I am really looking forward to travel around this part of Italy myself. Soon, I hope.

Gegen die Wand **** (4/2004)
From a tragic viewpoint this film reminded me of "Leaving Las Vegas". Two souls who have lost the desire to live meet and try to find meaning in their lives. The road to normalcy is a very bumpy one, but well worth the effort.

Mystic River *** (3/2004)
Similar to 21 Grams in that it is a story about how cruel life can be sometimes. A young boy gets raped and that not only changes his life, but also that of his friends and family.

21 Grams **** (3/2004)
Riveting film from begining to end. Great acting from Sean Penn and especially Benicio Del Toro. He plays the thug gone good guy who's faith in got gets put to the test by some unfortunate cruelties of life. An almost Tarentino'esque scene in the film is when Sean Penn ends up fucking the wife of the man who donated his heart to him. Very wierd, but I liked it;-)

Luther ** (2/2004)
Too serious, too melodramatic. I had the feeling I was in school and was forced to sit through a boring history lesson.

Somethings Gotta Give ***** (2/2004)
Extrmemely funny and realistic depiction of how "love" is dealt with in different ways by different people. I felt so much apart of many scenes in the film. Jack Nicholson is amazing. I don't think Jack had to do a lot of acting in the film, he just needed to be himself.

Lost in Translation
**** (1/2004)
I still don't know why, but although nothing spectacular happens in this film I was fascinated from begining to end. Everyone struggles to find happiness and although reluctant to admit it, noone every really gives up looking for it.

Wilbur Wants to Kill Himself **** (1/2004)
The title of the film pretty much sums up the plot as well. Funny and sad at the same time. Reminded me of some Woody Allen films. Great film, but you have to be in the mood to fully appreciate it.

Barcelona for a Year (L'Auberge Espagnole) **** (12/2003)
A charming movie about how much fun it was to be young, discover the world and meet intereting people from all over the world. Something I would have gladly done when I was younger. I did travel around Europe for a month, but it not the same as living with a group of colorful people in a country and experiencing everyday life.

Finding Nemo *** (12/2003)
Amazing underwater digital animation along with very cute characters. What I mostly missed in this film is breathtaking music as in The Lion King.

Love Actually ***** (12/2003)
Great, funny and heart-warming stories about love and the spirit of Christmas. Hugh Grant is as charming and cute as ever and the music is fantastic as well.

Herr Lehmann *** (11/2003)
The story is very strange and hard to follow at times, but overall it lets you dive into the dark world of a group of young chaotic free spirits in search of love and a direction in life.

Kill Bill Vol.1
***** (11/2003)
Another great Tarantino film! Bizaar and extremely violent at times, but always interestingly odd and funny. Really hard to describe. Can really see this movie twice to catch all the subtilties.

Whale Rider **** (11/2003)
Beautiful story about how the traditions of aboriginal New Zealanders are forced to adapt to modern times. This film also shows us that we should never give up our dreams.

Identity *** (11/2003)
Was suspensful til the end because it was hard to predict the outcome. Kind of a modern Psycho. Have to admit that I haven't seen Psycho so I can's say if it meets the mark or not.

Pirates of the Caribbean * (10/2003)
Almost fell asleep. Enough said. I knew I shouldn't have gone in the first place

I heard the film is graphic and violent, but it still was more shocking than I expected. Apart from Monica Bellucci, the film didn't have much to offer. Story was weak and the acrobatic camera work was more bothersome than creative. But did I mention that Monica looked very good;-))

Matchstick Men
**** (9/2003)
I like Nicholas Cage and this is a great Nicholas Cage movie. Interesting story with a great twist at the end.

10 You Can Tell Just by Looking at Her **** (9/2003)
I don't know exactly why, but I like movies that tell simple stories about strange lives. Obscure and twisted, but realistic enough to believe it could happen to you as well.

Swimming Pool **** (9/2003)
For a change, a really good French movie. Normally they put me to sleep, but Swimming Pool has a fascinating story, good acting and a beautiful setting (french countryside)

Phone Booth *** (8/2003)
Strange in that the entire movie takes place in a phone booth, hence the fitting name. The mostly suspenceful story still doesn't make up for the monotone movie set.

Adam und Eva *** (7/2003)
A funny love story about a young couple that falls in love and eventually realizes that everyday life has taken the place of infatuation. He has an early mid-life ciris and chases skirts and she of course finds out. They split, but eventually realize that what they have between them goes beyond being together or not.

28 Days Later **** (7/2003)
I had no idea what this movie was about going in. It started very strange and got stranger all the way, but in a positive way. I think if you look past all the horror an blood, the movie gives you a lot to think about in regards to violence in society, human social interaction under extreme circumstances (reminded me of Lord of the Flies) and how primitive animal instincts still exist within us. If you can handle the brutality and gore of this film, it is worth the risk.

Long Walk Home ** (7/2003)

I mean this is a very nice story about 3 children torn away from their parents in the outback of Australia, but it is not enough of a story to make you sit on the eadge of your seat for an entire film.

The Crime of Padre Amaro or Die Versuchung des Padre Amaro *** (6/2003)
Mexican film about a niave young priest who journies to a little villiage in the mexican countryside. What he encounters is a desire for a young woman and the corruption of a small town society. I enjoyed the insight into the passionate side, the good and bad sides, of mexican country life.

Born2Die ** (4/2003)
Apart from some good fighting and chase scenes a very weak plot, but I didn't expect anything so I was mildly entertained none the less.

How to Loose a Guy in 10 Days *** (4/2003)
A funny movie that made me laugh. Very Hollywood happy end. Sweet.

The Hours *** (4/2003)
Don't really know how to rate this movie. To be honest, I didn't understand all of the connecting stories. Have to see it again at home to completely figure it out ;-)

My Big Fat Greek Wedding **** (3/2003)
Very funny story about a young woman who breaks out of her restrictive conservative Greek family and becomes a beautiful independat woman who falls in love. Unfortunately the man of her dreams has a fatal flaw... he is not Greek ;-)

� la folie... pas du tout **** (3/2003)
Audrey Tautou was as charming in this film as she was in Amelie.Her pretty smile can warm anyones heart. A great film that begins innocently enough but developes quite a few frightening twists. Great to watch.

Gangs of New York ** (2/2003)
Too much violence and not enough story. That seems to sum it up best for me.

Catch Me if You Can *** (2/2003)
I am not really a big fan of Spielberg films, but this one was surprisingly good. Funny and the very interesting to see how many ways there are to get through in life if you are imaginative and daring enough.

James Bond *** (12/2002)
Don't normally like these kind of films anymore, but 007 has a special status so I enjoyed all the cliches, all the toys, all the chases. Oh James, need I say more;-)

Lord of the Rings II ** (1/2003)
This film reminded me why I almost fell asleep during the first one. I can't stand fantasy films that last more than 30 minutes.

8 Women ** (09/2002)
I seem to have an aversion to French films. Apart from the singing and dancing, which I thought was cute, I found it rather boring.

About the Boy **** (08/2002)
Had a lot of laughs watching Hugh Grant getting into all kinds of trouble. The real funny thing was that I saw a lot of me in Hugh ;-) Very pleasant story story as well. Go see it!

Sum of all Fears *** (08/2002)
Kind of a lame plot, but the acting and sound track saved this film from being a waste of 7 Euros

Kissing Jessica **** (08/2002)
Funny movie about a woman fed up with dating men so she decides to give the other half of the world a chance too. It sounds simple but Jessica has to overcome some internal mental hurdles as well as environmental ones before she can start to enjoy her new found hapiness. But in the end Jessica discovers what we men knew all along... ;-)

Two Hands **** (06/2002)
An Australian film which in the "original verlsion" was for me at times difficult to understand because of the Aussie slang, but as the movie progressed my ears gradually adjusted. It was however well worth the increased listening concentration. Gripping story about a young man trying to find his way in a world full of obsticals. Sometimes you just need someone to ask the question: "As a child, what did you want to do when you grow up?"

Spider-Man *** (06/2002)
Actually, pretty good for a comic book super hero movie !! Just don't expect a movie that requires a lot of mental excercise :-) Great swinging throught the concrete jungle scenes.

B.Monkey *** (05/2002)
Only saw this one on Video, but it still created an eary mood. These kind of movies make me feel like wanting to break free, do crazy things, get a tatoo etc ;-) Also, practically fell in love with the female lead, the Italien black haired beauty
Asia Argento. For some unexplainable reason, I am attracted to dangerous women like this.

Amores Perros *** (5/2002)
A brutal but refreshingly realistic depiction of twisted personal and family morals in a Mexican setting.

Italian for Beginners ***** (04/2002)
Cool film of a very different kind. It was the first time I saw a DOGMA film and I would recommend it to anyone who is tired of seeing "the same old thing" just packaged with a new title. Very currious but warm personal stories about everyday people with not so everyday problems.

A Beuatiful Mind *** (04/2002)
A very moving story about struggle and determination as well as love and support. Could have been a little less "Hollywood" for me at times, but overall a movie worht seeing. Crowe can really act.

Mulholland Drive **** (01/2002)
A wierd but totally fascinating David Lynch film, which impresses with a twisted story, penetrating camera work and good music. Especially Rebekah Del Rio's spanish rendition of Roy Orbison's classic "Crying" is simply spine-chilling! I think it needs to be seen twice to be completely understood (if that is at all possible). If you liked Blue Velvet then you will like David Lynch's latest film too.

Swordfish *** (12/2001)
Cyber-hacker film with John Travolta, who as usual was a pleasure to watch even in the role of the good-intentioned bad guy. Normally I am not a big fan of action scenes, but Swordfish contains a few modern creative twists on this subject that are worth seeing. Expesially the gruesome explosion or a hostage in extra slow panoramic motion;-) Also worth mentioning, atleast from my point of view, Halle Berry is the sexiest woman I have seen in a film. (Period)

Curse of the Jade Scorpion **** (12/2001)
A real Woody Allen film with some memorable dialog, especially Woody's comebacks. I am trying to find the script for this film. If you know of a link, email me...

Memento *** (12/2001)
A very uniquely made film in that the story is told sequences that run back in time. Hard to imagine unless you have seen the film, but if you are as curious as I was then it is worth the risk!

Die Klavierspielerin (La Pianista) **** (11/2001)
French/Austrian Film based on an Elfride Jelenik novel. Now I understand why her books are considered so contraversial. If you have any interest in the psychology of human beings, then this film is for you.

Shrek *** (11/2001)
The computer animation in fascinating, great attention to detail. The story is interesting even for adults.

Color of Paradise **** (10/2001)
Not knowing what to expect from an Iranian film (!) I was surprieed by the warmth and tenderness of it. Heart touching story about the cruel beauty of life.

Requiem for a Dream***** (10/2001)
Great independant american production. Not for the faint of heart because this movie depicts what happens to people when a drug addiction becomse excessive. And it does this in a very cold and shockingly realistic manner.

Amelie ***** (10/2001)
I thought this movie was great! Afun story about a young woman from Paris who tries to break free from her sheltered life by trying to help other with their everyday problems. Especially liked the creative cinematography.

Intimacy *** (9/2001)
Another story about twisted relationships. Perhaps a little more graphic than most, but the theme is not so unique.

The Score****  (9/2001)
(DeNiro, Brando) cool movie, but I may be a little biased because I like all Robert DeNiro movies :-)

Briget Jone's Diary*** (9/2001)
(Zellweger, H. Grant) Lots of laughs and a real pleasure to watch if you can't stand Hugh Grant playing another sunny boy.

Der Schuh des Manitu** (8/2001)
Uhmm.. well.. I don't really know what to say about this movie. Parts of it were really funny, but it wasn't enough to make me want to sit in the cinema for almost 2 hours.

The Replacements* (8/2001)
(Keanu Reeves) A very average American film where, against all odds,  David beats up on Goliath. There is also the compulsory, but rather boring girl meets boy side story. But since I tend to see the good in everything, I must say that the music and some of the football scenes were worth hearing and seeing.

Beautiful People**** (7/2001)
A unique Britsh film dealing with racism and prejudice, but told in a comical way.

Beuna Vista Social Club ***** (2001)
Cuba the way it was... a passion for music and the basic elements of life.

Pay it Forward *** (2001)
(Holy Hunter, Kevin Spacey) A pretty good feel-good movie about making the world a better place. This film's strength lies in the impressive and convincing performances of the actors. If you believe the story or not is entirely up to you. If more people believed in it maybe somethings would change, but this is "absurdly utopian".

Traffic **** (2001)
(Michael Douglas and the Misses) Well deserving of the Oscar nominations. Although I am no drug expert, I can believe that it is a realistic depiction of the drug situation in North America. Very original camera work.

Malena **** (2001)
Great film! Breathtaking Sicilian scenery, charming and funny story and Malena (Monica Bellucci) truley is a come-to-life Italian godess, especially for young pubesant boys.

Miss Congeniality * (2001)
(Sandra Bullock) A partially funny movie, but overall less than original. If you are a big fan of Sandra and you want to see her in a tight dress then this film is for you.

Chocolat *** (2001)
(Johnny Depp, Juliette Binoche) (screened 03/2001) A beautifully funny movie set in a stunning little french village with extrodinary performances by all. A good movie about how one person with passion and determination can make a difference.

From Dusk til Dawn **** (2001)
(George Cloony, Quinten Tarentino) (screened 03/2001) - After hearing about this movie for years I finally discovered that a friend has it on video tape and it was worth the wait. Tarentino films are always good for a surprise or two and this one is no exception. Hard to describe... just have to see it for yourself. Btw, seeing Clooney as a tattood bad-guy is nice change of pace.

Hannibal *** (2001)
(Anthony Hopkins) (screened 02/2001)
It starts off innocent enough, but then turns into one of the sickest films ever. Some people even left early with a look of disgust on their faces, but if you like this kind of gore then this is a must see.
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