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A.I.R. ::
Listen LIVE to this fascinating, commercial-free programme Mondays 11:30pm - 1:30am London time on 104.4 FM - in LONDON OR free, ONLINE, from anywhere in the world. (Mondays 3:30-5:30pm PST USA)
Host Rob Simone travels the world to find the most interesting people on the planet. Topics include consciousness, science, phenomenon and more. Rob produces his two-hour show from Los Angeles. It can be heard on 104.4 FM and online world-wide.

The Association of Independent Researchers (A.I.R.) is dedicated to represent the contributions of researchers to the media in an attempt to further the understanding of emerging sciences.

A.I.R was founded by Rob Simone in 2002, since then A.I.R. has represented over 100 independent researchers in areas of exo-biology, new phsyics, archeology, advanced propulsion and more.

For more information about membership and questions call our Los Angeles Office:
(614) 748-9471 between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm
Monday - Friday Los Angeles time.


East Coast Bis. Office: P.O. Box 9

Lafayette Hill, PA 19444

Rob’s new book AROUND the WORLD and BEYOND will be published soon.
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