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Biography ::
Listen LIVE to this fascinating, commercial-free programme Sundays 11:30pm - 1:30am London time on 104.4 FM - in LONDON OR free, ONLINE, from anywhere in the world. (Sundays 3:30-5:30pm PST USA)
Host Rob Simone travels the world to find the most interesting people on the planet. Topics include consciousness, science, phenomenon and more. Rob produces his two-hour show from Los Angeles. It can be heard on 104.4 FM and online world-wide.
Rob's new book "Strange But True News" is now on sale


Rob Simone is an award-winning media personality and accomplished TV and radio producer.
In addition, Rob has authored 2 books, is a featured writer for FATE magazine,
and has traveled through 27 countries exploring mysterious and sacred places
and the un-explained phenomenon that surrounds them.

Rob Simone is now recognized as one of the world's leading experts on the unexplained.

In the late 1990's Rob began working with Peter Gersten Esq. and the civil activist organization,
C.A.U.S. which was featured regularly on Art Bell and countless other radio and TV programs
nationally and internationally due to the organization's use of the legal system
to end the government's secrecy and cover up of black budget programs and instillations such as Area - 51.

Rob became the worlds first "Para-normal Para-legal" collecting affidavits, eye-witness
testimony and photographic evidence for FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests for
various law suits brought against the D.O.D. (Dept of Defense) and the Federal Government.
This involved liaisons with many other research groups, coordination of media, direct contact
with witnesses, government insiders and high-level military officials whose stories can now be told.

Then, a 3 year trip around the world to the most mystical sacred and powerful places
on Earth investigating local, cultural and historical links to the unexplained components
of many ancient civilizations and belief systems. This included gathering first-hand
accounts from indigenous peoples and tribal elders of the components of
ancient civilizations and the historical links to the major religions and belief systems.

Rob has hosted radio shows in Australia, Katmandu Nepal on HBC FM, and currently
in London England on 104.4 FM where he talks with the most interesting people on the planet.

Rob was recently included in FATE Magazine's "Top 100 Ufologists" list
along with Zecharia Sitchin, Dan Aykroyd and Steven Spielberg.

Rob is Executive Director of Universal Sound and Light Productions and founder of A.I.R.
The Association of Independent Researchers. Rob now lives in Los Angeles where he
continues to produce radio and television projects related to the field.

Rob has been featured in FATE Magazine, FOX NEWS, CNN,
Japan's Nippon TV, China's CCTV, Channel 4 U.K., Art Bell, and recently
on the 2-hour History channel program "Decoding The Past".

Rob now lives in Los Angeles and is working on several paranormal reality television shows.
Rob writes and produces television and film projects related to the field of consciousness.


Rob's Lecture Topics include:

The Ledgends of the
Aboriginals and the 2012 Paradigm

During his travels, Rob gathered first-hand accounts from indigenous peoples
and tribal elders in the Outback of Australia of ancient predictions of
planetary earth changes.

Having lived in Australia for a year, Rob explored the tribal traditions
and artwork of the Aboriginals to decode the inter-dimensional legacy of their
knowledge and culture. The Elders speak of a future

"Dream Time" of dramatic human changes that correlates directly with
the 2012 Mayan Calendar cycle.

This includes stunning pictures and video of the most up close
and best documented evidence ever collected.


The lecture explains the origins and complexities of the Mayan Calendar
and its inherent natural rhythms. The 13 moon 28 day calendar
enhances our health, consciousness and synchronicity.
Our modern calendar is an arbitrary means of calculating days and years
and is not in alignment with the true movements of the planets and the sun.
This causes everyone to disconnect from the natural rhythms of the universe.
Turning our backs on the movement and alignments
of the planets, something that all of the ancient civilizations
held dear, causes us to be off center in our day-to-day, year-to-year planning.
Our understanding of ourselves and our relationship
with time itself hangs in the balance.

This includes stunning pictures and video of the most up close
and best documented evidence ever collected.


This lecture explores the basics of this "emerging science".
Rob traces back UFO and "star visitors" evidence from
30,000 years ago from cave paintings, renaissance art work,
Jesus and the Virgin Mary connections,
through the current era of Roswell and the National Security State.

This includes audio from 4 presidents and stunning pictures
and video of the most up close and best documented evidence ever collected.

The Cosmic Paradigm of Sacred Places

This workshop will take you into the the mysterious anomaly photographed over the Dome the Rock
in Jerusalem, and the stunning Annunaki Artifact. This presentation will also
take a special look at the Australian aboriginals and their "star people"
legends from their distant past, as well as their current ledgens.
This will be an up-to-date and comprehensive overview of these cases,
including stunning artwork, photographs and video from around the world.

This includes stunning pictures and video of the most up close
and best documented evidence ever collected.


The E.T. and Para-normal research from the Asian, Middle Eastern, Aboriginal
and Muslim perspective, which chronicles Rob's 3 year odyssey through
25 different countries gathering first-hand accounts from indigenous
peoples and tribal elders of unexplained and paranormal components
of ancient civilizations and the historical links to the major religions
and belief systems.
This lecture will take you into the extra-terrestrial aspects
of the Islamic culture from the earliest references of alien
abductions to the "engineering" of the human race.
This lecture includes startling new information about Saddam Hussein's
deep involvement with the occult and alien aspects of the Muslim religion
and his connection to the "stargates" of the Sumerian kings.
Rob decodes the secrets of the true encounters behind the sacred texts of the Holy Koran.
This presentation will take a special look at the Australian aboriginals and
their "star people" legends from their distant past, as well as their
current contacts. Also, a revealing look at the famous Turkish Air Force
- UFO "dogfight" incident. The most up to date and comprehensive
overview of this phenomenon
including stunning artwork, photographs and video from around the world.


A "mainstream" first hand account of an adventure around the world, to the most famous
and unusual places on Earth. Includes amazing photographs and audio recordings.
This lecture describes the experiences and first hand reports of interesting
experiences with people of the Middle East, Asia, India, Nepal, Australia,
The Philippines, China, Japan, and Europe.
In a revealing way, this lecture highlights the most
interesting aspects of these countries and regions. Also included
are many practical ideas and information for the would-be traveler
to be safe, see more, and do it all for much less while having more fun.

Includes photographs (never before published) from around the world.


The overall spiritual implications of Extra-Terrestrial contact and its impact
on the global perspective.

The shifting to a larger reality and how to reconcile
this new awareness with our existing faith.

The delay of "Official Disclosure" has slowed the spiritual development of
millions of people for far too long.
True disclosure begins with personal acceptance and understanding
of our place in the universe and what that means to the survival
and evolution of the Earth and of humanity.

This includes stunning pictures and video of the most
up close and best documented cases ever collected.


The lecture describes a radio career in Australia, Kathmandu and London.
The unusual and wild stories of radio stations in foreign lands. The bizarre
situations and political unrest in developing countries.
This includes a visual travel log from Asia, India, Nepal, The Middle East,
The U.K., Turkey, Greece, Sweden, Denmark and more.
This is a first hand account of travels to the most
interesting places on the earth !

.This includes stunning pictures and video of the most up close
and best documented cases ever collected.


Real Reporting on a Real Phenomenon. The history of the E.T. presence from a journalistic perspective.
This includes recent national news and archival material from Rob's new book -
"UFOs IN THE HEADLINES Real Reporting On A Real Phenomenon."

Lost until now, the hard-hitting headlines from the mainstream press from the 1950's onward
of the biggest and most compelling UFO/E.T news stories ever published.
This includes new revelations of the 1952 Washington D.C. events, a dramatic UFO encounter during N.A.T.O's Operation Mainbrace,
and public statements about UFOs by Author C. Clarke and the Duke of Edinburgh.

Water: The Universal Conduit - by Rob Simone

The Universal requirement for life on any planet is water. From water comes
life. Learn how to harness the power of intention through water from the
ancient, esoteric traditions of Egypt and Sumeria to today's cutting edge
technology. Rob will decode the sacred power of water from past
civilizations and reveal the personal connection to the infinite that water provides everyone.

For Bookings call (614) 748 9471

or robsimonetalks"at"yahoo.com

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