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Book ::

Around the World and Beyond

by Rob Simone

Rob’s new book AROUND the WORLD and BEYOND will be published soon.

Rob has finished the manuscript of "Around the World and Beyond"

This is the true account of Rob's experience bringing lawsuits against the U.S. Government to release classified documents
relating to the UFO cover-up. Then an around the world adventure that would go through the Outback of Australia,
the Himalayas in Nepal, through Asia, into the Middle East, to the Great Pyramids at Giza,
rediscovering the Ark of the Covenant, exploring mystical dimensions and meeting the Dalai Lama.

Traveling through 25 countries interviewing indigenous peoples and tribal elders about the unexplained and paranormal
components of ancient civilizations and their historical links to major religions and belief systems.
There is a special focus on the folk legends and supernatural aspects of Islam and the Holy Koran.
This included surviving dangerous battles in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and the warring factions in Yemen.
There is also a compilation of interviews from the past six years of Rob's broadcasting career in Australia, Nepal and London.
This includes highlights of the most amazing moments in talk radio. This new book is the product of over ,
10 years of research and travel to the most mysterious and sacred places on Earth.

Publisher inquiries welcomed -


Rob Simone is an award-winning media personality and accomplished TV and radio producer.
In addition, Rob has authored 2 books and is a featured writer for FATE magazine.

In the late 1990's Rob began working with Peter Gersten Esq. and the civil activist organization,
C.A.U.S. which was featured regularly on Art Bell and countless other radio and TV programs
nationally and internationally due to the organization's use of the legal system
to end the government's secrecy and cover up of black budget programs and instillations.

Rob became the worlds first "Para-normal Para-legal" collecting affidavits, eye-witness
testimony and photographic evidence for FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests for
various law suits brought against the D.O.D. (Dept of Defense) and the Federal Government.

This involved liaisons with many other research groups, coordination of media, direct contact
with witnesses, government insiders and high-level military officials whose stories can now be told.

Then, a 3 year trip around the world to the most mystical sacred and powerful places
on Earth investigating local, cultural and historical links to the unexplained components
of many ancient civilizations and belief systems. This included gathering first-hand
accounts from indigenous peoples and tribal elders of the components of
ancient civilizations and the historical links to the major religions and belief systems.

Rob has hosted radio shows in Australia, Katmandu Nepal on HBC FM, and currently
in London England on 104.4 FM where he talks with the most interesting people on the planet.

Rob was recently included in FATE Magazine's "Top 100 Ufologists" list
along with Zecharia Sitchin, Dan Aykroyd and Steven Spielberg.

Rob is Executive Director of Universal Sound and Light Productions and founder of A.I.R.
The Association of Independent Researchers. Rob now lives in Los Angeles where he
continues to produce radio and television projects related to the field.

Rob has been featured in FATE Magazine, FOX NEWS, CNN,
Japan's Nippon TV, China's CCTV, Channel 4 U.K., and recently
on the 2-hour History channel program "Decoding The Past".

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