Click below to learn more about quartz


Physical Properties

Uses of Quartz

Relative value and Worth

Mineral Composition group and Chemical Formula

History and Folklore

Where quartz is found

Crystalline Structure



Sarah Sorden March 2002


Have you ever found peices of gems in the earth and think you were rich, not knowing any better? What you probably had found was quartz. Quartz is the most common mineral. It can be found in most rocks, and did you know that almost all the sand on earth is made up of grains of quartz? Quartz has a crystalline structure. It is six sided and has sharp pytamids at both ends. It is very hard to find perfct examples of this but when you do it is also going to be transparent. When quartz is translucent of opaque that tells you that the crytstals are too small to be seen.Because they are so common you might think that they are worthless. Actually some types of quartz is valubale to both industry and as gemstones.

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