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Appearances ::

Rob will be one of the judges for "Hollywood Live - Premier Artists Showcase" Aug. 30th at the Celebrity Center, Hollywood, CA, hosted by the American Society of Young Musicians - along with T. Tarantino, Dick Michaels and Jarvee Hutchison

Rob will be appearing at the EWORLD Media presentation of Prince Ali Sept. 27th at SIR Studios, Hollywood, CA, hosted by EWORLD Media

Rob will be speaking at the X-Conference

April 18th - 20th 2008
Paradigm Research Group is pleased to announce it will again bring together in the Washington metro area a powerful group of speakers to focus on the governmental, political and media aspects of 60+ years of engagement and societal denial - exopolitics.
Collectively, the X-Conferencespeakers hold enough knowledge of exopolitical phenomena and government involvement with this phenomena to end the government imposed truth embargo tomorrow. All it would take is for the political leaders and the political media to pay attention. And yes, once again they will be invited, too.
Rob will be interviewed on News Talk CFRB 1010 am in Toronto and CJAD 800 am in Montreal Oct 1st.

Rob will be interviewed on Eye to Sky Radio Program with Dee Andrew Sept. 31st

Rob appeared on FOX's KTVU San Jose. Aug 26th

Los Angeles talk radio consciousness,science and phenomenon
Rob's new book Strange But True News


Rob Simone will be speaking on Sunday, June 21st 11 AM along with Dr. Masaru Emoto, Dr. Len Horowitz and many others.

Rob's Lecture topic:

Water: The Universal Conduit - by Rob Simone The Universal requirement for life on any planet is water.
From water comes life. Learn how to harness the power of intention through water from the
ancient, esoteric traditions of Egypt and Sumeria to today's cutting
edge technology. Rob will decode the sacred power of water from past
civilizations and reveal the personal connection to the infinite that water provides everyone.

Download the FREE Media player for FREE TV, Movies, Podcasts all in High Definition!

Rob will be speaking at the Conscious Life Expo Sat. Feb 14th - 6PM

Rob Will Appear on Kerrang Radio, The UK's Largest National Radio Network
discussing his new book. Aug. 13th

Rob Simone to Speak in Los Angeles and Orange County, CA This Week

Rob will be presenting a multi-media lecture about his new book "UFOs In The Headlines Real Reporting on a Real Phenomenon"

revealing never before seen news reports and information on

key UFO proponents like: Sir Author C. Clarke, Hillary Clinton and The Duke of Edinburgh.

- The history of the E.T. presence from a journalistic perspective -
The Lecture will include rare footage, photographs, images and newsreels.

TUESDAY, Sept 16th - L.A. Mufon 8:00 - Public Welcome
Unitarian Universalist Church
(Inside the Fellowship Hall)
12355 Moorpark St..
Studio City, CA 91604

WEDNESDAY, Sept. 17th - MUFON of Orange County - Public Welcome

Neighborhood Community Center 145 Park Ave, Costa Mesa, CA 92627

Rob Simone is featured in the new DANTE'S INFERNO - DOCUMENTARY

The Dante's Inferno Documentary, Produced by Boris Acosta, now in post-production, started filming in Italy in February, 2008 and ended in the United States in August, 2008.
{Rob Discusses the appearance of NIMROD in the Inferno and the historical perspective of his allegory}

Rob Will ge a guest on the Nation-wide radio program "Coast to Coast AM" with George Noory - March 25th

Rob will be speaking at the the National
Congress in Laughlin Nevada Feb 23rd - March 1st.

Rob will be appearing at the Launch Event
June 21st, 2008 at the Los Angeles Convention Center
for World Peace For Life.

Rob will be speaking about 2012 and the Aboriginal of Australia
at the Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles, CA

Rob will be speaking about the "Transitions of Cultural Consciousness"...in Atlanta Georgia,
as part of The Earth Revelations 2012 Series March 24th and 25th click here

Rob will be speaking at the Bay Area UFO EXPO on his research into
EXO-Politics and the Metaphysical aspects of ancient cultures.

Rob will be speaking at the X-Conference

SEPT. 14th - 16th 2007
Paradigm Research Group is pleased to announce it will again bring together
in the Washington metro area a powerful group of speakers to focus on the
governmental, political and media aspects of 60+ years of engagement and
societal denial - exopolitics.
Collectively, the X-Conferencespeakers hold enough knowledge of
exopolitical phenomena and government involvement with this phenomena to
end the government imposed truth embargo tomorrow.

All it would take is for the political leaders and the political media to
pay attention. And yes, once again they will be invited, too.

Submit you email for news and special announcements

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